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Unexpectedly, the militant looked at him and smiled, then walked over, and shot him directly in the head. The American man fell to the ground in an instant, his eyes widened, and the people behind him screamed in shock. .

"Damn it, don't pretend to be ordinary in front of me. What I hate the most are Americans, and I will kill you."

For a while, no one dared to speak anymore. No one knew what the purpose of these militants was. Now everyone dared not act rashly and could only follow their demands.

Soon the rest of the militants jumped into the car, this was the first time Li Xiaoman and the others had encountered such a situation, and the whole car was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made people sick.

The vehicle turned around and started heading towards the base. Because the distance was not too far, Qingyuan also heard the explosion, and he immediately became alert the moment he heard the explosion.

This is the main mine of 84 blasting! Qin Yuan had a bad premonition in his heart. Since the rebellion was quelled in country C, the whole country has been in a relatively peaceful state. How could there be such a blasting grenade all of a sudden?

Qin Yuan noticed that the guards at the door became vigilant immediately after hearing the explosion. He originally planned to go to the place where the explosion occurred, but he decided to observe the situation first.

He lay motionless on the wall opposite, and after ten minutes, the bus with a broken windshield slowly drove over. Qin Yuan took a closer look, isn't this the vehicle that Li Xiaoman and the others are riding in?

He carefully looked inside the car. Apart from the few researchers in front, there were also a few heavily armed militants, followed by two vehicles.

What's the situation? How was it hijacked?

The bus quickly arrived at the gate of the base. The militants inside were very arrogant and wanted to rush in with a kick of the gas pedal. At this time, the guards in front also rushed over and confronted them.

"Drop your weapons! Come down!"

"Hahaha! What are you talking about?"

The militants lifted the person in charge just now, put their guns on his head, and shouted at the people in front, "Show me clearly, open the door now, if you don't cooperate, then I will kill someone."

The guards in front did not dare to act rashly. How could they be allowed in under such circumstances, but they had hostages in their hands.

"Wait first, don't be impulsive, I will go to our leader now, I need the leader to negotiate with you."

"Stop fucking nonsense and open the door now."

The militants were very emotional, and they were not given a chance to think about it at all, and they were asked to open the door now.

But the guards in front said that they did not have permission to open the door. This one was connected by a computer host, and the door would only be opened with the approval of the leader above.

The militants couldn't believe it. The person in charge next to him was about to cry. He quickly explained that the door really needs the consent of the leader, and they don't have permission.

The militant was a little unhappy when he heard this, cursed, and then discussed with the person next to him.

After a few minutes, he asked the guards to call the leader quickly, and only gave them five minutes to open the door, otherwise he would kill one person in one minute, until he killed all the people in the car.

The guards didn't dare to delay, so they hurriedly reported to the leader.

At this moment, Qin Yuan has quietly walked around to the back.

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