At this time, a staff member came in to inform the leaders of their countries to collect the study materials and exchange them this time. They need to sort out these materials and submit them in a unified way. We will discuss them at the meeting tomorrow.

Qin Yuan explained and walked out. Li Xiaoman got up to get food for Qin Yuan. Although the food here is in the form of a buffet, each food has a corresponding portion, and everyone just takes it as needed.

It can only be that they are a little stingy here, so many people have to be counted on a head-to-head basis, and a small plate of fruit has to be cut into small portions and released in small portions.

So Li Xiaoman was worried that when Qin Yuan came back, there would be nothing delicious left, so he picked up the dinner plate to fetch things for him.

She walked over to look at the fresh watermelon and took a plate, and the beef next to it and took another plate of shrimp. When she passed by those Americans, a few Americans suddenly made a mocking sound.

"Look, I just said that these yellow-skinned monkeys like to take advantage of it very much. If one person wants to take so much, can she finish it?"

"Hahaha, they said before that I didn't believe it, but it seems that it is true. It's really bad luck to be with these yellow-skinned monkeys."

Although they used the local language, Li Xiaoman could hear it clearly. She was very angry, turned around and asked directly,

"What were you talking about?"

"Oh, it seems that she understands, hahaha, I thought these yellow-skinned monkeys had low IQs, and they basically couldn't understand what we said."

It was too much, and several researchers from Yanguo hurried over. This was simply a provocation, clearly bullying them.

"Apologize to us right now."

However, those few people didn't have the slightest intention of repenting. Instead, they looked indifferent and ate their food on their own.

Li Xiaoman is not that good, she swallowed her anger, and she slapped the table hard, "Apologize to us immediately, do you know what you just said? As a scientific researcher, I have received higher education, and you have such thoughts, I really feel very sorry." shameful."

"Sorry! But we didn't mention you, did you hear me mention you? You have to imagine it yourself, what's none of my business?"

The blond-haired man in front had an indifferent expression on his face, he really deserved a beating, Wang Wei really wanted to step up and beat him up, but Li Xiaoman held him back, telling him not to be impulsive.

After all, they are in a foreign country now, so it would be impolite for them to act rashly, so let's wait until the captain returns.

Seeing Li Xiaoman and the others leave, these Americans were even more proud, thinking that they were too timid to fight them head-on.

Everyone just didn't want to cause trouble. After a while, Qin Yuan came back and found that the atmosphere was not right.

But Li Xiaoman shook her head, saying that there is no problem. After all, it was just a small episode, and she didn't want to affect everyone because of this incident. There are more important things to do later.

He quickly changed the subject and focused everyone's attention on the information. This information was provided by them from country C. This is their latest research, which is why this academic discussion is held.

It's just that everyone was confused when they saw this research material, because this research material is all written in their language.

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