"Xi Yan, maybe His Highness is right." Hu Die's voice was hoarse and her hands and feet were cold.

If there was something wrong with Xiyan's blood, how could the child be spared?

"It just couldn't stand up, but it wasn't dead, right?" Gu Xiyan argued.

"But it can't stand up anymore, just like a person is sick." Hu Die hoped that Gu Xiyan could wake up.

"People's illnesses can be cured, as long as you give them some time and find a good doctor." Gu Xiyan was stubborn: "You can't let the young master know about the little experiment we just did."

Hu Die felt that Zhou Mu knew that all the experiments had the same result. She also felt that Gu Xiyan could not keep the child in her belly, but she did not dare to say this, otherwise Xiyan would fall out with her.

Gu Xiyan didn't sleep even after lunch, so she sat in the yard and watched the chickens' reactions.

The chicken was indeed not dead, but it couldn't stand up and looked very weak.

Hu Die sat next to her: "If there's anything interesting to see, you'd better go take a lunch break and I'll help you keep an eye on it."

Although she didn't know whether Xiyan could give birth to the child, she knew that Xiyan was pregnant and had been sleepy recently.

Gu Xiyan shook her head: "I want to see if it can stand up."

She was suddenly shaken.

Not everyone is as tough as Zhou Mu and can withstand such torture. If her child had to suffer like Zhou Mu when he was born, was her persistence necessary?

"I'll just keep an eye on it for you."

Just as Hu Die spoke, she saw Gu Xiyan put the chicken in Chunhua's hand: "You put it in an inconspicuous place and don't let the young master see it."

"Indeed. If you hide back in the Marquis Mansion, His Highness will definitely come to you. If His Highness comes and sees this chicken, he will think of other things..."

Gu Xiyan turned around and went back to the house. She felt that Hu Die was actually quite smart, but was a bit slow in matters of love.

Gu Xiyan couldn't fall asleep until she heard Zhou Mu's footsteps, and she knew there was still a tough battle to fight.

Zhou Mu thought a lot before coming to the Hou Mansion. He was thinking of simply letting her give birth to the child. Since she liked it, there was nothing she couldn't do to have a baby, but when he thought that his mother would be gone after giving birth to him, he didn't dare to take such a risk.

When he saw Gu Xiyan lying with her back to him, his steps became heavy.

"Come home with me." He sat down on the edge of the bed and said to Gu Xiyan, "I know you're not sleeping."

Gu Xiyan thought that she just didn't want to talk to him.

"Do you want me to carry you out of the Hou Mansion?" Zhou Mu said patiently.

Gu Xiyan turned back and glared at him: "If you dare to touch the child in my belly, I will never go back with you for the rest of my life. It's better to just let go now."

Zhou Mu frowned, feeling that the word "harmony" was particularly harsh.

"Don't be willful and come home with me." Zhou Mu softened his tone.

Gu Xiyan smiled instead of getting angry: "Is it you who are willful or mine? If you hadn't wanted to kill my child, would I have moved back to the Prince's Mansion? I won't go back to the Prince's Mansion. They are all your people there. I I’m afraid you’ll do harm to my child!”

There was nothing to hide anyway, his thoughts were obvious, she must stay in the Hou Mansion.

"I'll take you home."

When Zhou Mu stepped forward, Gu Xiyan suddenly shouted at him: "You are not allowed to come over, otherwise I, I, I will hit the wall!"

The old lady and Marquis Wan Qing had just walked into the courtyard when they heard Gu Xiyan's roar coming from inside.

Both mother and son's expressions changed, and they rushed into the bedroom to see what was going on.

Zhou Mu heard the footsteps and turned back as if nothing had happened: "Xi Yan had a quarrel with me. It was just a minor issue. I will take her back to the Prince's Mansion."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xiyan said: "I'm not going back. I want to stay in the Hou Mansion for a while. You go back first!"

Marquis Wan Qing and the old lady looked at each other and felt that Gu Xiyan was so bold that she dared to speak to Zhou Mu like this.

The old lady tried to smooth things over and said: "Since His Highness the Crown Prince has personally come to take the Crown Princess back to the Prince's Mansion, it means that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince cares about the Crown Princess. How can a couple not quarrel? If not, the Crown Prince will go back to the Prince's Mansion with His Royal Highness first. What can you say? Speak carefully to His Highness the Crown Prince."

As soon as she said this, Marquis Wan Qing answered: "It is rare for the Crown Princess to return to the Hou Mansion, so I think it is better to let the Crown Princess stay at her parents' house for a few days before going back. What do you think, Your Highness?"

Zhou Mu looked at Gu Xiyan. Gu Xiyan looked away from him. He could only retreat and beg for mercy: "That's it. I'll stay with you at the Marquis Mansion tonight, and you can go back with me tomorrow."

"Who wants to go back with you?" Gu Xiyan choked him.

He wanted to kill her child, but she wouldn't follow him back.

"The Crown Princess must not be disrespectful to His Highness the Crown Prince!" the old lady advised nervously.

"This is the couple's relationship between Xi Yan and I. The old lady should not meddle in other people's business." Zhou Mu said to the old lady lukewarmly.

The old lady felt that she was obviously disliked by Zhou Mu.

"Since it's just a quarrel between husband and wife, let His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess resolve it themselves." Wan Qinghou looked at the old lady and signaled that they could leave, so as not to be disliked here.

The old lady listened to the advice and followed Wan Qinghou out of Xiyuan. She whispered: "The Crown Princess is disrespectful to His Highness. Aren't you afraid of making His Highness unhappy?"

"Didn't mother see it? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince listens to the Crown Princess in everything. Otherwise, he would not have rushed over to take the Crown Princess back to his home as soon as possible." The old god Wan Qinghou seemed to be there.

With Sister Xi's ability, she will only eat His Highness to death.

Seeing that Marquis Wan Qing was so sure, the old lady stopped worrying unfoundedly.

In Xiyuan, Zhou Mu and Gu Xiyan faced off for a long time. In the end, Zhou Mu was defeated: "We will think of a solution slowly. You follow me back home first."

"I said I wanted to stay in the Hou Mansion for a while. The young master is still in the inspection period, and I will go back with him only after seeing his sincerity." Gu Xiyan had her own insistence.

Zhou Mu might be using a gentle policy towards her to trick her into returning to the Prince's Mansion.

She was afraid that if she returned to the Prince's Mansion, she would have no way to escape, so she had to act cautiously.

Zhou Mu had nothing to do with her, so he decided to stay overnight in the Hou Mansion before making any plans.

The two couples used to be happy together when they were together, but tonight it was completely the opposite.

Whenever Zhou Mu gets close to Gu Xiyan, Gu Xiyan will stay away from him vigilantly, which makes Zhou Mu feel unhappy.

"Do you think you can prevent me from doing anything to you?" Zhou Mu looked at Gu Xiyan coldly, his eyes almost falling on her belly.

Gu Xiyan was busy covering her stomach: "How about we separate temporarily?"

He made her hairy in front of her.

Zhou Mu laughed angrily at her: "Why don't you just say goodbye?"

"It's not impossible. After we are divorced, the child belongs to me alone and has nothing to do with you. You can no longer take advantage of my child—"

"Gu Xiyan, why don't you raise the tiles to the sky?!" Zhou Mu was furious and stepped forward, grabbed Gu Xiyan and dragged her towards him.

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