Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 713: Bone Eating Giant Ant

?When Da Sheng came to a raised mound, this guy didn't know where to find a stick. It was inserted into the mound at once, and when it pulled the stick out, something that made Li Mo feel numb all over his body appeared. I saw that the sticks were densely covered with black things. When Li Mo came closer, I could see clearly. Those black things turned out to be ants that were several times larger than ordinary ants!

But what made Li Mo feel sick was still behind. Da Sheng even opened his mouth to eat the ants. Then the stick was inserted into the mound again, and after a while, it had inserted all the mounds around it. Finally, contentedly, he returned to Li Mo, pulled Li Mo, and jumped onto the big tree.

"Fuck! This place turned out to be an ant's den. Why didn't you guy say breakfast earlier? I'm terrified!"

Facing Li Mo's complaint, Dasheng didn't pay attention to him, and still stared at the mound after returning to the tree. It seems to be waiting for something to appear!

"Hey! Am I talking to you? What are you looking at?"

Li Mo saw that it didn't respond and looked at it with his eyes.

After a few breaths, the sand above the mounds inserted by the Great Saint seemed to shake slightly. After a while, a large number of giant ants climbed out several times larger than the ants eaten by Dasheng just now! And they even have energy flashes on their bodies, all of which are the strength of first-level monsters, and occasionally there will be ants of second-level monster strength!

"I depend! This... this is a giant ant!"

Due to the huge size of these ants, Li Mo finally saw what they looked like. The black body and two jaw pliers like iron tongs are particularly eye-catching. Li Mo found the information of this group of guys in memory.

In addition to the two huge jaws on the side of the mouth, these guys can also spray formic acid from their tails, which is very corrosive and is a tough opponent!

"Let's run fast, these guys will chew us up with no bones and scum left!"

Li Mo was so anxious in his heart that he would run when he pulled the Dasheng. Although the level of these bone-eating giant ants is not high, but their number is too large. This is why they can survive deep in the misty forest!


At this time, Da Sheng seemed to agree with Li Mo's proposal very much. After yelling twice, he dragged Li Mo onto his back and drove towards the jungle.

However, those bone-eating giant ants did not intend to let them go. The densely packed black ants chased like a black dragon, and there were more bone-eating giant ants crawling out of those mounds.

"Da Sheng, you guys are in trouble this time! You don't eat well, you have to eat these ants. Bring out all of their lads!"

Li Mo crawled on the descendants of Dasheng and said with some complaints. But it’s useless to say more, and their main task is to get rid of them quickly.


And Da Sheng was not as nervous as Li Mo, and after screaming excitedly, he still ran forward in full speed.

About a quarter of an hour later, the trees in front of them began to scarce, and a body of water appeared in front of us.

Seeing such a scene, Li Mo understood Da Sheng's intention at once.

It seems that this guy hasn't done less to steal the ants, and he shouldn't have eaten the bitterness of these giant ants. Otherwise, it will not be so dreadful when it starts! The biggest fear of bone-eating giant ants is water and fire. Dasheng should have made such a plan from the beginning!


Seeing the overwhelming large group of bone-eroding giant ants coming closer and closer to them, they had no time to consider jumping directly into the river. This water area is still very large and should be able to stop these bone-eating giant ants.

Li Mo and Da Sheng swam to the middle of the river in one breath, and then the bone-eating giant ants had come to the shore. But they did not continue to move forward, but continued to hover on the shore. Just confronted them with Li Mo!

"Haha... These guys dare not come down!"

Seeing this, Li Mo couldn't help but be overjoyed. At least now, as long as they swim to the other side, there should be no danger to their lives!

However, his joy did not last long. The erosion giant ants on the shore began to gradually spread out, crawling to both sides at a very fast speed and covering the surrounding shore for a moment! Such a move is clearly intended to trap Li Mo and them in the water!

"I depend! The IQ of this thing is so high, we can't keep it in the water!"

Li Mo exclaimed and looked away at the Great Saint.

Apparently Dasheng didn't seem to expect that these bone-eating giant ants had such a high IQ.


A moment later, Da Sheng pointed his hand at the group of bone-cutting giant ants in front of him, and kept yelling at Li Mo.

Li Mo focused his eyes on it, observed it for a while, and finally found a glimpse. He saw a special presence among these black eroded giant ant colonies. Its color is not so dark but reddish. Li Mo turned around and found that each group of giant ants with bone erosion had such a reddish color.

"Da Sheng! We have to find a way to eliminate those red ants. They should be the commanders of this group of bone-eroding giant ants, otherwise they can't have such a high IQ with their first- and second-level strength!"

Although a way to retreat the enemy was found, the question before Li Mo was how to go ashore to eliminate the few red bone-eating giant ants.

While he was still thinking hard, the patience of the army of giant ants on the shore seemed to have reached the limit and began to stir up!

"Oops! They... what are they doing..."

Before Li Mo responded, a large number of bone-eating giant ants began to crawl towards the They are like soldiers who are going to die, knowing that they will be drowned but still have no turning back. Use their bodies to pave the way for their companions, and it is bound to wipe out Li Mo and them.

Li Mo felt his scalp numb as he watched the corpses of giant bone-eating ants on the water and crawling on them in a blink of an eye. There is already a lot of chaos in my heart, holding the dragon scale and red sword in my hands to prepare to fight this group of tough guys!

Although the giant bone-eating ants stepping on the corpse of the companion to reach Li Mo, there are few left. But the water still restricts Li Mo's ability to move, and he can't give full play to all of his strength. Obviously, these bone-eating giant ants swarming in all directions are obviously overwhelmed.

Just after chopping and killing several bone-cutting giant ants closest to him, he suddenly felt something caught under his feet. Pulling hard, he was dragged into the water.


Due to the sudden occurrence, Li Mo choked on water. When he was about to wield the dragon-scale red sword and cut it down, he found out that it was Dasheng.

(End of this chapter)

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