Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 688: Victory

? "Broken!"

Li Mo shouted and immediately changed his direction when his body was about to come into contact with Chi Yan Python's large mouth with a smelly blood basin. His body flicked to the left, leaving Chi Yan Python empty. Immediately after a flip, he jumped over the huge head of Chi Yan Python.

"go to hell!"

He lifted the dragon scale and red sword high, and thrust it violently towards the red cockscomb.


A sound of metal collision came, and Li Mo's arms immediately came with a sharp pain. The tiger's mouth has also been shocked with blood, and the dragon-scale red sword fell off the ground, and the red cockscomb has no damage.


Chi Yan Python also felt threatened and began to shake his huge head. Li Mo's unsteady legs were immediately dumped and fell to the ground.

"What's going on. Why did the president tell me that the method is not useful at all!"

Li Mo immediately rose up, picked up the dragon scales and red swords on the ground and watched Chi Yan Python with vigilance.

At this time, the red flame python seemed to realize that the human being who wanted to devour the eyes was not as simple as it thought. It also temporarily stopped the attack and laid a huge snake head on the ground. He kept spitting Li Zi at Li Mo, as if thinking of ways to deal with him.

The impact was just too strong just now, and Li Mo's hands are still shaking. After a few steps back cautiously, Chi Yan Python didn't step forward, but stayed where he was. Li Mo quickly took out the signal tube Leng Yihan gave him in the storage belt.

"It seems that if you want to kill this red flame python, you can only find a mentor Leng Yihan."

Li Mo suddenly lifted the signal tube in his hand to launch, but it was still slower.


Seeing Li Mo's move, Chi Yan Python thought he wanted to attack. The huge snake tail was like a steel whip, and with a strong wind, the signal tube in Li Mo's hand was pumped out.

"I depend!"

Li Mo couldn't help but burst a swearing. Rolled in place, leaving the range that the snake tail can attack. Can't help but reveal a bit of bitter smile, if the tail just hit his hand, then he should have become a disabled person.

After one person and one python stalemate again, Chi Yan Python seems to have lost patience.

Puff puff……

With a wide open mouth, a stream of venom and poison fire spewed out. Li Mo, who was already injured, was even more embarrassed. Li Mo has applied his speed to the extreme, and can only be exhausted under the attack and has no strength to fight back.

Just when Li Mo escaped from a blast of venom from Chi Yan Python again, his eyes inadvertently saw a big tree not far away flashing.

With his keen observation, he recognized at a glance that the man was Bi Qing, the eighteenth-level warrior with Feng Qingyang.

"Haha...God is really kind to me, this time it can be saved!"

Li Mo was indifferent, still pretending to be very difficult to avoid the attack of this red flame python. It's just that while avoiding it, she is moving towards the hidden place of Biqing.

The Chi Yan Python no matter how Li Mo dodges, the venom and poison fire in his mouth are like a crazy spray without money, and he is bound to want to kill Li Mo.

In a blink of an eye, this open grassy area was eroded by venom and poisonous fire, and it smelled bad everywhere.

"It's now! You go out to me!"

Just when Li Mo was less than five meters away from the big tree hidden by Biqing, he suddenly shouted, his body jumped up and he would not know it yet, waiting for Biqing to kick the foot of the fisherman. Went out.

At that time, Li Mo did not know where he came from with such great strength. He said that a green body that was twice as heavy as him was directly kicked.


Bi Qing was frightened by this sudden foot and wanted to struggle, but because the body was still in the air, there was nowhere else to do anything.

However, the Chi Yan Python wanted Li Mo to die to the death, and did not find the existence of Bi Qing. Seeing him fly out, I just thought it was Li Mo, and continued to spit this venom and poison fire against Biqing.

"Yes! You bastard..."

After Bi Qing landed, she quickly got up and yelled at Li Mo. But before he could vent his grievances, Chi Yan Python's attack had fallen and he had to panic to avoid it.


Hiding behind the big tree, he exhaled heavily after seeing that he successfully diverted the attention of Chi Yan Python. But he didn't relax, quickly looking for a way to kill the **** scarlet python in his brain. That green body was strong but his speed was not his advantage. Li Mo concluded that he could not hold it for too long.

"Damn, why the president said the method could not kill this beast. He couldn't lie to me, he must have not stabbed himself in the correct position. He will have to try it once in a while, otherwise I'll probably explain it here today. ."

Thinking of this, Li Mo leaned out his head behind the tree. I saw that Bi Qing was still running around in circles, and that Chi Yan Python still followed. But his frequency of spraying venom and poison fire has decreased.

This caused the careful Li Mo to catch and immediately judged that the energy in the body of this red flame python had also been consumed enormously.

"Fight with you!"

When the opportunity was not lost, Li Mo immediately ran out and hurriedly chased towards Chi Yan Python.

Bi Qing was exhausted, and Chi Yan Python's attention was all on Bi Qing's body. I never thought that someone behind me was approaching me a little bit.


After only a few meters away from Chi Yan Python, Li Mo mobilized the energy left in his body this time and used his skills again.


His body reappeared on Chi Yan Python's head like a ghost, but this time he was not eager to use the dragon scale red sword to pierce the bright red cock. But carefully observed, if he missed again, the consequences are quite serious.

Looking at the bright red cockscomb, although Li Mo was calm on the surface, he was very worried.

"What! How can I kill this monster"


While Li Mo was at a loss, the red flame python under his feet once again spit a venom at the green front. At the same time, the cockscomb on the top of the head seemed to be a little stronger than before. The cockroach seemed to be breathing with dense small holes, and there was a bright red liquid oozing out of it. However, it lasted only a few breaths and disappeared again.

But this is enough, Li Mo finally knows **** it.

The dragon scale red sword in his hand raised high, waiting for it to spit venom again.

At this time Bi Qing was exhausted and sweating. He now even wants to lie directly on the ground, letting the red flame python behind him be handled. But in his mouth, he kept cursing Li Mo, who led the disaster to him.

"Fuck... bastard, old... I'm even a ghost, but... he won't let you go!"


Chi Yan Python was another bite of venom, but this time Bi Qing was finally slowed down half a beat because of lack of energy, and a trace of his right leg was stained.


The heart-wrenching howl sounded immediately, and Bi Qing held the right leg sprayed by the venom and kept rolling on the ground.

"You must die now!"

At this moment, Li Mo also seized the moment when the **** comb above the head of Chi Yan Python opened Chijian inserted it without hesitation.


Suddenly the cockscomb was pierced, and the sword body directly immersed in the brain of Chi Yan Python.


Chi Yan Python took pain, and his huge body began to twist wildly. Some of the surrounding trees were knocked down by it, and Li Mo was thrown out again by it without any escape.


After heavy landing, Li Mo climbed up hard. Quickly dragged Bi Qing still rolling on the ground to the place where Chi Yan Python's huge body could not reach.

"Ah! You bastard, it's you! I have no injustice with you, why do you want to harm me!"

Bi Qingqiang endured the pain and licked his throat to Li Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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