Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 675: Break through level 10

"Xiao Mo, you go to kill the wolf king and absorb its energy first. If it dies in a while, we won't be worth it!"

Li Mowen immediately picked up the Dragon Scale Red Sword, but the cold light flashed in his eyes. This was the first time he was injured in this world. Unexpectedly, he was still injured in the hands of the beast. Now he can’t wait to break the wolf king into pieces.


With a tragic long roar, the king of the wolf closed his eyes unwillingly. It may have no regrets if it dies in the hands of Land Rover, but it is a terrible shame for him to die in the hands of rookie who is less than tenth level in Li Mo.

A fierce energy larger than that of the green scale snake rushed into Li Mo's body. This time, Li Mo was caught by surprise.

He only felt that his body seemed to explode, and his mind was blank.


The body fell involuntarily and completely lost consciousness.

"Ah! Xiaomo, Xiaomo! You... are you okay!"

Land Rover picked up Li Mo's body and watched his terrible expression panic.

"It's done! It's done! I can hurt him now, and I shouldn't let him directly absorb the energy of this wolf king. What if it explodes and dies."

At this time, Land Rover was already sweating anxiously, but he didn't expect that his kindness would hurt Li Mo. He thought that Li Modu had absorbed five third-level monster beast wolves, and there should be no problem with this fourth-level monster beast wolf king. The big deal is a few more days of refining, but I did not expect such a situation.

"Xiao Mo, hold on! You don't have to do anything!"

Just when Land Rover didn't know what to do, Li Mo's frown in his arms suddenly spread. And also showed a very enjoyable expression.

"Huh! Okay? Are you okay? Xiao Mo, can you hear what I said? You promised me."

Land Rover shook Li Mo's body gently, but still no response.

"Isn't it refining energy!"

Thinking of the Land Rover's movement immediately stopped, he held Li Mo in a motionless manner. He knew that the refining process was extremely important, if it was disturbed. Refiners are in danger of getting into trouble.

At this time, if someone sees them like this, they don’t want to be biased.


But Li Mo is unaware of this, although he can't feel the pain just now. But still unable to wake up, consciousness still wanders in his mind.

Suddenly a little golden light appeared in front of him, and the familiar feeling immediately flooded his mind.

"Yan'er! Ao Ying! Is it you? Answer me? Is it you? Do you know how lonely I am in this strange place? Answer me..."

Li Mo's heart-breaking shouts did not respond, but the little golden light was slightly beaten.

"Ah! Yan'er and Ao Ying, I know you! You really came to this world with me. You can rest assured that you won't spend a long time. I must find a way to resurrect you! Wait for me! Wait for me..."

"wait for me……"

Li Mo sat up in Land Rover's arms with a clever body, looked at the surprised Land Rover and looked at the posture of the two. Li Moteng stood up at once.

"Lu...Land Rover mentor, what happened to me just now?"

"Your kid is so embarrassed to say, you just passed out before you know. And looking at your expression is very painful, I'm afraid you have any accidents, this is just holding you. By the way, you just said to wait for me What does it mean, who is waiting for you?"

Seeing Li Mo wake up, Land Rover's heart finally let go.

"Oh! Nothing, just a nightmare!"

Li Mo naturally couldn't tell him his secret, he could only lie.

"Well! That's good, do you feel any discomfort now?"

What Land Rover is most concerned about is Li Mo's physical condition. He did not doubt him too much, and he did not continue to question him.

"Land Rover Tutor, what do you think?"

Li Mo extended his right hand excitedly, and the powerful energy immediately gathered in his palm.

After absorbing the energy of the wolf king, although it is very painful and even fainting, it is insignificant compared to his harvest. Not only did he break through to the thirteenth level of strength in the next leap of that powerful force, but also showed the whereabouts of Liu Yan and Ao Ying in a coma, how could he not be excited?

"Ah...Thirteen! Your kid is really blessed by misfortune. This is great. We only completed the task in three days. We can finally return to the guild, and we don't need to be scared here."

Land Rover is also very excited, and also relieved. You should know that it is not a good job to bring students here to upgrade their level. Fortunately, I should say that if a student has an accident, he as a tutor can't blame him.

Li Mo naturally understood these reasons, but he did not want to leave.

Because he has no skills yet, although the guild will teach him a skill after reaching the tenth level, it is much less powerful than the inheritance skills of the monster. He wanted to stay in the misty forest until he acquired the skills passed down by the monster. Ning Que is not indiscriminate, Li Mo does not want to have any regrets in this world. Since he has become a martial artist, he has to make himself the Rover mentor, I want to find my first skill here and go! "

As soon as this remark came out, Land Rover's happy expression disappeared immediately.

"What are you talking about? Do you want to acquire the skills of a monster?"


Li Mo answered in a very positive way that Land Rover almost didn't run away!

"You stupid boy, do you know that you are lucky enough to escape the disaster. You still want to get the inheritance skills of the monster, are you crazy? Do you know how many chances to kill the monster to gain the skill? I haven’t seen the inheritance skills when I hurt the monsters now. You still take my heart back, don’t always think about the unrealistic things. Hurry back with me.”

"No! Tutor, although the probability is very low, but I still want to try it, you promise me!"

Without Land Rover's company, Li Mo knew that he could not survive in this misty forest that had unexpectedly happened. It's been three days since he entered the forest. He hasn't even seen a monster of the first or second level, and only monsters of his strength have appeared. If he fights monsters in this forest, he believes that he will soon become the monster's food.

"No, even if you want to acquire the inheritance skills of the monsters, it is not the time now. This misty forest is different from before. I don’t know what happened, and the advanced monsters have reached the edge. I met monsters of the third and fourth levels. I can protect you well, but once I encounter a monster of level 5 or level 6, I will not care about you."

Land Rover decisively rejected Li Mo's request and told him the pros and cons of it.

"No... I will never go back without acquiring the monster skills!"

Li Mo once again said firmly, his tone was beyond doubt.


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