Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 625: Earn 1 profit


The door of the room opened, and Xuanyuan Qing spooked his small head into the room. Behind him were Chen Yuanyuan, Lu Xinyue and Liu Jing.

"Qing'er, why don't you come to rest here so late?"

Li Mo was hiding behind the door, and a sudden sentence scared Xuan Yuanqing into a spirit.

"Hey...Today is a big day for you and Sister Liu Yan. We didn't have time to bless you in Xitang, so I came to see you!"

When Li Mo heard Xuan Yuanqing's words, a black line suddenly appeared on his forehead.

"You ghost girl, when I don't know what you guys are here to do? Give me all in and see how I clean up you!"

Li Mo pretended to be angry, so that he scared Xuan Yuanqing and others.

"Li Mo, don't you think we are afraid that your young couple can't sleep at night and come here to talk to you."

Liu Jing, who stood at the end, hurriedly interjected.

"Oh... You are a noisy dongfang. You said it was so impressive. Say! Who made this idea?"

When Yilai was revealed, several people covered their mouths and chuckled, and Liu Yan's blush was extremely shy.

Li Mo and Liu Yan were tossed by Xuanyuanqing and Liujing, who were the most active, until midnight. During the whole process, Lu Xinyue was also talking and laughing, and followed Xuanyuanqing to make a fuss. This made Li Mo still very happy. At least Li Mo wouldn't be so embarrassed to meet her again.

After a night of warm storage, Li Mo opened his eyes early the next morning. Looking at the charming wife lying next to her, recalling her life on the Xuan Ancient Continent in the past few years, it seemed like a world apart. However, after so much, she finally came together with Liu Yan, and everything was worth it.

Li Mo got out of bed gently, fearing to disturb Liu Yan. She has paid too much for herself for such a long time, maybe today is the most reliable sleep for her.

Pushing the door open, Li Mo walked towards the living room. Because he sensed a strong breath is approaching Xianyangzong. And he is also his old acquaintance, it is Wu Daoling, the imperial prince.

"Huh! Xiao Mo, you are not with the bride, what are you doing here here so early?"

Wanling looked at Li Mo with a smirk and said. Although Wanling is very old, Tong Xinwei often jokes with these juniors, and it is already a common thing in Xianyangzong.

"Grandma, don't laugh at me."

Li Mo scratched his head embarrassedly.

Liu Changhe and Xuanyuan invincible laughed.

"Report! Teacher Wu Daoling asks for advice."

While several people were still talking and laughing, a disciple hurriedly reported.

"It seems that Xiao Mo got up so early today, I'm afraid it's because of a visitor!"

Xuanyuan invincibly nudged his beard and looked at Li Mo with a smile.

"Grandpa, it is! I think Wu Daoling should bring us good news this time."


Wu Daoling, led by his disciples, came to the parlor.

"Teacher Wu, if you are far away, welcome to forgive your sins!"

Liu Changhe still said politely, but Li Mo and others just nodded symbolically and said hello.

"Sect Master Liu is polite. Today I come to Guizong. One is to inform you that the Nangong family no longer exists. The second is to hand this over to Li Mo for the Lord. The gift given to him by the Lord is also expected to be accepted. Yesterday evening We only knew it was Li Mo's day of great joy, but there was no time to congratulate him, but also hope Haihan!"

He said that he sent a jade box to Li Mo.

Li Mo, the destruction of the Nangong family, is not surprising. Without the Nangong cloud, the Nangong family could not be the opponent of the court. But did not expect his marriage to reach Liu Jing's ears so quickly, Li Mo really admired the well-informed court.

Reach out without laughing at people, even though Wu Daoling has done many things that were not good for Xianyang Sect before. But Li Mo was very polite to accept the gift from him.

"There is a great teacher, go back and thank Liu Jing for me."

"Where, where is the little gift?"

Looking at Wu Daoling's modest manners, Li Mo couldn't help but feel funny. Wu Zun, who is strong on the mainland, was made like this by him. Li Mo even felt a little sad for him.

"Master Tai, please sit down, but now your court has made a fortune."

"Ah... Li Mo, what do you mean?"

Wu Daoling did not understand Li Mo's words and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Haha...Teacher doesn't need to look at me like this. The Nangong family is called the first family on the mainland. What is the profound heritage of the century, and now it is destroyed in the hands of your court, presumably everything in the Nangong family has become a thing in Liu Jing's pocket. Alright!"

Wu Daoling's eyes twitched when he heard Li Mo's words, and immediately understood what he meant.

"Oh! Indeed, as you said, the imperial court did get a lot of benefits in the Nangong family. But today the Holy Spirit has used them all for infrastructure construction across the mainland, and we haven't got enough money."

"The teacher is thinking about Liu Jing wholeheartedly, and sincerely admires him. Since that is the case, then I will not say anything. It is just recently that I will go to the Imperial City and I will visit Liu Jing again. ."

There was a hint of playfulness on Li Mo's face. Nangong Family's 100-year foundation, even if all the cities on the mainland are flipped over again, it will be more than a rub. He did not believe that Liu Jing would give up such a fortune. The reason why the court came to destroy the Nangong family was to prevent the soldiers from taking advantage of the soldiers, but I did not expect that Liu Jing's appetite was still very large, and he swallowed this wealth ...Don't say anything. When Sheng Sheng left Xianyang Zong last time, his injuries were not healed and healed. I am afraid you will not see him even if you go to the Imperial City. Do you have anything else to tell me that it is better to pass it on? "

Wu Daoling was scared by Li Mo's means, although his strength would not be lost to him. But there is still a Bai Yichen in Xianyangzong. The last match has made him see the gap between him and Bai Yichen. The same as Wu Zunqiang, but it can never be the same.

"Okay! Since Taishi can represent that Liu Jing, I will open the skylight to speak brightly. If Nangong Yun is not dead, your court will have no way to deal with Nangong Family. So I want half of all the property of Nangong Family, so simple Ask Liu Jing to promise me!"

As soon as Li Mo said this, Xuanyuan Invincible and others could no longer hide their excited expressions.

However, Wu Daoling's obedient look was an iron blue face.

"Li Mo, although our court was defeated by your Xianyangzong sect. But don't forget, it's still the Liu family's calculations on this mysterious ancient continent. Are you too much if you don't realize this?"

"Excessive? Why should I hand over the destruction of the Nangong family to your court? Don't you know? Do you think our Xianyang Sect does not have that ability? The reason for this is not to calm down the fight between us. !"

Li Mo has a straight face and righteous words. But in Wu Daoling's eyes it was so cunning. It was clearly that he wanted to take advantage of the fisherman, but it made him so grand. Instead, the court seemed to owe him a lot of favor.

But Wu Daoling was afraid to speak out.

"Okay... I'm going to clarify this matter. If there is nothing else, the old man will go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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