Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 619: 8 parties to congratulate

   Li Mo looked at Liu Jing, who had lost his soul, and smiled lightly. He didn't sympathize with such a person, and he could get to the point where he is today because he took it all by himself.

   "Liu Jing knew why it was today!"

   "Hey! I didn't expect my ruler on the continent to be reduced to the point it is today. It's not impossible for Li Mo to win and let me take orders from you, but I also have the conditions!"

   "Liu Jing, you are all virtuous now. What emperor's stink shelf is still in front of us, what qualifications do you still have to talk to us about the conditions!"

When Wan Ling heard Liu Jing's words, the anger that had just been suppressed suddenly came to her heart.

   "Eh! Grandma, don't worry about letting him say."

  Li Mo hurriedly dissuaded Wanling, fearing that she might disrupt her plan because of impulse.

   And Liu Jing's expression at this time Mu Ne did not put Wan Ling's words in her heart at all. A king defeated, he knew that now he had no right to speak. Even the group of martial arts strongmen who followed him bowed their heads and said nothing of the past.

   "Li Mo, as long as you promise to continue to let my descendants succeed to the throne. I Liu Jinggan is willing to be your puppet of Xianyangzong!"

   Liu Jing now has no retreat. Now that the forces he has cultivated privately have been eliminated by Li Mo, the rest is simply vulnerable. If you want to keep your throne, you can only promise Li Mo's conditions. But Li Mo could not have been in the Xianyang Sect, or soared into the fairy world, or died. As long as the descendants of their Liu family still inherit the throne, there will still be a day ahead!

   " think about it for a long time! Well, I can promise you. In order to show your sincerity, I now have one thing I need you to do for me!"

  Li Mo smiled lightly, how could he not know what Liu Jing thought. But that's all going to happen in the future, and he hasn't had time to deal with it now. After all, strength is the most important thing on this ancient continent. As long as you have absolute strength, anyone who wants to play Xianyangzong in the future will have to weigh their weight.

   "You... did you really agree? Okay! It's a matter of words, just say what you have to do. I can do my best!"

  Seeing Li Mo agree so refreshingly, Liu Jing didn't believe his ears.

"What I want is not to try my best, but to do it. The imperial city Nangong aristocratic family has always been eyeing us Xianyangzong. It has also given me a killing order. The things I want you to do are very simple. After three days, I want Hear the news that the Nangong family has disappeared on the mainland. This matter will not be difficult for you!"

   "Wh...what? Do you want me to work on the Nangong family? This... I'm afraid I can't do it!"

  Liu Jingwen couldn't help but be surprised, he didn't know what position the Nangong family had on the mainland. Not only is the master of the Wu Emperor level like cloud, but also the absolute strong man with the strength of Wu Zunyun, Nangong Yun, sits in town. Li Mo asked him to kill the Nangong family, it would be better to kill him directly!

"I know what you are worried about. You can rest assured that Nangong Yun will not appear again, and there are very few masters in their family. I will release Wu Daoling later and let him stay with you Help you. It’s easy for him to deal with the Nangong family.

  Li Mo understated a few words, which surprised everyone around him. Even the face of a powerful man like Bai Yichen suddenly changed!

   "Xiao Mo, do you mean Nangong Yun is dead?"

  Xuanyuan asked invincible.

   "Hehe! Grandpa... I forgot to tell you when I came back. Nangong Yun has already died on the vast sea of ​​stars, and now the Nangong family is already lingering."

   "Haha... I didn't expect the old monster to be dead. It seems that our Xianyangzong has one less enemy!"

   After everyone confirmed the death news of Nangong Yun, they were relieved.

   "Nangong Yun is dead?"

  Liu Jing looked at Li Mo strangely.

   The reason why the Nangong family can become the first family on the Xuangu continent is entirely due to the existence of Nangong cloud. Its strength has completely suppressed the royal family, and has already become the nail of Liu Jing. If he can destroy the Xianyang Sect, the second goal is the Nangong family.

   "How? Do I still lie to you!"

   "No no no! Now that Nangong Yun is dead, I will definitely let you hear the demise of the Nangong family after three days!"

  Liu Jing's attitude towards Li Mo seemed to be a little respectful.

  Now that Li Mo spoke of Nangong Yun's death, it must be related to him. Who knows what means Li Mo still hides or is there any help from the peerless strong man? He now regrets his decision to attack Xianyangzong.

   "Okay, take your people away. But you have to remember what you said today, and if you let me discover that you are not right, your Liu family will completely disappear on the mainland!"

  After Li Mo finally warned Liu Jing, he and Bai Yichen and others walked towards their ancestral gate.


  It was not until Li Mo and others disappeared in his sight that Liu Jing took a breath. He calmed down his emotions a little bit, and the former emperor's sentiment reappeared again.

   "Bring Tai Shi to the carriage and return to the palace!"


   "Haha... I did not expect that the current emperor actually became a puppet of our Xianyang sect and obeyed our orders. Then can not our disciples' disciples walk across the mainland?"

   "Six Liuzi, you are wrong in saying this. Although our sect is now the first force on the mainland, you can't forget the sect's rules, bullying men and women, and cheating are all deadly sins!"

   "Hey... Brother Zhang, am I not excited for a moment? How can I do such an insulting thing."

   "Okay, let's take good care of the sect gate. The sect master ordered that it is now an extraordinary Don't take it lightly!"


  When the imperial court came to commit an attack, Xuanyuan Invincible had already opened the protection of the large sect. With the exception of Li Mo, no one knew what was happening outside. After they knew the result, they all seemed very excited. I am proud to be fortunate to join the Xianyang Sect, and can force the current emperor to do things for their Xianyang Sect. Li Mocheng is the idol of all Zongmen disciples!

   And within less than a day, the news spread throughout the continent.

   For a time, there were quite a few famous family heads or patriarchs who came to Xianyangzong to visit with their children and gifts.

   Moreover, there are many martial arts emperors who came to congratulate, hoping to get closer to Xianyangzong.


"Grandpa Qin, we still have the foresight to show our position long ago. You see the Xianyang Sect's sudden emergence has become a king above our mainland. I really don't know what Li Mo is hiding. , I was really shocked."

   After hearing the news, Xianzi happened to meet Qin Lie on the road. The two of them rushed to the road together, and the topics on their way were all Xianyangzong and Li Mo.

   "Hmm! Li Mo, child, the talent is unique and the future achievements are limitless! I am also very grateful for my original choice!"


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