Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 589: Bloody storm

"But this boy's strength is obviously only the strength of a senior warrior! How can it resist my coercion? Is there any treasure hidden in this boy's body?"

The pirate leader was hesitant, but he didn't want to be ashamed of himself under so many hands. Can only continue to press hard against Li Mo.

But Li Mo still stood in the same place without changing his face.

"His? He killed so many of our brothers. See me not throwing your broken corpses into the sea today to feed the monsters! Brothers give me!"

The pirate leader was still very clever. Before he could understand Li Mo's strength, he asked his men to try it out.

"Brothers! Kill this kid!"

At the command of the leader, ten pirates with the strength of martial arts level swarmed up immediately. Various magic weapons released a dazzling light, and smashed towards Li Mo one after another!

And Li Mo was still standing on the spot, and he didn't mean to fight back. Just stared at the pirate leader. Sacrifice out his red gold defense enchantment!


All the attacks were all outside by the enchantment. Li Mo inside was not affected in any way.


Seeing this result, the pirate leader couldn't help but sucked his tongue and waved his hand towards him. Several powerful pirates came beside him.

"Go, kill me that kid!"

"Good! Brother, just look at it!"

Several powerful general pirates sacrificed their magic weapon and came to Li Mo's surroundings, enclosing it in the middle.

"Boy, die!"

Together with the previous ten pirates, he made a fatal blow to Li Mo.

Wang Lei in the room rushed out when he saw his steel fork.

"Pharaoh! What are you doing?"

Upon seeing this, Liu Xiong pulled Wang Lei.

"Li Mo is in danger, we can't just sit back and ignore it. I'm going to save him!"

Although he knew that Li Mo was very strong, but with so many monks' full blows, he was afraid that Li Mo would suffer.

"But... even if we go out, we die in vain!"


Before Liu Xiong's words were finished, there was a shocking explosion, and they hurriedly covered their ears.

After a few moments, he and Wang Lei were completely dumbfounded.

"Wow! What... what is this?

At that time, all the pirates who attacked Li Mo fell to the ground with all seven holes bleeding, life and death unknown. Li Mo is still standing on the spot, as if nothing happened!

"Big...Big Brother! This... this kid, it's hard to stubble! We are afraid that he is not his opponent, and we also ask Big Brother to kill him and avenge so many of our brothers!"

A man next to the pirate leader said with a horrified look at his omnipotent brother.

This pirate leader doesn't want to go directly to kill Li Mo. But Li Mo not only did not fear his own coercion, but also showed the strength just now. He has now determined that the strength of this young man is definitely above himself.

"Asshole, leave me all!"

The pirate yelled angrily and stepped forward to Li Mo in front of him.

"Little brother, the head of the head of the Black Dragon Pirates. Don't know your high name?"

Many pirates saw that their eldest brother had not shot, but instead appeared very respectful and reported their names. This is not his style of behavior. He is in a mess and talks!

"Brother, what's going on today, how could this be?"

"Little voice, I'm afraid this kid's strength is above the elder brother!"

"How is it possible? How old is the kid, how powerful is he?"


"Don't he shout at the back, don't you see me talking to the little brother?

Tie Tou scolded his men, and immediately changed his face to wait respectfully for Li Mo's answer.

"Oh, it doesn't matter what my name is. Didn't you just force me to feed the corpse to the demon beast? How could it be like I've become a person now, I'm really not used to it!"

Li Moyou said. But I didn't even look at my bald head. For such a person, he has not given him a big face now that he has not shot.

"Hey... Where's the little brother, I wasn't just angry at the moment. But I think about it now, and when I go back, I'm going to dissolve the Black Dragon Pirate Group and concentrate on cultivation!"


Li Mo did not expect that this iron head actually said such a thing. But in his heart, he also praised him with some glance, knowing that he had met someone he could not offend. But when these pirates came here, Li Mo never thought about letting them go. Otherwise, how many people might be there!

Hearing the iron head, the pirates behind him blew up again.

"What? Big Brother wants to dissolve our Black Dragon Pirate Group, then how do we live on."

"Brother, what does that mean!"


"You lie behind me again, believe it or not, I will kill you all now!"

Tie Tou Sheng was afraid that his subordinates would anger Li Mo, and hurriedly turned around and reprimanded again!

"Is the iron head? Since you said that, I will save you today. As long as you kill all the pirates behind you, then I haven't happened since I am repairing it for today. ."

Li Mo smiled calmly and said to the iron head with a flattering face.

And such a calm voice is undoubtedly like a thunderbolt in the ears of the iron head.

"Wh... what? Let me kill my brother and ask me to revoke it myself? Brother, are you forcing me?"

Tie Tou's complexion turned into a cyanosis. If Li Mo only let him kill his men, Tietou might still agree. But it is impossible for him to do it for him. The Emperor Wu Xiu of this body can only get it if he has endured arduous training and ate numerous talents that he has robbed. It might as well let him die.

"Hehe...there is only one way, you can do it yourself!"

Li Mo's tone is beyond doubt.

"Huh! Your kid is so deceiving, since it is so, today I will never let you feel better even if I fight hard!"

After that, the light in his hands was great. Two ghost-headed swords appeared in his hands with a dreadful cold light.

"Boy, since you haven't negotiated, then you die!"


The iron head shouted loudly, and the double knives slashed towards Li Mo with a strong strong wind!

"Humph! Don't do it yourself."

Li Mo ignored his attack at all, but sacrificed his defensive border again. Then the unhurried sacrifice made its own Fan Tianyin. Towards those pirates!


Even Tietou didn't expect that Li Mo completely ignored his attack. Actually shot to his men.


"Oh! Run!"

Li Mo's shot was extremely Those pirates just felt a huge shadow pressed down on them. There is no chance of escape!


There was a loud bang, and the screaming stopped abruptly. All that was left were broken arms and limbs and disgusting red and white things. The scene was like **** on earth. The other pirates vomited when they saw such a situation. Although they are also extremely fierce, killing countless generations. But where have you seen such a **** scene.

After Li Mo succeeded, he immediately sacrificed the dragon scale red sword. Suddenly, the bright golden light in the sky was great. In a blink of an eye, thousands of sword shadows were transformed into the surviving pirates.

Uh! Uh! Uh...

The pirates, who had not been awakened from the shock just now, were hit again by the disaster. All stabbed by the sword shadow, turned into ashes under the scorching heat. More than one hundred pirates ceased to exist for a moment under Li Mo's strong shot!

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