Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 539: deterrence

Seeing the coming person, Liu Jing swept away the haze before his face, and replaced it with a look of ecstasy.

If it weren't for Wu Daoling's retreat to attack Wu Zun's realm, there was no protection from the super strong. How could Liu Jing face Li Mo's unreasonableness and indifference, but instead showed his favor to him?

"Haha... Congratulations to Master Tai for achieving Wu Zun!"

The two old men on the side knelt down to see the ceremony.

"Li Mo, even if you can agree to my terms, you will definitely die today! After killing you, my imperial army will immediately send troops to level your Xianyang Zong! Haha..."

Liu Jing looked at Li Mo with a terrifying look, venting his anger wildly!

It has always been forbearing because of taking into account Li Mo's strength. It's different now. With Wu Daoling, Wu Zun's strong man by his side, even ten Li Mo wouldn't be afraid anymore.

"Why? Are you scared? Haha... weren't you very arrogant to me just now? Aren't you Xianyangzong very bullish? Huh! I'll try to torture you in a hundred ways before I can dispel my heart!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister will take this person to you for disposal!"

As soon as Wu Daoling said this, Wu Zun's unique momentum immediately appeared around him.


Li Mo felt a huge coercion suddenly struck.

Although this Wu Daoling has just achieved Wu Zun, but it is not difficult to trap Li Mo.

Li Mo knew that he was not an opponent, and he wanted to hide in the Xuanyuan mirror with a flash of white light.

Wu Daoling saw Li Mo's intention at a glance, which would give him a chance to escape. A yellow light flicked directly at Li Mo's chest.


Li Mo hadn't had time to enter the Xuanyuan Mirror, his body quickly flew out! It didn't stop the figure until it hit the column in the study.


A mouthful of blood spewed out in Li Mo's mouth.

"It's fast!"

Li Mo couldn't help but burst a swearing! But it is powerless, this is the gap between Wu Zun and Wu Emperor.

It was apparent that Wu Daoling had not fully attacked Li Mo in order to leave Liu Jing alive. Otherwise, Li Mo might have become a corpse at this time.

"Huh! You go and grab Li Mo for me!"

Seeing that Li Mo was injured and fell to the ground, Liu Jing told the two martial arts strongmen around him.

And just as two martial arts emperors were about to approach Li Mo, Li Mo's white light flashed around him. Xuanyuan's invincible figure appeared and immediately protected him behind him.

Wu Daoling was surprised when he saw this.

"Who are you? It's just the strength of an intermediate Wudi. How could I not find it?"

"Well, don't talk nonsense! If you hurt my grandchildren, our Xianyangzong will do a good job with you today!"

Xuanyuan invincible looked at Wu Daoling with hate.

"Haha! It's you alone? Okay, let the old man send you the two of you together on the road today!"

After Wu Daoling finished speaking, the powerful momentum exploded again, and he rushed towards Xuanyuan Invincible and Li Mo.

"As a Wu Zun actually bullied a little, do you feel that no one in our Xianyang Sect can cure you?"

A colorful light appeared, instantly swallowing Wu Daoling's momentum! Then Bai Yichen in a white dress appeared in front of Li Mo and Xuanyuan Invincible!

"Ah! Your Excellency is..."

Wu Daoling was shocked! I am now Wu Zun, and the existence of top monks on the mainland. How could your own attack be so easily broken by your opponent!

"Bai Yichen!"


When Wu Daoling heard Bai Yichen report his name, he immediately bowed and pressed!

"Senior, the junior just didn't know that these two people are yours. If there are any offenses, please don't suggest them."

"Master, this is..."

Wu Daoling's move really shocked Liu Jing and the two Emperors of the chin.

Wu Daoling didn't even care about Liu Jing, but gave Bai Yichen a chair on the side with a pleased look.

"Do you recognize me?"

Bai Yichen looked at Wu Daoling with interest.

"Senior name is known to the mainland for a long time, and today it is a blessing for the younger generation!"

Wu Daoling, as a court prince, still has some knowledge of the powerful people on the mainland. This Bai Yichen has been a famous Wu Zun strongman for many years. How could he be comparable to Wu Zun?

"Well, since you know me, you should understand my temper too. How do you plan to deal with Li Mo's injury today?"

Bai Yichen is notoriously short guard, especially Wu Daoling injured Li Mo, how could he be lighter.

"Look, Senior, I really don’t know that you are still in Xianyang Sect. If you know it, even if you are giving me a few guts, I can’t hurt Li Mo. See if this works, Li Mo’s I’m in charge of healing. Then I persuade your majesty to never look for Xianyangzong’s troubles. What do you think?"

"Haha...Joke, do you think that if I were in Xianyangzong, would you be afraid that you would come to trouble?"

"So what do the seniors think they can do today?"

Seeing that Bai Yichen didn't buy it, Wu Daoling immediately froze. If this makes the uncle anxious, the entire palace will be destroyed.

"This matter is also very simple, Xiaomo you come to this matter and leave it to you!"

Li Mowen stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The attack by Wu Daoling just now did not cause much harm to Li Mo. But since Bai Yichen could give the decision to himself, how could Li Mo give up such a good opportunity.

"Wu Daoling, I don't have too many requests! This is for you. You only need to find all the things written above, then today the thing that hurt you is passed."

After talking, Li Mo threw a thick note to Wu Daoling! This is Lu Fang's thing, which contains thousands of rare herbs. At the beginning, Li Mo borrowed it.

"This... what is this?"

Wu Daoling took the note and opened it, and his face immediately turned into a cyanosis.

"Li Mo, this... some of these precious elixirs have even disappeared on the mainland, how can I get you all!"

"Eh! Master Tai shouldn't be humble anymore. This vast ancient continent is vast and vast! Liu Jing is the master on the continent. How could these herbs not exist in the palace. You can rest assured as long as you have all the things recorded above Bring it to me, and Li Mo swears that you will hurt me and I will never pursue it. Otherwise, you should talk to my ancestors!"

Wu Daoling's words were full of misery. Is this clearly extortion, but if you don't agree, in case Bai Yichen is unhappy, the consequences will be very serious.

Wu Daoling had no other choice. He looked back at Liu Jing and gave him the notes in his hands.

"Your Majesty, can these elixir be in the treasure house of our palace?"

Liu Jing saw that Wu Daoling was so scared of the coming people that he had no idea of ​​resistance. Can only call the next person to put together the herbs mentioned in Li Mo's notes.


In two full hours, I saw those people carrying two large boxes into the Imperial Study.

"Your Majesty, the herbs have been loaded!"

At this time, Liu Jing's heart is dripping These precious medicinal herbs are all priceless treasures!

Without saying anything, Li Mo put the two large boxes directly in the Xuanyuan mirror, and then came to Bai Yichen.

"Ancestors, can we go back!"

"Well, well, since they have met your conditions, then from now on the account will be cancelled in a lump! Let's just stop here!"

He then took Li Mo and Xuanyuan invincible and walked out the door.

Wu Daoling saw that Bai Yichen and others were about to leave, and then let go of his hanging heart!

"Congratulations to seniors!"

"Wu Daoling, from today, if you dare to invade my Xianyang Sect again! My Bai Yichen will never be so polite like today!"


A colorful light appeared at once, and the three Bai Yichen disappeared! But what he said before leaving, it has been constantly ringing in the minds of Wu Daoling and Liu Jingran!

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