Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 519: Blessed by misfortune

"Brother, don't worry too much. Master Zun will surely find Xiao Mo's whereabouts!"

After Bai Yichen left, Wanling continued to comfort Xuanyuan invincible.

"Hey! I hope Xiaomo will be no danger."

Xuanyuan looked at the horizon invincibly and said to himself. Li Mo is the most outstanding young man he has ever met. The two seem to have a relationship between grandfather and grandson. Without Li Mo, how could he have reported the genocide revenge so smoothly! Now that Li Mo is in danger and his life and death are unknown, how can he be at ease?

With a sigh, Xuanyuan left invincibly and ignored Wanling. Now all he can do is wait for the news of the Master, I hope Li Mo can come back safely!

"Hey! I'm really a fan of wealth. You can rest assured that if something happens to Xiaomo, Wanling is willing to lose her life!"

Wanling silently looked at the back of Xuanyuan's invincible departure and made up her mind!


At this time, Li Mo is also very anxious in the unknown space of this desert, and his consciousness is simply not useful here. Today's self is like a blind man in this space! He also tried to find a way out, but got nothing, the whole space is yellow sand except yellow sand!

"Ah! Do I really want to be trapped here?"

Li Mo sat helplessly on the ground and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​continuing to find an exit. Rather than aimlessly searching indiscriminately, it is better to practice here with peace of mind. Anyway, I have a space treasure like red space. Wait until my cultivation is improved, and try to open this unknown space forcibly!

Li Mo disappeared in place.

"Master! Why do you have time to see me today?"

In a red-gold long dress, Xiao Hong, who has the face of Qing Guo Qing, appeared in front of Li Mo.

"Hey! Don't mention it, we are trapped now."

Li Mo Cui head replied discouraged.

"Hehe...I know!"

"What? You know? Do you know how to get out of here?"

Li Mo's mood improved a lot in an instant! Looking at Xiaohong expectantly.

"That's nature, don't forget me, but I was the sword spirit of Xianyangzi. I haven't seen any scenes! This is actually the real Xumi Cave. What you saw before was just the Xianyangzi avatar. It’s just an illusion. If you learn his martial arts, he will disappear, and the fantasy will no longer exist!"

Li Mo heard that he patted his forehead heavily.

"Oh! I'm really stupid when I get home, how can I forget you! Xiaohong, since you know this place so much, you must know how to go out. Hurry up and tell me, we can leave this ghost place as soon as possible!"

"Master, don't worry! Listen to what I said. When the Xianyangzi avatar disappeared, the space here has collapsed and collapsed. The exit connected to the outside world is gone. Where we are now should be It’s in space debris! So if you want to go out, there is only one way..."

"Xiaohong, hurry, hurry! I'm in a hurry."

"That is honestly practicing here to the realm of Emperor Wu, maybe it may be possible to forcefully tear open the space and escape. Or someone outside can find this place and forcefully open the space outside! But the second kind The probability is almost zero, because the space channel here has been destroyed. Now this space debris is like a dust, floating in the world, it is difficult to be discovered!"

Hearing Xiaohong's words, the fire of hope reignited in Li Mo's heart was once again ruthlessly extinguished. It seems that as I thought, I can only improve my cultivation and forcefully open this space.

"You're so light, I'm just the strength of the junior martial spirit, how can it be so easy to break through to martial arts level!"

"Master, you don't have to worry too much! Didn't you find that your strength hasn't changed after you learned Fengshen legs?"

Xiaohong's words awoke Li Mo.

"Yes! As long as I learned the martial arts strength of Senior Xianyangzi, you would have said that I almost forgot this thing. Then why am I still a junior martial spirit this time? ?"

"Master, you are really stupid. Can you feel the existence of the spirit of heaven and earth in such a desolate place?"

Li Mowen hurriedly sensed the concentration of heaven and earth in the air outside. But as Xiaohong said, there is no aura at all. It's no wonder your own practice will stand still.

"No! There is no aura of heaven and earth here, how can I practice?"

"Master, I think you are in a hurry, your brains are in a hurry! Although there is no heaven and earth aura here, don't you have so many medicines?"

"Oh! Look, I'm really anxious.

All the elixirs refined by Lu Fang are still on their own!

With such a reminder from Xiaohong, Li Mo is not wasting time, taking out all the potions that can increase the spiritual power stored in the Xuanyuan mirror and starting to take them one by one.

The entrance to the Elixir of Medicine turned into a powerful energy to directly walk around his strange scriptures and eight veins, and then it was transformed into pure spiritual power towards the field of Dantian.

In the past of one minute and one second, Li Mo was always calm and closed his eyes!


At this time, Bai Yichen, who was dressed in white, stood hand in hand at the entrance of Xumi Cave, which had become a ruin. Carefully looking for clues.

"Sure enough, some seniors have set the ban again. It seems that someone inadvertently touched the organ in the cave and caused the space inside to collapse. If Li Mo is still alive, it must be trapped in it. Among the space debris!"

Bai Yichen is worthy of being a super powerhouse of Wu Zun level, and the mystery can be seen at a glance. I just want to find Li Mo among the many space debris! First of all, there must be a strong mental force to feel the existence of space debris, and secondly, it must be forced to open the space debris in the outside world, so that trapped talents may escape into life.

Bai Yichen no longer delayed, and immediately sat cross-legged. Although it is unclear whether Li Mo is still alive, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must do our best!

Bai Yichen used his powerful consciousness to cover the entire mountain range so as not to disturb anyone. In addition, he released his own spiritual power and felt the existence of space debris in the cave!

"Eh! Why is there no space debris in this hole? Is it because I'm late and the space debris has completely disappeared?"

Bai Yichen looked sadly at the entrance of the cave. If this were the case, even if Li Mo did not die when the space collapsed, then he would disappear with the space debris and turn into dust!

"Hey! Such a child with potential, just so..."

Thinking of the spiritual power of Bai Yichen here, I suddenly felt a trace of familiar spiritual power fluctuations in the hole! It is Li Mo's breath!

"Haha...Your kid is really Not only did he not be crushed by the collapse of space, but also broke into the realm of Emperor Wu in one fell swoop!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Yichen's heart was fixed, and his figure disappeared in a flash. The next second has appeared in front of a pulsating dust with spiritual power!

"I said that I didn't detect it. I didn't expect this space debris to be hidden in this dust! It seems that the master of this cave is not as good as I can match."

Bai Yichen laughed bitterly at himself, and immediately entered his huge spiritual power into the dust!

boom! There was a loud noise and the dust in the cave was spitting.

"Oh my god, it's finally out! I'm exhausted."

Boom! A figure in the dust smoke sat on the ground for a moment, panting and looking exhausted!


(End of this chapter)

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