Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 512: gain a foothold

Seeing that the strongest Liu Lao has become so embarrassed, the remaining two Wuhun strong men, who dare to continue their stay, have retreated.

"Lao Liu, what happened to you just now?"

"I don't know, I just feel a force of tyranny attacking me!"

Liu Lao was shocked, staring at the place where he had just been attacked. But what puzzled him was that there was nothing there!

"I don't think it should stay here for a long time, it's better to go back and report to the prince, send more people to come over!"

"Hey! It seems that this can only be done. When I go back to the newspaper, you two must be optimistic about this. Do not let others get ahead first, and attack on their own, there must be some kind of Lingbao!"

After he finished speaking, Liu Lao turned into a streamer, and until now he still thinks that there must be something strange here!

And just after the remaining two strong men watched away from old Liu, they were ready to come back to continue their investigation.

Li Mo's figure appeared in front of the two!

"Li...Li Mo! Why are you here!"

Both thought that he was attracted by the vision from the treasure.

"Aren't you going to kill me that night?"

Li Mo pointed at the junior martial spirit and showed a disdainful smile!

"Humph! What about killing you! Don't forget that we are still two people now!"

"Oh! Then you better look back, where is your companion!"

The junior martial arts strongman looked back and only saw a white-haired old man standing behind him! My companion has fallen to the ground, life and death are unknown!

"Ah! You... who are you!"

The ability to solve the intermediate martial arts strongman silently can be imagined.

This junior martial arts strong man looked at Xuanyuan invincible in horror.

"Humph! Is the name of the old man also known to you, a villain? Tell me why you are here!"

Xuanyuan invincible yelled, and the coercion of the intermediate Wudi directly enveloped him!

"Ah! Seniors are forgiving, forgiving! Little... The villain is called Liu Yuan to come out to look for your traces at the order of King Gongxian. Seeing that there is a vision here, just... come and see. I hope to forgive sins!"

"Grandpa, I have just returned to a newspaper. I will see that Liu Duo will come in person for a while. I might as well use this opportunity to eradicate him in one fell swoop!"

There was a cold light flashing on Li Mo's face, but he hated Liu Duo now.

Xuanyuan invincible is not a person who is afraid of things. He agrees with Li Mo's proposal very happily. The masters around Liu Duo have basically been captured by them, and now is the best time to deal with him!

Li Mo and the two returned to Zongmen, and arranged all the matters, just waiting for Liu Duo to throw himself into the net!

Half a day later, an army composed entirely of martial monks had more than 200 people. Coming towards the mighty mountain range where Xianyangzong is located!

"Master, look at the hillside in front of you, and that vision appeared there. I have let Liu Yuan guard them!"

Liu Lao looked at Xianyangzong with a pleased face, and said to Liu Duo respectfully.

"Liu Yuan! Grandpa won't come out until you kiss..."

No matter what Liu Lao called, there was no response.

"Master, this..."

"Humph! You idiots, we've hit the jackpot!"

After Liu Duo finished speaking, he was about to withdraw his horse head!


"Since the prince is already here, why leave in such a hurry?"

Uh! Li Mo's figure appeared in front of Liu Duo.

call! All weapons in Liu Duo's imperial guards pointed to Li Mo.

Li Mo glanced at the group of soldiers like ants, and dismissed it at all!

"Li Mo? It turns out that all these are the ghosts you made!"

"Hey, the prince is bad. This is because you are greedy and you can't blame me! It's just that you are also looking for me. Why don't I calculate this account between us today?"

Liu Duo shivered as soon as this remark came out! Although there is only a senior martial arts strongman beside Liu Lao, he is more than enough to deal with Li Mo alone. But looking at Li Mo's self-confidence, he was also afraid of Li Mo's helpers!

"Li Mo, what do you want? Don't you want to kill this king!"

"Kill you? If you kill me now, if you want to kill you, you're already dead! Can you still talk to me here?"

"Since you don't kill me, then let this king leave!"

Liu Duo is also a person who has seen the big scene. Even in this situation, he still has not laid down his identity as the prince, and said to Li Mo with the tone of command.

"Haha...Liu Ze, call you the prince twice, do you really think you are amazing? Have you not figured out what is happening now?"

"Huh! Li Mo, on your own, dare to speak out loud? I want to see how you left me today!"

With that said, Liu Duo glanced around from time to time!

"Liu Duo, my Liu family is loyal to you, and Liu Changhe has worked for you for so many years! I didn't expect you to send heavy soldiers to encircle my Liu family! You did make me feel so cold!"

Liu Changhe's figure also appeared on the hillside, looking at Liu Duo with an angry look!

"Changhe, don't listen to Li Mo's encouragement. This king is not thin for you for so many years. If it were not for Li Mo's sake, how could I send troops to siege Yiyang County!"

Liu Duo was not surprised by Liu Changhe's appearance. They are also what he expected!

"Huh! You don't have to say anything, Liu Duo, don't you know what kind of person I am, Liu Changhe still don't know? You are just afraid of Xiaomo's forces threatening you to rule. I was really blind, actually Help you do this for so many years!"

Liu Changhe broke Liu Duo's mind in one word.

"Liu Changhe! Don’t forget who has been supporting you for so many years. Without me, how could your Liu family become the largest family in Yiyang County! Now you dare to commit a crime because of a Li Mo, if this thing is to let the emperor Do you know the consequences after you know it?"

"Liu Duo, it is useless to say more. Your kindness to my Liu family is nothing more than using me to do things for you. My Liu Changhe has paid off for so many years, and we will not owe each other from now on!"


When Liu Duo heard Liu Changhe's words, he was already speechless and his face was blue!

"Since you prefer to be with such thieves as Li Mo, then don't blame this king! Old Liu Liu won me Liu Changhe!"

Liu Duo has nowhere to go now, but if Liu Changhe is caught, Li Mo will certainly not be able to treat himself.

Liu Lao ordered to rush to Liu Changhe immediately. Seeing that he was about to approach Liu Changhe.

Boom! With a loud noise, Li's figure flew out like a broken kite. Blood spewed drastically in the mouth, and finally hit a big tree and then stopped. Even if it doesn’t die, it’s crippled!


Seeing that the only strong man beside him was defeated by the other party, Liu Duo's heart was ashamed!

Uh! Uh! Uh...

There was a commotion. Liu Duo's Imperial Guard has been surrounded by the disciples of Xianyang Sect who suddenly appeared!

Liu Duo could not have imagined that Li Mo's forces had already developed to such a point!

"Li Mo, are you going to openly fight against our court?"

"Liu Duo is here You are still showing me the prince's shelf there. I don't think you can see the coffin and cry!"

Li Mo didn't want to kill Liu Duo because his own sect had just been established. If he was killed, it would inevitably cause chaos in Yuyang Prefecture. It is not conducive to the development of his martial arts, but he did not say no. Dealing with Liu Du with Li Mo's current strength is like an adult bullying a child!

"You come down to me!"

Li Mo stretched out his right hand, and the "spiritual finger" directly shot Liu Duo off the horse's back. Fortunately, Li Mo's control is just right. Otherwise, Liu Duo's miserable!

Snapped! Liu Duo fell off the horse and covered his left shoulder in pain. Clenched his teeth and looked at Li Mo fiercely! But dare not be arrogant anymore!

"Liu Ze, remember, here is my Xianyang Sect from now on. If you want to avenge me, Li Mo welcomes you at any time!"

Li Mo looked coldly at King Gongxian, who was supreme in the past, and said to everyone present at the same time that Xianyangzong is now based on the Xuan Ancient Continent!

(End of this chapter)

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