Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 510: Pluto Xiaolie

"Senior, you must help me remove Li Mo this time!"

Liu Duo came to a knee in the dark room on the ground and knelt on his knees. He said to a figure covered by a huge black robe in front of him.

"Okay! For your support for me for so many years, I will help you once today! Jie Jie......"

A horrifying voice came out of the black robe.

"More seniors! Thank you seniors!"


At this time, Li Mo and others have come to their sect.

Everyone is very satisfied with the environment and architecture of the place where they live in the future.

The paved roads and pavilions are all made of precious wood. The carvings of various rare birds and animals come to life.

Xiaobai, who hasn't shown up for a long time, likes it very much when he sees it here. A pair of smart eyes keep looking at this new environment.

"Xiao Mo! It seems that you are really a rich man!"

Bai Yichen looked at everything here and said jokingly.

There are no outsiders here, and Li Mo will naturally not hide anything.

"These are all credits to Liu Ze and the abacus! Without their financial support, I wouldn't have that much money!"

Everyone laughed when they heard it!

"Your kid got cheap and sold well!"


Everyone and this Li Mo came to a spacious square. Li Mo looked back at the crowd and gave them a salute.

"Dear seniors, you are all my benefactors in Li Mo's life. Here I thank everyone for trusting me. In the future, we will rely on you for the development of our ancestors! Today I will assign the various denominations to everyone!"

"Yo! Is this kid really formal? I want to see what job you give me this aunt!"

Wanling looked at a serious Li Mo with great interest.

Everyone also wanted to see how Li Mo distributed it.

"That ancestor... Ancestor, you will be our elder of the Xianyang sect in the future! You have no opinion about it!"

Li Mo looked carefully at the ancestor he had picked up, fearing that he would be neglected!

"Okay! I have no opinion on your arrangement!"

Bai Yichen was very satisfied with Li Mo's arrangement. Originally, his mind was now focused on cultivation, and he had no time to ignore these trivial matters. The position of the elder is too good for him!

"Grandma, how about you and grandpa becoming elders?"

"Haha... Xiaomo, you don't need to discuss with us, what you say!"

Xuanyuan is invincible against Li Mo but has a hundred support.

"Okay! But grandma, I'm used to it. You can't restrict my activities!"

"Oh! My grandmother, our Xianyangzong door is for you!"

After the three superpowers arranged late, Li Mo was finally relieved! The next thing is much easier!

Liu Shizhong and Liu Shixiao are deacon elders, respectively, assisting the patriarch to take charge of the patriarch.

The most unexpected thing is that Li Mo actually made Liu Changhe the suzerain. This surprised everyone present!

"Xiao Mo, this is absolutely impossible. How can I take the position of Liu Changhe, He De! This position should be yours!"

"Uncle Liu, at this time I have decided to ask you not to quit. Your talents are obvious to everyone. It is a good place to sit in this position!"

Li Mo's decision was deliberate. Because there are still a lot of things outside, I can't stay in the sect for a long time. Liu Changhe's management skills are much stronger than his own, so it is still very safe to give him the position of Sect Master Li Mo!


"Changhe, don't you, but since Xiao Mo has given you such an important position, you also trust you. Do you have no confidence in yourself?"

Liu Shizhong naturally understood Li Mo's plan and knew that this kid was born to be a restless master. How can one be bound by a sect!

"Changhe, all of us believe in Xiao Mo, and Xiao Mo believes in you. Then you don't have to refrain from this matter! From today you will be the master of our Xianyang Sect!"

Finally, Xuanyuan invincible speech, Liu Changhe reluctantly accepted this sovereign position.

The next day Zhang Long, Zhang Hu and Bai Xiao also came from Taiping Town. A large number of martial arts monks who have been guarding Taiping Town have followed. These were all followed by Li Mo when he was a ten thousand household, and he was loyal to Li Mo. In addition to some close friends brought by Liu Changhe, the number of disciples of Xianyangzong now has 200 people!

But this is still far from Li Mo's expectations. They want to become a tyrannical force in the entire Xuangu Continent, they still have a long way to go!

"Yan'er, do you remember if you want to live with me here forever!"

The matter of Zongmen was finally on the right track. Rarely had some time today, Li Mo dragged Liu Yan uphill. Overlooking the place where the two had longed for.

Liu Yan didn't expect Li Mo to choose Zongmen's address here because of the sentence she said.

"Li Mo, thank you for everything you did for me!"

Liu Yan at this time could not restrain the excitement in her heart, and tears appeared in her eyes.

"Fool, what are you doing? You should be happy! After a while, when our sect is stabilized, we will get married here!"

Liu Yan Xiao blushed slightly and pushed away Li Mo who had come up, turned and ran away!

"Come on, as long as you can catch up with me, I will marry you!"

"Okay! Don't count the words!"


And behind a tree in the distance on the hillside at this time, Lu Xinyue looked at the two chasing and frolicking, and his eyes were already wet.

"Little girl, what do you see here alone? Jie Jie..."

A horrifying voice made Lu Xinyue suddenly appear behind her, waiting for her to look back to see what happened. I just feel that my body is soft and I lose my intuition!

The person who came was not someone else, it was the man in black robe in the secret room of King Gong Duo Liu Duo.

"Ji Jie... I didn't expect that the old man actually picked up a baby. This girl was actually the body of Yuan Yin!"

"Who dares to break into my door!"

Xuanyuan invincible drunk, and his figure appeared on the hillside.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

Li Mo and Liu Yan were taken aback by the invincible Xuanyuan.

"Xiao Mo, you take Liu Yan back, there are strong enemies!"

I am afraid that Xuanyuan invincible can be called a strong enemy. I am afraid that the strength is terrible. Li Mo dare not rush to pull Liu Yan to his side. The figure disappeared in a flash!

"Jiang......Xuanyuan is invincible? I didn't expect that we would meet again after so many years!"

Seeing that he has been found, the man in black robe no longer hides! After putting Lu Xinyue syncoped aside, he came to Xuanyuan invincible!

Xuanyuan invincible did not expect the other party to know himself.

"Who are you? I still want to catch my disciples in my door!"

"Don't you know me, old friend?"

The man in black robe took off his huge hat. A bald head,

A man with scars all over his face appeared in the invincible sight of Xuanyuan!

"It's you! Xiao Lie!"

Xuanyuan invincible was a little surprised and excited when he recognized the coming person.

He was surprised because he couldn't see the strength of this person, and he must have been above himself. If it were not for his master to remind someone to commit the crime, he really didn't find anything strange! Excited is that this person also participated in the robbing of one of the Xuanyuan mirrors! Xiao Lie, who is known as the Pluto, is a strange exercise that was famous throughout the continent!

"Humph! You came just right, and the hatred that wiped out my Xuanyuan family should be yours today!"

"桀桀......Xuanyuan is So you are the friend with Li Mo! I said how did you know, it seems that Liu Ze has told you everything! But even if you know What can I do now? I am now the strength of Senior Wudi, and only one step away from Wu Zun! I advise you not to hit the stone with eggs, and the obedient and Li Mo and others went to the King Gongxian to plead guilty, maybe the prince It’s also open!"

"Haha... I didn't expect that the famous Pluto, Xiao Lie, also became the eagle of the court! But today I'm afraid your wish will be defeated!"

Xuanyuan invincible does not care that his strength is higher than himself. His own master is still here, where is his share of Xiao Lie Saye!

"Well, Xuanyuan is invincible and wants to bluff. In addition to a junior martial emperor accident here, the rest are just a group of ants. Today I will destroy your door!"

After all, a black mist has appeared in Xiao Lie's hands, ready to attack Xuanyuan invincible!

"Don't dare to say something crazy, today I'm going to see how you destroyed my sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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