Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 471: 5 Caixiayi

   "Hello everyone! I am the auctioneer in charge of this auction."

   An enchanting, charming, and exposed woman walked up after stepping down from the iron abacus. The sound is extremely ecstasy, so that some of the people who are not strong in the field are unable to stop!

"Today's first lot is a "Dragon Soul Pill"! Some of you may not know the purpose of this immortality. "Dragon Soul Gallbladder" has a very great effect on the generals of the generals level, which is rare Elixir. It can increase the success rate when impacting Wuhun. The base price is 12,000, and the price increase is not less than one thousand two! Let’s start bidding!"

   "Wow! The first lot is "Dragon Soul Pill". It seems that today's lot is really unusual!"

   "Twelve thousand! My God, this auction is really dark!"

   "What do you know, the refining materials required for this "Dragon Soul Pill" are some rare herbs that are naturally expensive."

   "Forget it! It's good for us these little characters to come in and see the excitement. Stop thinking about it, even if you have the money to buy this precious elixir. I am afraid that it is just for others to make wedding dresses!"


  Li Mo, in the single room on the second floor, frowned as he heard the following discussion. This world is such a cruel, without strength, carrying a strange treasure can only lead to the scourge of killing yourself.

   "Li Mo, are you interested in "Dragon Soul Pill"?"

  Lu Xinyue beside him asked, Li Mo naturally did not know what purpose she asked. However, he has the invincible guidance of Xuanyuan, and he does not need to use drugs to increase his chance of breakthrough. ‘Dragon Soul Pill’ may have a tasteless presence in Li Mo’s eyes!

"I am not interested."

"That's great!"

   Hearing Li Mo's words, Lu Xinyue was relieved.

   "11,000 and two!"

   "15 thousand two!"

   "Twenty Twenty Two!"


   has already started bidding outside, but there are not many bidders, basically the voice of bidding comes from the third floor.

   Sitting on the first floor are some martial arts-level strongmen. There is still a long way to go to break through to Wuhun. Some people can break through to the realm of martial arts is already their limit. So no one on the first floor has spoken to increase the price!

  The three-tier strongman continues to increase the price. In a blink of an eye, a small "Dragon Soul Pill" has been raised to 500,000 two. As long as the "Dragon Soul Pill" which can be bought at about 200,000 or so is usually high today.

   "Hundred Thousand Twenties! Are there any price increases?"

   "Fifty thousand two hundred and two!"

   "Fifty thousand two hundred second time!"


   "550 thousand two hundred and two!"

  As the auctioneer was about to drop the hammer, Lu Xinyue's voice sounded.

   "I said, what's the use of this "Dragon Soul Pill"?"

   Li Mo looked puzzled at Lu Xinyue.

   "I didn't say that I used it, I just took it for my master. The purpose of my coming here today is this'Dragon Soul Pill'!"

   "Oh, that's the case, no wonder the girl asked me if I was interested in this medicine!"

"Six hundred thousand!"

  After Lu Xinyue's quotation, a man's voice was heard again on the third floor.

   "Sixty-five thousand!"

  Lu Xinyue is a must for this "Dragon Soul Pill".

   "Lu Xinyue, you can buy three "Dragon Soul Pills" outside for so much money, isn't it worth it!"

   "What do you know, the pharmacists of the whole continent are extremely rare, let alone intermediate pharmacists who can make "Dragon Soul Pill", do you understand that there is no price?"

  Lu Xinyue's words made Li Mo stop. Indeed, he did not understand the industry of pharmacists, and he knew nothing about refining medicine. I don't care about this girl anyway, nor did he spend his money!

   "Sixty-five thousand for the first time! Are there any price increases?"

   "Sixty-five thousand second time!"

"Seven hundred thousand!"

   The man on the third floor obviously didn't want to easily give up the Dragon Soul Pill.

   "Wow! Seven hundred thousand!"

   "Oh my god! Seven hundred thousand people buy a panacea, are they all crazy, do they have money and no place to spend?"


   Hearing that the men on the third floor continued to increase their prices, Lu Xinyue's handsome face was extremely gloomy.

   "800,000 two!"

   "Okay! It's already 800,000, is there any price increase?"

   The charming auctioneer's face was already blooming. The more lots he shoots, the more he can get rewards.

  However, after the three-tier man shouted 800,000 Lu Xinyue, there was no more movement.

  Finally, Lu Xinyue got his wish and photographed "Dragon Soul Pill" at a price of 800,000.

  After paying the money, a young woman, escorted by two strong men, sent the'Dragon Soul Pill' to the single room where Li Mo was.

  After Lu Xinyue received the panacea, the gloomy face swept away. With a satisfied smile, carefully put the Elixir into his arms.

   "Okay, my task has been completed! The following depends on you. What kind of items do you want to shoot?"

   "Me! Not necessarily, let's see what else is good! It's your injustice, and it cost 800,000 two to buy a panacea. I really don't know if your head was hurt!"

   "I also know that this thing is not worth so much money, but this is my master's command, no matter what the cost is to take this "Dragon Soul Pill"!"

   "Did your master break through Wuhun?"

   Li Mo is still very interested in these strong people on the Xuangu Continent.

   "I don't know, anyway, Master told me, I will do it."

   did not get the answer he wanted, and Li Mo no longer asked, but looked at the second lot in the field.

"Everyone, today’s second lot is an attack-type super magic weapon! The name is "Devil's Pestle" This is a high-level person who obtained it from outside the domain. It has a suppressing effect on all demons and spirits. It is the nemesis of all evil spirits. ! The base price is fifty thousand two, and the price increase is not less than ten thousand two. Now bidding!"

   "60,000 two!"

   "70,000 two!"


   is not interested in this magic weapon Li Moke, his Xuanyuan mirror can be hundreds of times stronger than this thing in dealing with some crooked evils.

  After Lu Xinyue photographed "Dragon Soul Pill", it seems that he has lost interest in the entire auction. It's totally watching the lively mentality!

   In the end, the price of one million yuan for the "Devil Pestle" was captured by a buyer on the third floor.

   The following lots have some spells, magic weapons and the like.

  Spell Li Mo doesn't understand, as long as the magic weapon Li Mo's body is the one that can shock the entire auction venue. Naturally, the low-end things that are auctioned off.

   But what he doesn't look down on does not mean that others can't look down on it either. Several people can have the **** luck of Li Mo.

  Each lot is sold at a high price, which really makes the auction house earn a lot of money.

"Okay everyone, please be quiet. Next is the last lot of today’s auction and the finale of this auction. It’s the'Colorful Xiayi'! Everyone knows that the magic weapon of defense is in Our continent is extremely rare, not to mention that it is still a Lingbao level. Presumably, its value will not need me to say more! The low price is one million two, each time the price increase is not less than 100,000 two, and the auction will start. Right!"

   The appearance of'Colorful Xia Yi' shocked everyone present. Even the boss of the auction house, the iron abacus came to the auction stand to find a place to do it!

   "Two million two!"

  The voice of the quotation took the lead in a box on the third floor.

   "Wow! It's really a Lingbao! How good would I have a Lingbao!"

   "Haha...Don't you dream daydream, this thing is not what we can get. The low price is one million, even if you add up all your worth, I am afraid it is not worth this number!"


Some low-level monks on the first floor have been frightened by the price of'Colorful Xiayi'. Only look at the lively part.

   "Five million two!"

   It was on the third floor that someone shouted the price again.

  Li Mo heard this voice and suddenly laughed.

   "It seems that the lord is about to shoot!"

   Li Mo’s goal today is also this ‘Colorful if Liu Yan has its protection, Li Mo will not worry too much about his safety in the future.

   "10 million two!"

  The voice of price increase came out again.

   "Thirty million two!"

   "50 million two!"


   This is simply a game for the rich, a series of astronomical figures, one after another throughout the auction. The eyes of those who listen to the lively eyes are green!

   In the end, King Gongxian had a wealth of money. The price of 130 million two will block all his mouth on the spot, and no one will continue to increase the price.

   "130 million once!"

   "130 million second time!"

   "130 million..."

   "150 million!"

   Li Mo finally spoke, as long as Liu Yan needed, he would do everything in his power to get it for her. Not to mention King Gongxian, even if the Emperor Laozi came today, he would sell this face.

   With this remark, everyone's eyes were on the single room where Li Mo was on the second floor. I want to see what kind of person this one can shoot 150 million two times in this "colorful Xia Yi"!


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