Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 446: See also Xianyangzi

  Li Mo finally prepared to return to Fanyang County, and told Liu Changhe about this matter, and he made preparations earlier.

  Early the next morning, Li Mo called Bai Xiao and Wang Qiang to the room. After explaining it, he took Liu Yan to the journey back to Fanyang County. He did not bring Bai Xiao, after all, he was reunited with his mother, and this time it was not going out to play. He was left in Fufu.

Li Mo and Liu Yan were still riding horses as they arrived, looking at the scenery along the way. Li Mo was very emotional. When he came out of Panyang County, he was still a little-known little person. In just over two months, he transformed himself into a senior martial arts master, and became a ten thousand households.

   "Li Mo, where do you see!"

  Liu Yan's words pulled Li Mo's thoughts back and looked in the direction she pointed.

   It was the two people who passed by the endless mountain that was still magnificent and magnificent! But without those nasty bandits, it seems that Liu Changhe has already embarked on a bandit.

   "Li Mo, I want to see it there!"

   "Okay! When we come back, we will go!"

   "Great, it must be beautiful there!"

   Liu Yan looked forward to.


   The two didn't delay on the road, they drove all the way, before dark, the familiar city finally appeared in the sight of the two. When he came to the gate, he was recognized by the soldiers guarding the gate, and immediately wanted to inform the county guard.

  The news of Li Mo's return spread like wildfire, which caused a lot of sensation in the city, won the first place in the martial arts conference, and the news that Wang Houhou was personally confined by King Gongxian had spread throughout Yiyang County.

  Although it was getting late, there were still a lot of people who came to the streets and wanted to witness the appearance of the young and powerful in Panyang County.

  Li Mo faced the salute of these enthusiastic people one by one, Liu Yan rode his back and chuckled with a smile, her heart was full of happiness, her man must be a dragon and a phoenix.

   finally came to the gate of Junshou Mansion. Liu Shizhong, Liu Shixiao, and Liu Changhe, the three Liu families in charge of carrying a group of family members in the house, had been waiting at the door for a long time. Li Mo did not see the third elder Liu Shiquan in the crowd.

  Liu Yan jumped off the horse and rushed into his mother's arms at once. The mother and daughter complained about the pain of the lovesickness.

  Li Mo came to Liu Shizhong in a respectful salute, but found that Liu Shizhong seemed to be a little different from his time of travel, especially with more restrained and profound momentum.

   "Congratulations to Master, I have improved my strength!"

   "Haha... Your kid has reached such a level of strength these days. It seems that it won't take long for me to overtake me as a master."

  Liu Shizhong has broken through the strength of a high general, and after seeing Li Mo, he was shocked by his perverted training speed and extraordinary talent.

   "Xiao Mo! If I don't work hard, I'm afraid I've been surpassed by you!"

  The elder Liu Shixiao beside him said with a smile.

  Li Mo hurriedly saluted him.

   "Congratulations to Elder II, step into the ranks of generals!"

  Liu Shixiao has broken through to the strength of a general, a double general, which is also very rare in the family of Panyang County.

  Li Chang, a few geniuses before Liu Changhe, should not be too polite to separate.

   "Okay, you mentors and disciples, let's go back to the old city and let the children come back. Let's go in quickly!"

  Nothing changed when he left with Li Mo. Everyone came to the meeting room, and Liu Changhe took his seat.

   "Xiao Mo, is there anything to come back this time?"

   "Uncle Liu, do you remember when I asked about your God of Martial Arts? There are things about God of War Temple now spreading across the continent!"

   All the people present also heard about the Wushen Temple. There is no Shaowu Temple in Panyang County, and the number of recent believers is increasing day by day.

  Liu Changhe was also responsible for checking the matter, but there was no progress.

   "Xiao Mo, do you mean these two things are connected?"

   Li Mo didn't speak, but his heart moved, white light flashed on his chest, and no trace of water appeared in everyone's eyes.

   "This... isn't this the young man in white who is fighting you?"

   Liu Changhe recognized at a glance that the weak young man in front of him was the young man in white who suddenly disappeared from Li Mo.

   "Yes, Uncle Liu's Wushen I learned from his mouth..."

  Li Mo spoke exactly what he knew.

   Everyone was shocked, and his face was extremely ugly.

   "If this person is true, I am afraid that our Xuangu continent will usher in a catastrophe!"

Liu Shizhong looked dignified. He had lived for so many years and had never heard of the existence of Wushen. As for Emperor Wu and Wu Zun, he had never heard of such a person. In the Xuan Ancient Continent, there are absolutely rare. exist.

   "Xiao Mo, this matter is not trivial, I must sue the lord!"

   Liu Changhe couldn't sit still, but this is related to the comfort of the entire continent, or he should report it to the prince as soon as possible and be prepared to respond to the enemy.

  Night night, quickly rushed to the palace of King Gongxian.

  The people who had not seen for many days were silenced by the amazing news brought by Li Mo.


Li Mo and Liu Shizhong returned to the familiar small courtyard. Li Mo brought all his experiences after leaving Liu's house together with his master. Listening to Liu Shizhong was shocked, but also for Li Mo's wit and strength. Awesome.

   The master and the disciple chatted until late at night before taking a break.

  Early morning, Liu Yan woke up Li Mo, and had to quarrel and go to the middle of the mountains that the two saw yesterday. Li Mo had no way to deal with Liu Yan, and he could do what he said.

   greeted Master and took Liu Yan out of the city.

It was noon when    arrived at the mountain range.

  Sunny cuties, birds and flowers, here is like a fairyland on earth.

   "Wow! It's really beautiful, Li Mo, let's build a house here? Will we live here again in the future!"

   The girl's mind is always so beautiful, Liu Yan is like a happy elf jumping all the time.

   "Okay! We will live here by then, you have to give me a lot of children, otherwise we should be lonely!"

  Li Mo looked at Liu Yan and didn't think about Wushen for a while.

   "Good... hate, who will give birth to you!"

  Liu Yan, immersed in the beautiful scenery, almost hit Li Mo's "trap" little face, Li Hong no longer ignored Li Mo, who was still smirking.

   "Hey! Didn't you say you want to live here with me?"

   This was even more shy when Liu Yan came out. It was just what I thought, but when I saw this place like a fairyland, I said it without saying anything.

   "Humph! Ignore you."

   finished running to the distance.

   "Be careful, wait for me!"

   Li Mo hastened to keep up. Although it is picturesque here, he is still afraid of the dangers hidden here.

  The two of you chased me in the forest. The laughter of joy echoed in the mountains.

   "Hey! Li Mo, listen quickly, there seems to be water over there, let's go and see."

  Li Mo had no choice but to follow Liu Yan, who was looking at everything fresh, and looked towards the sound of water.

   Sure enough, a stream formed by a spring converging on the edge of the woods was not far away.

   The stream is clear and clear, and from time to time you can see several small fish chasing each other. Some huge bluestones on the shore attracted Li Mo's eyes. Such a scene is very familiar to Li Mo. This place is very similar to the place where Li Mo first went out to practice, and Li Mo also felt that the spirit of the world is also very abundant. .

   "Really a good place to practice!"

  Li Mo is not only an overview.

   "What do you say? What a good place to practice."

   "Oh! I mean, this is a good place for cultivation!"

   "Li Mo, you came out to play with me this time, can you not mention the cultivation."

  Liu Yan is a little unhappy. Li Mo spends almost all of his free time on cultivation. There is really not much time to accompany Liu Yan.

   " If I don’t practice hard, how can I have the strength to protect you? But today I will accompany you a day well."

  Li Mo comforted her and gently stroked his hair.

  Liu Yan was also not a reasonable person, and knew Li Mo's thoughts. When he heard Li Mo's words, he immediately showed a lovely smile again.

   Li Mo lay lazily on a large bluestone, watching Liu Yan collecting flowers and plants by the river, a rare tranquility and comfort.

   And while Li Mo was staring at his lover, an irresistible sleepiness came to his mind.

  After secretly saying badly, Li Mo closed his heavy eyelids.

   "Liu Yan! Liu Yan!" Li Mo shouted constantly in a white space!

   "This must be a dream! How can I wake up?"

  No matter how Li Mo struggled and shouted, he could not leave this space.

   "Hey! Why is this place so familiar, it seems that I have seen it somewhere."

  Li Mojing came down and suddenly felt a familiar feeling in this space.

  As Li Mo recalled his familiar feeling, an old voice erraticly reached Li Mo's ear!

   "Haha... I finally waited for the person I was looking for!"


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