Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 429: Yiyang County

After this episode, Li Mo and Liu Yan no longer have the mood to appreciate the scenery along the way, both are silent, and they all feel sorry for Liu Ming. Bai Xiao still rushes in the carriage, and Li Mo wants to replace him, but After his repeated requests, Li Mo finally returned to the carriage.

   "Li Mo, do you think Liu Ming will have anything to do?"

   is his own brother after all, Liu Yan still cares about it.

"I don't know, it depends on him. If he doesn't understand himself, and then he renounces himself, then he may live in his shadow all his life, but if he can correct his mindset, take his Talent and savvy will surely become a hegemon in the future."

  Liu Yan sighed softly and stopped talking. She silently prayed that Liu Ming could come out on her own.


   It wasn't until the sky was dark that Liu Ming stood up from the ground, his eyes were not lost, and the Buddha knew how to go in the future, picked up the long sword on the ground, turned his horse, and hurried away toward the road when he came!

   "Brother Li, sister Liu Yan, let's live here today!"

  Bai Xiao pulled the curtain of the carriage and said to the silent two in the car.

   At this time they have reached the boundary of Yiyang County, which is similar to Taiping Town, and is a border town.

   Li Mo and Liu Yan got off the carriage and followed Bai Xiao into a ‘Tonglai Inn’.

   "Yo! Are the three eating or staying?"

  Man in the shop, approached enthusiastically and asked.

   "Brother, prepare three rooms for us first, and then prepare some meals!"

   Bai Xiao responded.

   "Well, three of you upstairs please!"


  After dinner, all three returned to their rooms to rest.

when! when! The door knocking sounded, and Li Mo opened the door.

   "Li Mo, let's go for a walk, OK!"

  Liu Yan took Li Mo's hand and shook it non-stop.

   It seems that this little girl has stopped thinking about Liu Ming's things, and has restored her lively and active character. Li Mo will naturally not sweep her interest.

   "Okay, let's go."

   The first floor lobby of the inn was full of many powerful people who went to the martial arts conference. Li Mo was pulled out of the inn by Liu Yan and immediately attracted the envy of others. The two strong men who were eating saw Liu Yan and Li Mo walk out of the inn, looked at each other, and followed out with a chuckle.

   "Li Mo, look at this or not!"

  Liu Yan picked up the hosta sold at a stall and asked Li Mo.

  Li Mo looked at it, took the hosta and inserted it directly in Liu Yan's head, and said with a look of affection.

   "Well, really beautiful!"

   This is the first time Liu Yan heard Li Mo's compliments on herself, her face flushed with shame.

   "Hey! The two little guys were originally here, but our two brothers were exhausted!"

   behind them came a man's voice.

   "It seems to be in trouble again!"

   Li Mo secretly turned to look at the source of the sound, and the two strong men were staring at him and Liu Yan with a smile.

   "We don't seem to know each other, what are the two of you looking for us?"

   "Hey, little brother, our brother really has something to ask each other, just don't know if you can help us!"

   looked at each other's eyes, Li Mo knew that they were not good.

"tell me the story!"

   "Well! There are so many people here, let's follow the little brother to a remote place over there with us!"

  Looking at the inferior tricks of these two big men, Li Mo was so funny in his heart that he dared to come out and do the job of fighting and looting. I really don't know how these two survived to the present!

   "Okay! You lead the way."

Seeing Li Mo's agreeable promise, the two were very excited, thinking that they had encountered a Maotou boy who had just entered the rivers and lakes. It seems that today they will have a good fortune. The two will put Li Mo and Liu Yan in the middle. Go to a dark corner. I'm afraid that my fat will fly.

   "Li Mo, I'm so scared, what are these two people doing?"

  Liu Yan asked Li Mo with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

   "It's nothing more than doing some shameful business, don't worry, there is me!"

  Li Mo's words seemed to be a reassurance, and Liu Yan no longer spoke silently and followed Li Mo's back.

   "Okay, let's go! No one here."

   The man in front stopped and looked around, still very satisfied with this place.

   "Let's talk now! What are we looking for?"

"Haha... You are stunned, don't you know what it is that our brothers are looking for you? Give me all the valuable things you know, and this little lady. Otherwise don't blame our brother They bully you a child!"

   The two big men finally showed their true colors.

   "Oh! What should I do, I will give it to you, please ask the two elder brothers not to hurt me!"

  Speaking of Li Mo's thoughts, Chi Jian appeared in his hand and released the dazzling red mans.

   "Wow! Brother this is a baby, we made a big profit today."

   "Haha! If brothers sell this baby, we will eat and drink in the future!"


   The eyes of the two big men were all attracted by the red sword in Li Mo's hands.

   The red awn flashed into two, and flew directly to the foreheads of the two sides.

  Li Mo took Liu Yan and left, and no longer ignored the two big men. Liu Yan's behavior to Li Mo was also inexplicable. I didn't know what method Li Mo used, and the two did not chase them!

   "Let's go back to the inn, it's very messy outside!"


  Liu Yan was not in the mood to continue shopping, and followed Li Mo cleverly to the direction of the inn.

   And in the corner where just a few people had stayed, there was no shadow of the big man, only two piles of white powder remained, drifting around under the blowing of the night wind.

   For such a sinless Li Mo has never kept his hand.

   "Look, isn't this the two people who just went out?"

  Li Mo returned to the inn with Liu Yan. When passing the first floor, four people on a table whispered in a whisper.

   "Don't the Wang family brothers succeed?"

   "No! I know what their strength is, but they are all the strength of intermediate samurai. Isn't it possible to clean up these two young men?"

   "Hey! Let's not care about that much. Let me see. The Wang family brothers must have been planted this time. We better not provoke these two young people. They are not easy!"


   Early the next morning, Li Mo and the three left the inn and drove in the direction of Tianducheng.

   This place is too confusing. There are all kinds of people in the Three Religions and Jiuliu. If you really meet powerful opponents, Li Mo dares not guarantee the safety of Liu Yan and Bai Xiao. It's better to rush to your destination early.

   galloping all the way, there are more and more villages and houses around. Li Mo's dangling heart also dropped!

Until dusk, a huge city finally appeared in the sight of the three people. The strong square and the towering wall gave a feeling of solidity and awe-inspiring feeling. Three vigorous and powerful engraved on the plaque of the gate tower Big words'City of Heaven'!


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