Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 425: The beginning of a new life

   "You all come over!"

  Li Mo's voice seemed to be a life-saver for the few samurai-level strongmen around.

   Several people look at me, and I look at you. No one dares to take the first step. They have seen Li Mo's methods and are afraid that they will become the target of Li Mo's next attack.

   "Does it seem that you are still very loyal to the Wen family! Since this is the case, then I will send you down to accompany your master?"

   "Don't! Don't! Don't! Little brother, I... We are also eating together, please don't kill us, you can let us do anything."

   The strongest man among the few stood up and begged Li Mo.

"What's your name?"

   "I... My name is Wang Qiang!"

   The big Han apparently did not expect Li Mo to ask his name, feeling a little inexplicable.

   "Wang Qiang, from today you are the housekeeper of this house, you go to call out all the people inside!"

   "Really...really? I'll go here!" Where did Wang Qiang think that the youth in front of him not only didn't kill him, but actually wanted to reuse him, and was moved by a daze.

  A moment later, all the people from the old and the lower part of Wenfu came to the gate and all looked at the young man in front of him with horror. As if his own destiny were all in the hands of this young man, as long as he was not happy, he could take their lives at any time.

   "This father and son will really enjoy it, the grandfather actually wants so many people to serve!"

   Seeing more than a hundred people in front of him, Li Mo sighed.

   There are more than 30 nursing homes, and the strength is not the same. Except for a dozen of samurai strongmen, the rest are the strength of martial arts. The number of female dependents is staggering. There are actually as many as fifty people. It is estimated that all the ten maid dresses are the wives and concubines of Wen Zhong and his son. There are more than two dozen families.

  Li Mo only left a few servants. On the spot, all other women were dismissed, and the nursing home and family were all left. After all, such a large house still needs human care.

  After arranging everything, Li Mo asked Wang Qiang to take a few nursing homes to rush with the carriage to pick up Bai Xiao's mother, son and Liu Yan, and walked into the mansion.

  In the whole house, there are everything Hubo, rockery and gardens. All the houses are splendid, and the furniture in the houses are all made of mahogany wood. It seems that Wen Zhong and his son have been scouring people all these years.

  Li Mo sneered, and had no sense of guilt for their father and son.

   The house is very big. Li Mo spent half an hour before reading all the places.

   "Li Mo! Li Mo! Where are you?"

  Liu Yan's voice sounded, Li Mo turned over a rockery and saw Liu Yan looking eastwards on the path by the lake.

   Leaped forward, Li Mo's body drifted down in front of Liu Yan.

   "Ah! Li Mo, you want to scare me!"

  Liu Yan was taken aback by his sudden appearance and patted his chest and said angerlessly. Even Xiaobai on the shoulder squeaked, protesting his approach.

   "Oh, I am not afraid that you will not find me in a hurry."

   Seeing Li Mo smiling, Liu Yan could still be angry with him.

   "Forget it, forgive you this time, is this Wenjia?"

   "Well! It used to be the Wen family, but here is the Bai family. This is the house I found for Bai Xiao! What about Bai Xiao's mother and son?"

   "Bai Xiao took his mother to rest in the hall, and I came out to see you when you weren't there, but why did Wen's family give you such a good house? How did you do it?"

  Li Mo told the story and Liu Yan again.

   Hearing Li Mo's words, Liu Yan was obviously sad.

   "Li Mo, are we too cruel!"

   Seeing Liu Yan's sympathy began to flood again, Li felt helpless and gently stroked her hair.

   "Fool, if my strength is not as good as their father and son, I am afraid that it is me who died today. There is no right or wrong in the rivers and lakes. Everything is based on strength. We have to adapt to it, otherwise we will become a prey of others."

  After speaking, Li Mo walked towards the mother and son of Bai Xiao, everything still had to depend on Liu Yan to think, otherwise she would never be able to adapt to this cruel world.


   "Brother Li!"

  Bai Xiao saw Li Mo, jumped off the chair, and came to him.

   Li Mo patted the little guy on the shoulder, diameter walked towards her mother.

   "Auntie, are you still used to seeing here?"

   "Xiao Mo! Such a good house, why not get used to it, just who's home!"

   "Oh, auntie, as long as you are used to it, it will be your home from today!"

"What? My family? Xiao Mo, you can't do this. You have helped us a lot. We can't let you spend any more money. My aunt knows that you are not an ordinary person, but you can't spend money on it. "

   "Brother Li, are you talking about the truth? Does this big house live for me and my mother?"

   Bai Xiao's surprised mouth couldn't close.

   He never dreamed that the two of them were not relatives, so Li Mo not only helped them and his mother, but also gave them a valuable house!

   "Auntie, you can just live with peace of mind, and I will live here too, as for others, don't worry!"


  Finally, Bai Xiao's mother agreed to Li Mo's stay. Li Mo asked her maid to help her to rest in her room and called Bai Xiao to her side.

"Bai Xiao, you remember, the reason why you get everything now is because of your filial piety and unyielding will that moved me, so I will help you. If one day you change, I will take your Everything is recovered, do you know?"

   Li Mo is afraid that Bai Xiao will lose himself because of everything he suddenly got.

   "Brother Li, I understand that you can rest assured that Bai Xiao knows what I should do. From today on, my life of Bai Xiao is yours."

  Bai Xiao understands the meaning of Li Mo's words and knows that what he said is also to remind himself not to go astray, and he is more grateful to Li Mo.

   "I don't need you to guarantee anything, time will prove everything!"


Finally, all the things in Fufu are properly However, under Bai Xiao's repeated insistence, the plaque of Li Fu was hung above the gate, and Taiping Town also restored the tranquility of the past, but the family's one day The time-changing master has become the topic of the people in the town after dinner.

Bai Xiao’s mother was taken care of by the maidservant, Liu Yan was also playing with Xiaobai all day, Li Mo was rarely free, sitting cross-legged in his room, the five-yuan vigor was running, and the rich heaven and earth spirits poured into his body. .

  His own practice has been close to the intermediate martial arts for many days, Li Mo wants to try a breakthrough. The body disappeared instantly, entered the mysterious space of Chijian, the aura that entered the body was continuously refined, compressed and finally turned into pure internal force, poured into Dantian, and Li Mo felt the barrier after several big Zhoutian cycles. As long as you break the barrier yourself, your strength will definitely increase.

A pure internal force was mobilized by him from Dantian, the barrier of constant impact, failed again and again, tried again and again, until his internal force was about to run out, the invisible barrier finally There was loosening.

  Bang! When Li Mo exhausted the last trace of internal force, the barrier collapsed. Li Mo was relieved and did not stop practicing because of the breakthrough. Instead, he continued to introduce a large amount of heaven and earth aura into the body again. He needs to become stronger, he wants to maximize his strength within a year, otherwise how to face Huang Tianba after a year!


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