Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 417: Want to go for a walk

  After Li Mo hired a carriage in the Bluestone City to settle the mother and daughter, he also got on the carriage. He also had a horse ride, and he didn't want to have any more accidents!

   "Xiao Mo, I really thank you this time, otherwise Yan'er and I will..."

   "Ma'am, this is what I should do, don't be polite, these are nothing!"

   "Li Mo, how do you know where my mother and I are?"

   Liu Yan, who had been detached from the magic palm, regained the liveliness of the past.

   "I also met a family member of the county guard house on the road, and Liu Jing was also there, but Liu Jing was seriously injured and has been in a coma. The family member told me that you were detained by Wang Hu, so I can find you so quickly!"

   "Liu Jing's child was injured just to protect our mother and daughter! I don't know how he is now?"

   "Mrs. Please rest assured, I have seen that it's just that the injury is more serious, and there is no danger to life. It will be better to go back and cultivate for some time!"

   "Hey, I hope so."

  Despite Li Mo's persuasion, maybe Liu Yan's mother was over frightened, and she didn't say anything along the way. Her eyes kept looking out the window, and she didn't know what she was thinking. But Liu Yan, a nerve-headed girl, had long forgotten the dangers she had just seen. It seemed to be the same as usual. She had been chatting in the car endlessly.


   "Ma'am, Yan'er!" I heard the news and waited for Liu Changhe at the gate of the city. When I saw Li Mo's carriage, they greeted them excitedly.

   Until she saw Liu Changhe, Liu Yan's mother's mother's eyes gleamed with tears, ignoring the crowd around her, and she sobbed directly into her husband's arms, until her panic at this moment really calmed down.

   "Ma'am, look at you in front of children and so many people, what are you doing! Let's go home and talk."

   "Father!" Liu Yan hugged Liu Changhe's arm.

   "Haha...Okay! My cigarettes are fine, let's go home!"


  After returning to Fuzhong, Li Mo told the story in detail to Liu Changhe and several elders. Liu Changhe also moved very quickly. On the same day, he sent a celebrity of his own to Qingshicheng to take over everything from Wang Hu. Liu Jing's injury has been brought under control, but it only takes time to cultivate and heal without any harm.

  Li Mo is coming back these days, except Liu Yan comes to harass him every day, he has been practicing in the house for the rest of the time. He always thought about everything that Xianyang Zi said to him!

"If I have been practicing in Fufu, I'm afraid I won't find three other exercises in this life! Where are they? If I go out and travel some time, I might be lucky if I'm lucky enough to run into it. The world is also of great help to your future!"

  With the determination, Li Mo was ready to discuss with Master and Liu Changhe in the past two days, and of course Liu Yan! If you don't say goodbye to the consequences..., Li Mo is afraid to think about it.

   "Xiao Mo, I got up early today!"

  The next morning, Li Mo pushed open the door of his room, and Liu Shizhong was drinking tea on the recliner.

   "Master, you are very early!"

   "Haha... I'm all old, how can I sleep so much! Isn't your kid practicing in the house on weekdays? How come out today, is there something wrong?"

   "Master, you are not old at all! I can't hide anything from you. I really want to discuss something with you."

   "You stupid boy has learned to flatter, what's the matter?"

  Liu Shizhong pretended to be angry, but in Li Mo's eyes, he loved him!

   "Master, I want to go out for a trip!"

"Good thing! It's a good thing for young people to go out more, but since Huang Tianba retired, I'm still safe in Panyang County, but I heard from other places that I'm still fighting, don't go far. Be careful!"

   "Master, rest assured! I will tell Uncle Liu, I'm leaving now!"

  With Liu Shizhong's consent, Li Mo ran out of the courtyard.

   "This stink boy! Haha..."

   Liu Changhe also very happily agreed to go out with Li Mo, and then told him to pay attention to safety, etc., he also cramed many silver tickets to him and let him stay on the road.

   Finally, Li Mo came out of Liu Yan's room, uneasy in his heart, wondering if the girl would let herself go, hesitating how to talk to her, Liu Yan's voice rang behind her.

   "Li Mo, what do you sneak up outside my room for?"

   "Ah!" Li Mo was taken aback by her sudden voice, and immediately turned around.

   "Yan'er, I... I have something to tell you!"

   was so called by Li Mo, Liu Yan blushed.

   "What do you say! What are you doing?"

   "I want to go out for a trip."

   "What? You still want to go, no, I strongly disagree."

   "Yaner, listen to me! I go out to meet the world, it will be of great help to my cultivation!"

   "Why, you can't fit Li Mo in such a big city? I always want to run outside, no way! Let you say goodbye the first two times."

  Liu Yan pinched her own wild waist with a shrewd expression.

  Li Mo was speechless, just when he was still thinking about speaking!

  Looking at Li Mo's deflated expression, Liu Yan couldn't help but chuckled.

"Oh, Li Mo, I was joking with you just now. My father and my three grandpas told me that it is impossible for a small Panyang County to keep you. You are a big person. Although Liu Yan said Girl, but I still understand these truths, you wait for me, there are some things for you." Liu Yan ran back to his room.

  Li Mo listened to Liu Yan's words, and the inexplicable pain in his heart, he wanted to give up this tour.

  Soon Liu Yan came back with a new set of clothes, and stuffed him into Li Mo's arms.

"Here, the last clothes were stained by you. This is what I made for you the other day. Do you go back and try to fit? Be careful outside, don’t you know if you are brave? Come back soon .I wait for you……"

  After speaking, walk into the house and close the door, relying on the door with red eyes!

  Liu Yan's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end, even Li Mo couldn't hear clearly.

   "Yan'er, what are you talking about?"

   "Li Mo's questioning sound came from outside the door!"

   "This fool!" Liu Yan broke into a Li Mo returned to his room, sorted it out, and put on the new clothes Liu Yan made. He intends to set off in a moment.

   "Xiao Mo, you take them with you and use them on the road."

  Liu Shizhong appeared in front of his door, holding this small porcelain bottle and some silver tickets in his hand.

   "Master Uncle Liu has given me a lot of money, you take it back!"

   "This money is better when you are away, and you are well prepared. This is the "return to the air" to hold in case you need it from time to time."

   "Master, this..."

   "Don't give it to this master, you just take it, go, come back earlier, I'm waiting for you to give me a bigger surprise!"

   "Thank you, Master!" Li Mo walked out of the courtyard after paying a heavy salute to Liu Shizhong!

   walked out of the gate of Junshoufu, Li Mo looked back, and he was a little unhappy. But still walking towards the city gate.

   turned his horse around while Li Mo was about to leave.

   "Driving..." A series of horseshoes sounded behind him, and Liu Yan ran towards Li Mo on a white horse!


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