Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 318: Talent extraction

   The number of free talent draws is 3, and now Li Mo's 3 chances have been exhausted.

   Saiya said: "Adventure, the talent you draw is coward, coward is a very useful talent, especially in the war, your timidity may make your opponents feel soft..."


   Li Mo understands that no matter what talent this Saiya draws, he will not be bad...

  A coward is a good talent? Just kidding, a 10% chance is timid, and a 0.01% chance triggers sympathy. I'm afraid this kind of probability will only be triggered once a year.

   This talent is too garbage.

   "Adventure, please choose your talent carefully, have a good talent, will make you like a fish in the future adventure."

  Cowardly, reckless, cowardly, the three talents Li Mo draws can now be selected again.

  Li Mo frowned slightly.

   These three talents, if you have to find a tall one from the dwarf, it is definitely the best to be reckless.

   However, such a talent, Li Mo still feels not very good.

   plus attack is good, but the defense is too bad.

  Thinking for a moment, Li Mo took out the rod of origin.

  The rod of origin automatically radiates light, not much, Li Mo sees that the number of extractions appears again on the roulette.

it works?

  Li Mo's spirits are revitalized!

  Li Mo took out the staff of origin and just reportedly tried to look at the idea. Unexpectedly, it really worked, although this is not under his control.

   However, in any case, it is always good to choose talent again.

   Li Mo got a lot of information from Du Fei about the ‘Fantasy Replica’. Under the time and space of that different real world, he has a good starting point, which will definitely become a big help in the near future.

   talent is very important. If you really choose the coward talent, it means that the ‘characters’ are all gone.


   Successful extraction!

   Level 3 talent ‘same-sex attraction’, role: when interacting with objects of the same gender, it will increase the other party’s favorability, and a super-friendship may occur. When fighting with same-sex targets, it can increase the attack power of both sides by 15% and defense power by 15%. When attacking behind, the critical strike rate is increased by an additional 20%. (The additional increase in favorability is not effective for adventurers)


give up!

  Li Mo didn't even think about it, just click to give up.

  The rod of origin lights up again...


   Each time the staff of origin lights up, it can make the talent roulette one more extraction times. Li Mo is not in a hurry, he gives up when he is not satisfied, and he has already extracted talents more than twenty times unconsciously.

  Twenty times of talent extraction, a total of three level 0 talents, two level 3 talents were drawn, the two level 3 talents were'same **** attraction' and'together and suffering'.

  The talent of sharing the pain and suffering together can reduce the damage of all members of the team by 10%, and when treated, the effect is increased by an additional 10%.

   This is a very good team talent.

   In fact, the same-sex attraction talent is also a very good team talent, although it is limited to the same-sex...

  The time that the rod of origin automatically lights up is getting longer and longer, and Li Mo asks Saiya: "Is the best level 3 talent?"

   "The best talent is level 10 talent, the worst talent is level zero talent, and the most common talents are level 1 and level 2."


  Li Mo didn't want to ask anymore, it seemed that he had smoked for a long time, and it was a pile of garbage.

   "The probability of a good talent appearing so low, I am afraid that few people can have a talent of more than four levels?" Li Mo said to himself.

  Once a staff with the origin of the cheater has been drawn more than twenty times, only two bad level 3 talents have been drawn. Other people can only have up to 3 times. The probability of getting a good talent is even lower.

   "Adventurers, although the probability of getting a good talent is not high, there are also many lucky people who have got the best talent."

   "In my impression, in the last few years, there have been three lucky winners who have reached level nine talent."

  Li Mo was shocked.

   "I remember very clearly, the three ninth-level talents are Wushuang, God strike, and death-free."

   "Unparalleled can make its crit rate reach 100% without any equipment, and, with the unparalleled talent, the critical strike damage will be increased by an additional 50%."

  Li Mo was shocked.

   100% crit not to mention, but also increase crit damage, with such a talent, who can block it?

   "God strike talent can make users possess unlimited mana and no CD skills."

   "No talent for death, no one can kill, can be resurrected indefinitely."


  Is the ninth-level talent so perverted?

  Nine levels are so perverted, what will the tenth level look like?


  Li Mo's spirit continued to draw talent.


   Successful extraction!

   Level 5 talent ‘Duel’, function: when one-on-one duel, its own attack power is increased by 50%, defense power is increased by 50%, and critical strike rate is increased by 20%.

   This talent is pretty good, but compared with the ninth-level talent ‘Mushuang’, obviously, it’s much worse.

carry on!


  White light flashes continuously, dings.


  Li Mo didn't know how much had passed. Suddenly a red glow flashed and his ears heard a pleasant ring of bells.

   Successful extraction!

   8th-level talent ‘Red Lotus Hell’, role: center itself, produce 20 fire damage per second within 30 yards of the opponent (this talent can gradually increase the power with the character level).

"still is……"

   Li Mo hesitated, he had been smoking for a long time, and now he doesn't know what is going on inside.

  Or choose this red lotus?

   "If it's really an unknown existence in my previous life, if you don't choose a top talent, it always feels inappropriate."

  Li Mo thought for a moment and chose to give up!



   Just when Li Mo was numb, the roulette suddenly burst into a dazzling red light. The next second, the roulette suddenly became smaller and the talent above became much less.

   "Adventure, although I don't know what method you used, but you have drawn a hundred talents and triggered additional effects. Now you have three opportunities to draw your talents on the advanced talent lottery machine."

   draw a hundred times to trigger an extra reward?

   Is it the legendary guarantee?

  Li Mo was refreshed. He was also a serious game lover before. He also had a lot of krypton gold. The opponent's black lottery "guarantee" is familiar.

   A hundred times, I only got an 8th-level talent, I think I must be too black, the system can't see...

  Li Mo carefully watched the advanced talent lottery roulette and found that the above talent options are much less, but the quality is significantly higher.

   The minimum is 8th level talent, the best course is 10th level.

   However, there is only one of the above 10 talents. It seems that the chance of winning is quite small.

   Level 10 talents do not display There are only level 10 icons and a question mark on the name, and the 9th level talents Saiya said are unparalleled, magical, dead, and all listed.

the first time!

  Li Mo turns the talent roulette.


   The colorful light flashed, and the roulette pointer stopped on the 9th level talent ‘God Strike’.

   Level 9 talent ‘God Strike’, function: no matter mana or martial skills are used, no mana is consumed. Skill CD has no cooling time. After each launch, the maximum duration is two hours and the cooling time is 24 hours.

"Very good."

  Li Mo is very satisfied, this talent is ok, but there are two chances left unused, just look at it.


   The red light flickered for a while, and the 8th level talent ‘Ice Field’ was drawn. This talent is similar to the red lotus hell. The difference is that the damage attribute is the ice attribute.

"so so."

   Li Mo clicked the last time.

   trance, colorful light, the roulette pointer made a few rounds slowly, and finally stopped on the question mark of the level 10 talent.


   Level 10 talent, successful extraction!


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