Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 304: Come every day

Cultivating the "Heaven and Earth Creation Technique", you don’t need to eat anything. You can survive by eating the spirit of the heaven and earth directly. Three days have passed, and no one has come to the study, and the girl with a charming and pure appearance has not left for three days and three nights. Pass Li Mo's side.

   "The taste of the treasure is really wonderful, but if it is broken once, it will not be good."

   "So, goodbye, I will come to you again when you recover."

   The girl stroked Li Mo's face, smirked, and disappeared in situ.

  It was only three days, Li Mo seemed to have a serious illness, his eyes were deeply sunken, and the whole person seemed to have no energy at all.

  Full month passed, Li Mo recovered, and his hands and feet were able to gradually move, but at that moment, the charming and pure girl came again.

   The girl easily restrained Li Mo, who had just recovered a little, and then asked for treasure.

  Three days and three nights, until Li Mo's eye socket was deeply sunk again, she left with satisfaction.

  In the past seven days, Li Moneng was able to walk. The first thing he did was carved a'Forbidden Spirit Formation' in the study.

  No matter who he is, as soon as he comes to this study, he will immediately become a mortal.

   It is a pity that the voluptuous and pure girl never came again.

   disappeared without a trace.

  Li Mo's body gets better day by day, and after another month, his body recovers completely.

   It's just that, after Li Mo's body is completely well, the voluptuous and pure girl never came again.

   And this shame, no one knows except Li Mo.

   Li Mo stayed at home and arranged a formation every day, and nourished the grievances of the brothers and sisters of the Jiang family with soul-cultivation. Unfortunately, although the grievances of the two brothers and sisters had grown, they did not restore their memories.

   can only restore their memories in their lifetime, they can only rely on themselves, this point, Li Mo is powerless.

   However, there is no restoration of the memory of the past, and it does not mean that it will not be possible in the future.

   Let the brothers and sisters of the Jiang family act as the Yinshen of the town house. In this way, even if there is a ``spirit clan'' attack, it can be easily dealt with.

  Li Mo headed to the ancient battlefield of Agu Xing. The time was in a hurry. When he saw the two monkeys again, the changes of the two monkeys were already earth-shaking.

  The monkeys shook the sky to dominate the Xuan-level ancient battlefield, and the monkey broke the sky, and has begun to attack the nine-stage position of the ground-level ancient battlefield.

  The blood vessels of the ‘Tongming Spirit Monkey’ are destined to be ordinary from the moment they are born.

  The two little monkeys, whether they are monkeys or monkeys, are extremely dependent on Li Mo. They did not have any cold feelings for Li Mo because of the improvement of their strength, but they were in a state of obedience.

   was watching the panda, he was almost crying.

   He dominated the Huang-level ancient battlefield, but in the Xuan-level ancient battlefield, his record is simply ordinary and can no longer be ordinary.

   "The descendants of the same beast, why the gap is so big? Xiong Sheng is difficult..."

   The panda wails his paws and writes sadly and indignantly.

   "Uncle Cat Come on."

   "Uncle Cat is also very powerful."

  Two little monkeys keep cheering for the giant panda.

  The giant panda was deeply hit, and it hit the ancient battlefield day and night...

Now in the ancient battlefield of Aguxing, there are only pandas and two little monkeys. Du Fei became the general manager of the thunder company in Asia. The business is busy, and his woman Mrs. Ning has always stayed with him for a long time. Agu Xing has been here.

  Li Mo brought Shanyao over, he explained it patiently and passed her many magical spells.

Both monkeys have the "blood lineage inheritance" spell, especially when the monkey breaks the sky. He has more blood lineage inheritance than the monkey's shocking sky. Li Mo told them to learn from each other. As a result, their blood lineage inheritance has been improved a lot. .

  Looking at the giant panda classmates again, there is nothing more than the supernatural powers of ‘the size is as good as the small one if you’re the one who inherited the ancient top ten beasts.

   When the giant panda saw Shanyao took only two days to conquer the Huang class ancient battlefield, he shouted in anger and anger.

   "Roar roar roar--"

   "The bear is really hard!"

   People die more than people, Xiong Biren has no way to live......

   Li Mo is also speechless about the performance of pandas.

Li Mo left Shanyao at Aguxing and returned to the earth. The first thing he did was to enlighten all the giant pandas that lived on the earth. 'Where is it strong?

   The result made him helpless. After enlightenment, the pandas' spiritual wisdom increased a lot, but in terms of cultivation, without exception, it was almost dead...

   Saying something bad is not as good as Wei Jianguo.

  What went wrong?

  Li Mo couldn't figure it out.

  While Li Mo was studying giant pandas, the three-month-long "Huaxia Alien Plenary Meeting" ended and a new strength pattern emerged.

The leader of the Alliance of Foreigners Lan Yue, the elite of the headquarters Fang Tianci, the earth counterattack group'Fang Xinyao' Fang Qiang' Ye Nantian' Ye Beitian' is known as the'Top Six in China', representing the highest war in China's alien world force.

  These six people belong to the ‘Alien Alliance’ and the ‘Earth Strike Team’, of which there are four in the Earth Strike Team and two in the Stranger Alliance.

  After Li Mo saw the list, he only cared about one person, that was Zhuge Yan.

   In the previous life, after Yao Changsheng, there were two presidents of unparalleled strength, one was Fang Tianci and the other was Zhuge Yan.

  Now Fang Tianci has begun to show up, but Zhuge Yan is only a mortal.

  What is her physique? Obviously just a few mortals, how could suddenly become the top expert in the alien world?

   While Li Mo was looking for clues to the universe's aliens, he received a call from Lan Yue and invited him to join him in Beijing.

   "This election ~ You, Zhou Mengxian, the ancestor of the pig family, and the old lunatic of the Bai family, did not participate, and in my opinion, the strength of the four of you is far more than us."

   "Ten people, the great power of China, only those ten people can be ranked in strength."

   Lan Yue sighed.

  At the same time as the general meeting for the recruitment of strangers in China, other countries are also holding similar meetings. After all, the alien invasion of the universe is a global event. It is impossible for only the Chinese state to prepare, but all countries are preparing.

   Asia, a small island country, selected a hundred warriors, the European continent, there were a thousand paladins, a hundred templars, three archbishops, and a saint.

   There are also TS organizations, and a large number of experts have emerged.

   ‘Beauty Snake’, ‘Vampire King’, ‘Dark King’ and ‘Fist of King’, all the well-known surnamed masters of the TS organization in the previous life appeared except for ‘Queen of Phoenix’.

  Whether it is in terms of quantity or strength, all the foreign organizations in China are at an absolute disadvantage.

"Not to mention outside, just to say that the Earth Strike Group, this organization was originally attached to the name of Thunder Company, but now, they have already formed themselves, just yesterday, they sent me a challenge book, the content is very simple, held In the three games, whoever wins will be the one who will submit!

   Lan Yue handed a challenge letter to Li Mo.


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