Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1517: Zhan Jinmiao


Listening to Li Mo's words, Jin Miao's angry face was blue. But he didn't wait for Jin Miao to say anything. He only listened to Li Mo's words.

"In this way, I will not bully you, without the help of the formation of Kyushu and the power of the rod of origin. You only need to suppress the cultivation base to be in the same territory as me. If you win me, the rod of origin will be given to you. "

With that, Li Mo's eyes shone with a cunning light.

Sample, say I am nothing? In the same war, I can't beat you!


Listening to Li Mo's words, Jin Miao's eyes lit up suddenly.

He is the arrogance of the Jinjia tribe, under the same realm. Without the help of other means, hitting a humanoid kid is not in hand?

"Hahaha, since you have to give him the rod of origin of Lord Ben. Then Lord Ben accepted it!"

While holding the sleeves, Jin Miao said proudly.

"Are you fighting here?"

Looking around, Jin Miao asked proudly. As if the battle had not yet begun, Jin Miao won. Therefore, Jin Miao at this moment was a bit impatient for the next battle.

"Tianting naturally has a martial arts court in Tianting."

Looking at the proud Miao, Li Mo grinned.

Immediately behind Li Mo's hands, he walked towards the attic of the Lingxiao Baodian.

"follow me."

The Tiangong is very large, and there are of course several martial arts courts. The loft next to the Lingxiao Temple is the largest martial arts stadium among them.

"Jian Jie, Master I want to see it. How long can you run wild."

Looking at Li Mo's back, Jin Miao smiled eerily, and then took a big step to follow Li Mo.

This loft is divided into nine floors. Each floor is very tall, and the nine-story tower rises into the clouds.

In front of the attic, there was a plaque. It says "Wujiji Pavilion".

Because of the preaching of these emperors, there are many people inside and outside the palace.

So apart from a few secret locations in Tiangong, the rest of the places are also open to everyone. This martial arts pavilion is one of them.

Heavenly Emperor preached, and there were breakthroughs every day. So after listening, everyone must come to this martial arts palace to have a discussion and increase their understanding.

"Meet the God!"

"Meet the God!"


Li Mogang entered the first floor of the Wuji Pavilion and saw a crowd of people. Some compete in the ring, and others watch the battle below. Some even set up small casinos and played with two of them.

But when everyone saw Li Mo's figure, they knelt on one knee and shouted fanatically.

"You guys continue."

Looking at the crowd, Li Mo grinned and said softly.

Then, Li Mo took a step towards the top of the attic.

The first floor of the martial arts pavilion is just a competition between the monks of Jindan.

The higher the level, the higher the monks' competence is.

But Li Mo walked all the way, and the monks around him suddenly didn't want to fight anymore. One by one, he turned his gaze into Li Mo's direction.

In the end, Li Mo came to the ninth floor of Wuji Pavilion.

Here, it is possible to accommodate the King of the Realm King.

There are only four platforms on the ninth floor of the entire Wuji Pavilion, but the surrounding stands are pitiful.

But right now, there is no one except Li Mo and Jin Miao.

After all, I am afraid that today's Kyushu can enter the ninth floor of this martial arts pavilion, no more than one hand.

"Li Mo! Master's time is limited, let's fight soon."

Randomly looking for a ring, the proud Jin Miao jumped up and could not wait. Then, I saw that Jin Miao really suppressed the cultivation base to the late stage of Tianshen Realm.

Jin Miao is not stupid. Li Mo has the staff of origin and the formation of Kyushu. He couldn't beat him at all. Now Li Mo is willing not to resort to external forces. As long as he suppresses the war with him, Jin Miao certainly agrees.

Looking at the arrogant Jin Miao, Li Mo grinned.

Then Li Mo jumped lightly and jumped directly to the ring.

Then, Li Mo made a palm move. A barrier immediately appeared on the ring. This barrier is the protective barrier of the ring. It can accommodate the powerful players of the God Realm during a battle, and it can also block the fighting waves.


It is indisputable to say that Li Mo's figure had just stepped onto the ring. You can hear a violent sound of breaking the sky, only to see a golden light hit Li Mo's direction.

Who is that Jin Miao?

Although the cultivation base was suppressed to the late stage of Tianshen Realm, Jin Miao's speed is still not slow! This speed alone is not comparable to the silver clan.


Just listened to Li Mobang sing and raised his fist.

In the other direction, Jin Miao also blasted a fist. Jin Cancan's fist seemed to be facing Li Mo's fist with endless strength.

"Jian Jie."

Jin Miao's eyes were contemptuous, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a sneer.



Throughout the ring, Jin Miao's figure stayed still. However, Li Mo's figure backed out seven or eight steps one after another, and then he stabilized.

"Great power!"

Li Mo's entire arm shivered slightly, muttered to himself.

Competing against the power of the flesh in the same realm, Li Mo's flesh has always been unfavorable. In addition to the cross-border battle, Li Mo's body suffered for the first time!

"Really when our gold A tribe is the waste of the silver A tribe? After killing several wastes of the silver A tribe, are we eligible to challenge our gold A tribe?"

Shaking his fist slightly, Jin Miao said contemptuously.

The voice fell, and Jin Miao's figure swooped quickly in the direction of Li Mo.

"Are you qualified? It's not what you said!"

Li Mo's eyes gradually narrowed, staring at Jin Miao's rushing figure and murmured.

When Jin Miao just rushed to Li Mo, he saw that Li Mo's palm was the same as before, and he shook his fist again.

"court death!"

Seeing Li Mo's movements, Jin Miao could not help shouting. The fist in his hand was full of strength, and Li Mo had just fallen below in the competition of physical strength.

Now, Li Mo does not change his tactics, and still competes with his own strength. So where does Jin Miao put Li Mo's fist in mind?


The two fists seemed to be two meteors, rushing all the way, with heavy power.

However, just when Li Mo's fist was about to touch Jin Miao's fist, I saw a mysterious rune above Li Mo's fist.


A thick voice sounded, just like before, Li Mo and Jin Miao's fists bumped together.


Another figure backed up seven or eight steps back and forth ~ ~ to stabilize his figure.

But that figure, the whole body was covered with golden light, not who Jin Miao could be? This time, Jin Miao suffered a small loss due to physical strength.

"It's still the strong rune of the tortoise."

Looking at the runes on his fist, Li Mo said with satisfaction.

"You cheat!"

Looking at the rune on Li Mo's fist, Jin Miao growled. These runes, really beat myself off guard.

"These runes are integrated with my physical body. Isn't it the power of my physical body? Why make a fraud?"

Li Mo shook his head and sneered.

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