“This is the graveyard of your [Brave] Lord and [Loki Clan]! Give me an obedient death in Knossos!” ”

‘Knossos, is that the name of this man-made labyrinth?’

From the other person’s words, Finn clearly captured the key information.

But at this moment, Valeta made a move.

In her hand, she suddenly took out a red sphere made of refined metal with a [D] mark engraved on the inside.

“Magic items? What are you going to do, Valetta! “.



“Boom-” As the

eyeball-like red metal demon prop [D] type mark suddenly lit up, immediately after… The passage behind them was suddenly closed by the hardest metal gate that fell.


The team was instantly confused, and everyone looked at Finn worriedly.

“We, are you stuck here?”

Flohn narrowed his golden eyes, instinctively clenched his cane gun, and activated the “Reader” skill to keep himself mentally focused.

It’s just that this idea just came to everyone’s mind, and then … The originally closed doors on both sides of the square space suddenly opened!


“Rustle, rustle—”

The familiar friction sound and the sudden stench of decay instantly let the members of the [Loki Clan] know what was gushing out.


A large number of man-eating flowers poured out of the passage behind the two gates, and it only took a moment to surround the group.

Looking at the scene of the adventurers and monsters clashing below, Valetta laughed playfully, and then stood on tiptoe, and the figure suddenly retreated into the passage behind him.

“Cocktail (a plant),”

Burt cursed and burst out a foul mouth, then charged at lightning speed.

“Everyone, keep the formation and prepare to attack!”

Whoops, whoops, whoops—” With the encouragement of [Brave] and Bert’s example, the morale of everyone was mobilized in an instant!


Two torrents collided, followed by the roar of the adventurers and the howl of the man-eating flower.

The purple light seems to be dancing an elegant ballet, constantly outlining beautiful lines in the monster group, and every time it flickers, the cannibal flowers crowded near the light will be cleared out of thin air… It’s just that it will be instantly filled by the monsters behind.

Poof, poof, poof-” LV.6 breakthrough-level ability value plus the further “Polymath Argohn”, the efficiency of the Flohn slaughter has reached the point of dreams.

Even if it was LV.5, he still needed to consume a lot of physical strength to deal with the charge of a large number of monster groups, but now…

The cane gun in Florn’s hand slaughters monsters, and it is easy to disembowew enemies through their stomachs without much effort, as if cutting tofu.

He only needs to provide a little assistance, and with the inertia and sharpness of this particular weapon itself, he crushes the enemy.


Suddenly stopped in the middle of the monster group, Flohn tilted his head and pinched his chin, watching his own love staff in his hand fall into deep thought as countless monsters surrounded him and attacked him.

‘What’s going on? The feel is completely different, even if you can easily eliminate the man-eating flower before, it is not this easy method?

He didn’t realize why the gods called LV.6 [Hero Realm].

That’s because… The leap from lv.5 to lv.6 is much more terrifying than the sublimation from lv.1 to lv.5.

It is the sublimation of the essence of the level of life, a spark that ignites the countless possibilities of the individual.

As long as the leap to the lv.6 class, then… It can’t be counted as a mortal, or it is closer to [Extraordinary], [Transcendent], [Hero].


From static to moving, in the blink of an eye, countless interlaced purple rays appeared around Floen, freezing all the nearby man-eating flowers in mid-air in an instant.

“Bang bang -”

With Flohn as the center of the circle, all the monsters within a radius of ten meters turned into dust in an instant.

“You guys go support the defenders, I’ll pad the back.”

Glancing in the direction the team was moving, Flohn said to Raul and Angie.


In this team, the strongest three are naturally Finn, Bert and Floen.

Burt is at the front, Finn is in the center and has to judge the situation and command, so the work behind the mat naturally depends on the almighty Flohn.

With his cushion, it can give everyone an unparalleled sense of security.



An hour has passed since the fierce battle began.

I don’t know how many monsters have been collected by the [Dark Faction Valve] in this gloomy demon cave of the artificial labyrinth, anyway, the man-eating flowers have been continuously exported in those two passages.

The team quickly retreated along the only passage, but the monsters behind them chased after them.

Flohn hung at the tail of the team with one enemy, and the whole person turned into a barrier, no matter how many attacks came, all of them were easily killed by him.

If it weren’t for the fact that cannibal flowers would not leave corpses after being killed, then the corpses of enemies along the way would definitely be able to pile up several mountains.

“Well… So strong, the frequency of breathing in the face has not changed!

“That is, Lord Flohn doesn’t even have consumption!”

Since Flohn upgraded LV.6, it was the first time he shot in front of everyone, not to mention others, even his own team members were stunned.

“Don’t get your mind wandering! Pay attention to the queue length!

Finn snapped to everyone, while concentrating on the front of the passage.

Remember, a monster appeared right in front of the passage leading the group, and as a striker, Bert took the lead.

“Huh? This is not a man-eating flower? Is it a new type of monster like a worm? What

appeared in front of everyone was not a man-eating flower or a worm, but a monster like a water spider.

It has six legs, about the length of a normal human waist, and a green crystal resembling a magic stone in the center of its body.

Due to its very small size, the number is terrifying, and it makes people’s scalps numb at first glance.

“Bert, be careful!”

“What are you afraid of, monsters are monsters after all, just do it!”

The werewolf youth looked arrogant, and when he increased his speed again, his foot knife and combat boots flashed a silver cold glow, clearing out a large number of enemies in an instant.

“Bert, pay attention above!”

Then…… Everyone noticed that around them, several square drop steps suddenly appeared in the passage with a width of 5 meters.

Monsters kept pouring out of the cave.

It is said to be a cave, but in Frohn’s observation, this thing should be that the unfinished mechanism and trap are temporarily used as monsters’ nests.

Because of the sudden change in the situation, Raul, Angie and the others could only be forced to raise their shields and weapons and start fighting with the monsters used in the surrounding forks in the road and the caves above.

This change suddenly reduced the speed of the team’s retreat.

Constantly waving the staff and gun in his hand, Flohn slaughtered the monster behind him like a door god, the speed of the team decreased, and he could only stop in place.

While his body’s instinctive reaction killed the monster, Florn observed the situation around him.

‘Not very good, Valeta is trying to kill us in Knossos, this plan… It is estimated that it has been formulated for a long time, so it is only after putting us in the lower level that we have started to do it?

In an instant, he saw through the enemy’s means…



That crazy woman must be secretly watching, Florn and Finn thought at the same time.

Still the other party’s care and hatred for Finn, the other party is impossible to run far, especially the perverted heart, if it is not for the fear of accidents, she can’t wait to watch the live broadcast, and then cheer loudly for Finn’s tragic situation and downfall.

“Finn, that guy is waiting for the moment, once we are dragged down by monsters and consume a lot of physical strength and supplies, it will be dangerous!”

As for the other party’s means, in the case that he only has lv.5, except for the trap of the artificial maze Knossos itself, Flohn can’t think of any other means for the other party.

But…… Just because it is an artificial maze of Knossos, it is more worthy of vigilance.

Such a creation, relying only on its own strength is no problem, but if you want to bring the team back intact, it will be difficult.

However, remembering his current swelling strength, Flohn confidently raised the corners of his mouth.



“Strong, it’s really strong, that gesture, that expression, I haven’t seen such a child for a long time!” I remember the last time I could be fancyed by the child was when I met the little girl Jian Ji on the 12th floor.

In the huge and wide hall, the god Thanatos, who watched Finn’s side fight through the reflection of some kind of plant, exaggerated the human blonde youth.

“Who is he? Can anyone introduce me?

Below, a group of mysterious people wearing hooded cloaks looked at each other, and finally a leader stood up.

“My God, he is [Night Weaver] Floon Argohn, a cadre of the Loki clan.”

“Oh oh oh oh ~ So it is, it’s him! He is the night weaver. So…… Dear Baka, can you take special care of him? How about separating the brave, the fierce wolf, and the night weaver? The

gloomy man paid attention to the battle situation through the biological projection props, and nodded silently.

“Hee-hee, it’s worthy of being a direct descendant of creating this work, then it’s up to you!” As for Valetta’s side, I’m sure she will agree to my plan. ”



The Flohn team, which was fighting fiercely with monsters and advancing hard, finally opened the way after half an hour of fighting.

“Quick, speed up!”

The messy footsteps picked up again, and soon an intersection appeared in front of everyone.


But at this time, an accident happened!

“Boom-” The

gate to the intersection fell abruptly, watching as he was about to crush a member of the group into mashed meat.

Flohn supported the cannibal attack with one shot, quickly turned around with the help of the rebound, kicked the opponent in the back, and sent him over!



The scene that was imprinted in Floren’s mind at the last moment was everyone’s shocked and worried eyes.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll catch up with you soon!”

At this moment, Flohn, who was isolated alone, did not panic at all, but had a faint smile on his face.

Even if the way of life was blocked and there were dozens of cannibal flowers in front of him, he did not panic.

“Take advantage of the terrain, divide the combat power, and then break each one? The other party’s command is quite clever, knows that the front is just right, and plays this kind of conspiracy. But ah…”

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