Everyone looked at the magic array that was close to Ace with eyes wide open, and their eyes were full of ~ despair!


Lephia’s terrified scream sent everyone chilled, and Ace – a huge crisis descended on the girl, it was a trap carefully planned by the enemy, and it was absolutely impossible to dodge!

“‘Magic Dominator’, start-move!”

“[Invisible Ghost Fire——! “Boom


“[Invisible Ghost Fire——!! ”


“[Invisible Ghost Fire——!!!

Boom –

The invisible chaotic magic cannonball exploded in the other party’s mouth in an instant, making “her” body involuntarily lean back.


At this moment, space and time seem to be frozen!


“Flohn, well done!”

“It’s you!”

“Come on, Ace!”

“It’s all up to you, Ace!”

——The stunned and desperate faces of the partners instantly turned into ecstasy.

And after exhausting the last physical, mental, and magical power used to escape, Floen, who fell upside down in the air, closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

The lips were buzzing, and the whisper reached the girl’s ears.

“Please, Ace.”


The girl turned her head in amazement, looking at the salvation from her beloved in surprise, and then – her golden eyes became sharp, her eyes widened, and the storm in her body became even more raging.

That is, the pitch-black color that represents revenge.



series of storms tore through the enemy’s cloak, and the arms that stood in front of him were mercilessly torn apart.

Entwining and condensing all of Ace’s silver rapier sword, it released a shocking silver slash, which was the brilliance that cut off the body!


The next moment!

The enemy’s body is pierced by a silver rapier shining with the light of hope.

From top to bottom, the girl swordsman who turned into a flash of wind penetrated the upper body of the enemy’s body and the lower body of the huge plant, penetrating the entire body of “her”.

The silver rapier that cuts the body, the tyrannical wind that crushes the giant body, and the words of the young man, “Shout out the name of the move.” The girl’s roar.



The mushroom cloud rising into the sky and the shock wave that swept the earth ravaged the entire floor, looking at the terrifying enemy that turned into flying ash in an instant with the big explosion, everyone muttered in disbelief.

The raging storm did not stop for a long time, entangled with the aftermath that shook the dungeon.

Resisting the oncoming pressure with their arms, they raised their heads to look at the blurry figure in the smoke.

The dust was drifting, but the figure was becoming clearer.

Until the long golden hair shining with magical phosphorescence appeared, and the golden eyes that looked back, the cheers of everyone blocking their hearts instantly burst out!



Until the cries of joy of Tiona and Thione burst into the sky!

The companions dragged their battered, bruised, or bloodied bodies and rushed towards the two figures with cheers.

The soot dissipated.

The blonde girl supported the unconscious youth, and her delicate and pretty face smiled, making the entire floor seem to brighten.


“Flohn ——!”

The partners surrounded the two like crazy, and they didn’t know where they came from when they were obviously injured like that.

Looking at the young people gathered together, Finn covered his burnt black right arm and smiled at the old guy next to him who was vomiting blood.

“How’s that, Grace. Still alive, right?

“Ha, isn’t it just a big hole in my stomach, and this minor injury is no different from tickling for me.”

The dwarf old man looked disdainful, although he was still coughing up blood.

“Hmph, so capable at such an age.”

Seeing his predecessor look like this, Bert twisted his face and activated the poisonous tongue skill.

“Why, isn’t it very envious? I don’t know who said that the old man is only physically strong, why is he not arrogant now? ”

· ······ Ask for flowers… ······


Glancing at his trembling body, Bert was speechless.

Farther back, Lephia and Alicia are unleashing magic on Riveria, who has just become clear.

It seems that this magic guide has endured the opponent’s magic shelling head-on, coupled with the magic backlash, and the injury is even more serious than expected.

“Lord Riveria, are you okay?”

“Ahem, don’t worry, Lephia. It’s just a magic backlash, and emergency treatment will not affect the action.

Glancing at the heartfelt joy on everyone’s faces, Tsubaki smiled.

“[Loki family], it’s really powerful. What an eye-opener for me! ”

…. …… …

The entire 59th floor echoes with the joyful cheers and excited roars of adventurers who have crossed the “adventure”.

And on the messy earth, broken weapons and broken armor are scattered – they indicate that this place has just undergone a real adventure, a great achievement belonging to the [Loki family]!



“Bert, the comatose Flohn will be handed over to you.”

“Ah——? How to let Lao Tzu carry him again, this is the first time!

“Well, you also have to understand everyone, of all of us, only you have the fastest footsteps, and you should be familiar with this commission, right?” I don’t bother the two masters in one thing.

“Finn !!!!!”

“Ahahahahaha, let’s go, everyone go, let’s return to the 50th floor as fast as possible!”


“Of course, if you still have spare energy, you can also clean up the dropped props, after all, everyone also has to live.”

A little joke made the atmosphere of the whole team lively.

However, compared to everyone who was happy, Ace pursed her lips and put all her thoughts on Florne.

“Ace, don’t worry. A man as strong as Flohn will be fine.

Alicia comforted the girl a little and told her not to worry.

“Well, I see.”

“Everyone still needs you, as for taking care of Floen, leave it to me.”


(The war is over, please order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!) Door



: Everyone treated the only remaining medicine a little, restored their bodies to the point where they could move, and then followed the orders of the leader of the little Terran and retreated directly without hesitation.

Dragging the heavily damaged and tired body, under Finn’s command, everyone was forced not to fight the monsters directly, and then passed the 58th floor “Dragon Kettle” that re-refreshed a large number of monsters without risk, and successfully reached the 57th floor.

Slowly streaked by in an instant, and the adventurers ran all the way through the 51st floor.

“Female-sized monster, if you guessed correctly, this is a complete body.”

“Ah, and the thing I encountered on the 18th floor, it’s simply two levels.”

“The 18-layer twisted monster is parasitic in front of us, if the [Orb Fetus] is compared to a seed, then it is a larvae just after parasitism, and there is not much strength, and if you want to grow, you need to constantly ingest energy, such as the nutrient solution spilled in the ‘four-six-seven food bank’, or grow by devouring the monster’s magic stone, and then eventually reach the level of 59 layers.”

“Ah, so calculated, the fallen elf who put us into a bitter battle this time is just a doppelganger cultivated with seeds.”

Finn frowned, and while he didn’t want to admit the result, it was the truth.

“It is estimated that … It’s just a striker sent out by the other side to test it, or cannon fodder, right? The body of that one may still be deeper in the dungeon. ”



At the same time, those who made the same judgment as Finn were the old gods Ouranos and [Sage] Firth, who watched the adventures of the [Loki Family] throughout the process.

“Amazing, [Loki family]! After this adventure, those young people of them are estimated to be upgraded! The

sage in the hooded cloak praises the adventurers of the Loki family, and then he shifts his gaze from the crystal ball.

“Well, the strength of the city has further strengthened, which is a good thing. But the most important thing is ‘she’.

Firth understood what the old god meant by “she.”

“The essence of the fallen elves.”

The torches burned as usual, and Ouranos’ pale eyes looked at the reflection in the crystal ball, and then speculated in a deep voice.

“That’s right, the root of the [Orb Fetus] avatar, that is, the body—is still lurking deeper in the dungeon, at least below the 60th floor! After being broken by the [Yan Demon], the other party’s behavior was very strange, as if he was launching a distress signal. I could feel that after ‘her’ signaled, several floors were turbulent in the depths, which may be the defensive barrier unfolded by other monsters.

According to Ouranos’s speculation, Firth pondered for a moment.

“The 59th floor is recorded in the library of the union headquarters, it should be the “Ice Labyrinth” I’m afraid it’s not wrong, then now it has completely become like this, I’m afraid it’s the enemy’s handwriting, ‘she’ completely mastered the terrain, environment and ecosystem of the 59th floor, and then used those ‘giant flower seedbeds’ to cultivate tentacles, completely changed the entire floor, turned it into its own domain, used to warm its own power, and recharge its strength——

” “There was such an unknown change in the dungeon, What an unexpectedly serious state of affairs.

“Ah, those twisted weirdos who enter our line of sight are probably also the handiwork of the other party.”

“Everything, just to destroy the city and get back under the sky.”

“——Ah, the [God Doppelganger] sent a thousand years ago to save the people of the Nether Realm has obviously become the mastermind behind everything destruction.”

What an irony, [Sage] Firth muttered weakly.

Then he thought of the guys on the 24th floor who covered their faces.

“Maybe the situation is more serious than we thought, don’t forget, Ouranos, the remnants of the [Dark Faction], are also colluding with the other party.”



“It’s a bit of a headache, even the enemy that we [Loki Clan] can only win with difficulty, it’s just a doppelganger, it’s a big joke.”

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