Deafening shattering sound!

Flohn held his breath.


Huge rocks shattered, scattered in all directions, and crumbling debris tumbled and tumbled to the ground.

Then…… The sound of “boom” as if some heavy object hit the ground….

“That” appeared.

What a behemoth it was—his whole body filled Flohn’s entire field of vision, and he let out a shocking exclamation.

“Whoops, who

For the first time, the super-large monster with extremely high intelligence targeted two small individuals.

“Ace, you back off.”

“Well, come on.”

The “Kenji” girl stood on tiptoe, fluttering back to the entrance of the passage, like a wife watching over the battle, silently blessing in her heart.

Flohn took a deep breath and drew his specially prepared two-handed greatsword from his back.

Gripping the hilt tightly, the tip of the great sword fell diagonally to the ground.

The fighting spirit burned in the golden pupils.

“I’m coming, monster!” Doors

Chapter 62:

“I’m Coming, Monster!”

For the first time, Flohn let out a low roar in battle!

The golden pupils and the two rings of azure streamers shone brightly and flowed.

Leaning his body and dragging his great sword, he slammed his left foot and stomped on the ground, while a high-pitched chant came out of his mouth!

“[Let’s come to an end!] (Ragnarok)”

– Flohn has changed.

The black-red thunder wrapped around his body, and the destructive power of the fury kept spreading.

The dust of the gravel was blown away, and ring-shaped ripples erupted continuously from the soles of his feet.


With a “pop”, he turned into a cannonball, using unparalleled acceleration and inertia, and his body jumped directly!

The power of his arms allows him to use it freely even if he wields a two-handed sword that is not proportional to his size!

Raised above his head, his body bowed upside down, full of the destructive power of this blow!


The monster’s counterattack was so swift that it began to react almost simultaneously with Flohn’s attack on three or five three.

The huge arms and slaps whistling towards the scene as if swatting mosquitoes is ridiculous.


In the face of the enemy’s obstruction, Floen’s forehead was bulging, and the blow that gathered the strength of his whole body was a blow, and the surging battle intent surged from his eyes!

“Open it for me, a


Ace’s hands suddenly clenched, staring closely at the blow that would determine the advantage.


Just as she expected, a blinding black light pulled out the phantom and sliced through the enemy’s giant palm without hindrance.

Poof…” A huge amount of blood erupted from the enemy’s wounds, staining half of Florne’s body red.

Flying past the enemy, the corners of his mouth on the side of his face rose wildly!

Feeling the blocking force just now, Flohn instantly judged the enemy’s defensive ability.

“Lv.4…… No, the durability of Lv.5!

” The ability value comparable to the lower level of Lv.4, plus the [Surtel], which has been doubled by the “polymath”, is actually just barely cutting through the enemy’s skin.

This joke is not funny at all.


Boom la ….

After landing on the ground, he stuck his big sword into the ground, and he slid out for a long distance.

Looking up at the huge enemy in front of him, he understood … If you want to knock out the enemy, you must break the enemy’s defenses, and to achieve this, one knife is definitely not enough.

So…… Only continuous magic shelling in high-speed battles can weaken the enemy and finally achieve the purpose of breaking the defense.

“No wonder that in the case of equal combat power, if you want to defeat the floor master, you must rely on the team, and constantly attacking with all your strength is not something that a single person can afford.”

And this result highlights even more how strong the wall hanging who can single out the floor master is.

For example, “Kenji”, such as “Fierce”….


Readjusting his breathing, Flohn unhurriedly started a fierce battle with the oversized floor master at his own pace!

The fierce fight between adventurers and monsters begins!

The capricious black light kept slicing across all parts of the enemy’s body – a powerful force that allowed every blow of the greatsword to bring deep and high damage to the floor master.

But in the face of the enemy’s oversized body, this damage sharing has a sense of [Gua Sha] déjà vu.

Compared with his size, the enemy who jumped around and was flexible, but Goliath used his huge body to constantly swing, trample and counterattack, and occasionally he could hit a blow and was also removed most of the strength by his dexterous body, which was difficult to cause considerable damage.

Both sides could not help the enemy for a while, and could only continue, consume, and confront in this way.

“Tread, tread…” The

sound of chaotic footsteps came from behind.

Ace, who was watching the battle, turned sharply, and then her eyes widened slightly.

“Thionyne, Tiona, and the Captain, Riveria, Grace, and even Lephia, Raul, Angie, Cruz, Elvi, Lipin, and Miss Alicia are here.”

Poor God, Loki’s main force has basically arrived.

Only poor Bert remained at the station under Loki’s mandatory orders.

It’s just that Ace is strange….

“Why is everyone wearing hooded cloaks?”

Everyone, including Finn, looked embarrassed.

It can’t be said that in order to see this epic battle, the great deeds that the gods praised, they secretly followed, right?

“Ahem, Ace. How did the battle go?

Ace tilted her head cutely and blinked.

“Just getting started.”

“It’s good to catch up!”

“You also said that if you hadn’t wasted so much time rushing up when you saw a monster on the road, we would only be there now!?”

“Okay, you two sisters don’t quarrel, do you want to miss such a wonderful battle!”

“Regiment leader ~~~~ People are wrong.”

“Well, Commander, are you sure that you reprimanded Miss Thiony, not to give him benefits?”

Raul reminded with an embarrassed look.


Finn shook his head bitterly, and the other members covered their mouths and snickered.

Thiona rolled her eyes.

“My sister is so stupid and too good to fool.”

“Oh, Flohn actually used a great sword?”

At this time, the dwarf warrior tore his cloak unpleasantly and asked Ace curiously.

“Well, he seems to have been prepared for a long time, specially built to deal with the super large floor master.”

“Speaking of which, this kid is still a forger, it’s really convenient. “Even

if it is a great sword, for the Goliath who has a long-lasting specialty, the damage is limited.”

Finn’s words had just fallen….

Full of charm, strange rhythm and beautiful mantra chanting, it reached everyone’s ears.

“[O proud warriors, the shooters

of the forest-]” “[The advancing marauders are ahead, take your bows-]

” “[Respond to the voices of your compatriots, take the arrows-

] ——!

Everyone suddenly widened their eyes and stared closely at the black flame demon who was moving around the huge monster and constantly wielding his great sword to cause wounds to the enemy.

“Hey, hey, hey… No way!

Raul, who did not know the news, stared blankly, opened his mouth and looked up stupidly at the figure chanting a spell in the rapid battle.

Miss Alicia covered her small mouth in surprise, and her eyes frequently looked at Rephia.

“That spell… Could it be…”

Lephia’s big eyes were shining, and her expression was adored to the extreme.

“It’s my magic!”

The singing continues!

“[Light the flames, the lights of the forest!]

“[Order you to release arrows, elven fire arrows!]

“[Like rain plummeting, burning the barbarians!] The

voice became higher and higher, and the surging magic even made the black-red thunder wrapped around him begin to sway.

Finn waved his hand and let everyone hold back!

“Here it comes!”

Flohn’s eyes suddenly widened, and the spiritual power poured out like a flood was poured into magic by him – running to the extreme, and even making the blue aura of his eyes shine brightly!

The rapid movement, the slash from top to bottom mercilessly tore through the enemy’s frontal defenses, revealing crimson wounds.

As he glided after landing, the young man took out the magic staff from his waist with one hand in one hand and took out the magic staff with one hand – in the next second, the terrifying magic power all gushed out through the increase of the “Water Cang’s Staff”!

“[Fusilla de Fallarica] !!!!!!!!!!!!!”


The high-temperature light arrows lit up by the gushing mana cut through the golden arc in the tall cave, and the dense high-temperature mana bombs that made people numb their scalps instantly covered the entire body of the enemy!

“Boom, boom

“Whoops, whoa, whoops, whoa

The screams of the tremor eardrum resounded throughout the 17th floor, and even shook the 18th floor.

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