
When the crisp sound of metal collision echoed, the deafening shock wave exploded in an instant like a balloon that had been punctured after expansion!


The adjacent mud-brick wall, the spectators’ seats, under the impact of the shock wave, cracked invariably.

The rubble splashed, and the nearby audience screamed and were blasted away by the aftermath of the fight between the two.

They looked confused and didn’t know what was going on, especially the Marquis of Geno who exuded an evil aura and released an extraordinary magic beyond their comprehension.

This is their beloved Jeno teacher?

The appearance that was terrifying just by looking at it, if it weren’t for the fact that it really happened in front of them, they wouldn’t believe it was the Marquis of Geno to death.

However, the most uncertain was Marquis de Janor himself.

I watched in amazement as Rhode blocked his slash with his scabbard with one hand.

Not only that, his figure did not shake at all, and even his expression was calm as usual.

“You should push a little harder.”

Rhode said words that felt regretful, the scabbard swung forward, and the figure of Marquis Jeno, who had collided with Rhode, was like a cannonball that came out of the chest, dragging the afterimage and flying out upside down.


Marquis Jeno slammed uncontrollably under the wall behind him, which dented into a large section.

Rhode held the middle of the scabbard and moved forward step by step.

“Wait a minute, stop the attack! Marquis of Geno, you need to explain what happened!!! ”

The referee finally recovered from the state of short circuit in his brain, and the professional instinct allowed him to run to the position of the Marquis of Geno in the first place.

Rhode paused and kindly reminded. “I advise you not to go over.”

“Don’t go over? Why? Marquis de Janor, not to…”

He also had naïve thoughts, and it was only when the dust dispersed and he saw those fierce pupils that the referee realized that he was wrong.

His heart trembled, and unquenchable fear gushed out from his eyes.


It was too late for him to run, and amid the terrified screams of the others, the referee was cut into three pieces by three sword lights that were difficult to see with the naked eye.

The bloody limbs snapped and fell to the ground.

That extremely tragic death finally convinced the students or students that Marquis Geno was really here!

“Guy in the way.”

The irritated anger of being underestimated by Rhode made him almost out of control, and the figure of a young girl was reflected in his scarlet pupils.

Marquis of Geno, who had taken too much medicine and could not calm down, eroded his brain with bloodthirsty desire the moment he saw the blood rushing.

He swallowed the medicine given by the Order and was ready to kill everyone. It’s just that Rhode didn’t die under his sword at the first time, making him miscalculate.

“Don’t kill me.”

Seeing the distorted face of Marquis Jeno suddenly looking in her direction, the girl’s voice was crying, wanting to escape, but the trembling slender jade legs did not listen to the command at all, but made her fall to the ground, watching in horror as Marquis Geno raised his sword.

Olivia regretted it very much at this time!

Coming to see the duel with intense curiosity, she really didn’t know that she would lose her life.

As a country commoner who entered the noble school as a special recruit, he should have made his parents feel proud, but only two days after the start of school, he encountered his biggest crisis.

Now don’t say pride, she herself may not see the sun rising tomorrow morning.

Marquis Jeno’s sword was raised above his head, and when it was about to fall, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Olivia.

Rhode sighed and said regretfully.

“I have to remind you that your opponent is me.”

Rhode once again blocked the vertical slash of the Marquis of Geno with his scabbard, and the thick and low sonic boom dispersed, and the corners of his clothes were rolled up in the fierce wind

In the face of the shockwave that was enough to destroy the building, Olivia was surprised to find that she was fine, and then realized that it was the figure standing on Olivia that she resisted the attack.

“So strong!”

Olivia’s eyes were full of adoration of the stars, even overpowering the fear of life and death.

Rhode didn’t care about the girl behind him, he used his other hand, like lightning, to press the face of the Marquis of Geno like lightning, and his body was juxtaposed with him, whispering in his ear.

“It’s not a good habit to bully people.”

In the next second, the hand holding him suddenly pressed down!

“Knock !!!”

Marquis Genor’s head was pressed into the ground by Rhode, and the ground immediately dragged out the gully cracks formed by the ground crack, and he roughly lifted Marquis Geno back to the center of the duel arena.

In this process, the body of the Marquis of Jeno did not resist, and seemed to be like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, weak to the point of pitiful.

Rhode let go of his hand, stepped back a little, showed his demeanor, and said with a smile on his face.

“Let’s go back to the stage of the duel for the next round, and I promise you that as long as my sword is unsheathed, you will not die. So, what are you going to surprise me next? Marquis of Jeno. ”

PS: Ask for a flower collection. This book is a comprehensive comic article, the main plot is the strength of the shadow, and other characters will appear in the middle.

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