Finally, after numerous impacts, all the cracks converged to one point.

The red crystal that bred the worm monster burst suddenly, and it was "born"!

Meng Chao was finally able to observe the world in front of him without barriers through the perspective of insects and monsters—the ancient world hundreds of millions of years ago!

The alien world in the ancient times was a hundred times purer than it is today.

The sky is as blue as a huge inverted crystal bowl. Although it is daytime, countless stars can be vaguely seen, shining in extremely far away, like colored diamonds inlaid in the huge crystal bowl.

Even the clouds have a crystal-clear translucent texture, not like the condensation of water vapor, but rather like the purest spiritual mist, swallowing soft light, like some kind of jellyfish-like living thing.

The whole land is also like a whole piece of crystal.

Not only among the rolling mountains, there are colorful spar veins everywhere, directly exposed on the surface, criss-crossing, flickering, like a super-giant neural network exchanging massive information.

At the place where the spar veins meet, super-high-concentration spiritual energy gushes out from the ground, and condenses into exquisite and incredible "spar fountains" in mid-air, which are like watered by rainbows. The majestic towering tree.

In the era when Meng Chao lived, only the spar veins deep in the ground, under the combined action of long-term high temperature and high pressure and psionic shaping, could form this kind of crystal cluster that looked like a "solidified fountain".

Moreover, the scale of this perfect crystal cluster must never be too large, and its diameter and height usually do not exceed one meter.

If it can reach two or three meters, it will be enough to trigger the forces of the nine super companies to tear their faces and fight.

Unexpectedly, in the foreign world in the ancient times, the aura was so strong.

Looking around, the entire vast land is full of crystal clusters hundreds of meters high, even nearly a thousand meters high, it looks like a super giant crystal forest!

When sunlight hits the depths of the crystal cluster, after a series of refraction, reflection, diffraction, and scattering, it becomes a mist composed of millions of colors, rolling on the ground, not only beautiful like a fairyland, but also inhabiting the world. The carbon-based life forms on this planet bring a steady stream of energy, making them burst into the most vigorous vitality.

However, what is happening on this planet that is full of psychic energy and filled with immortal energy is not like what a fairyland should be.

Before Meng Chao had time to observe the surroundings carefully, he felt a strong will coming from all directions like a stormy sea, pouring into his brain—more precisely, it was the owner of this memory, the insect from the ancient times. The brain of a monster.

Attack, kill, destroy.

Hunger, chew, devour.

Burn, smash, corrode.

Anger, resentment, hatred.

Meng Chao felt that if this worm-like monster really had a brain, its brain should also be composed of pure negative emotions like black crystal.

And the one hundred and eight thousand insect-like monsters around it, like it, are desperately stirring up negative emotions, producing black, no, bloody resonance.

Meng Chao saw that the scarlet crystal that gave birth to this worm-like monster was inlaid on a giant pillar with a diameter of more than ten meters and a height of several hundred meters.

This huge crystal pillar that bred countless monsters was not buried deep in the ground by the "mother" like it is today after hundreds of millions of years.

Instead, it was stimulated by strong spiritual energy, and it sprung up like mushrooms, directly breaking out of the ground and standing between the sky and the earth.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it continuously absorbs the spiritual energy around it, and condenses into crystal-like vesicles.

Deep in the crystal vesicle, there is a race against time to modulate genes, implant embryos, inject nutrients, and accelerate cell division.

In no time, a ferocious monster with teeth and claws was bred and mature enough to break the crystal and roar out.

There is far more than one such giant pillar.

Within Meng Chao's field of vision alone, there were more than a hundred giant pillars, constantly producing monsters.

Every minute and every second, tens of thousands of monsters break out of their shells.

Or wave the blade limbs, or flap the wet wings, or open the bloody mouth, let out a roar that captivates the soul, and join the mighty beast tide.

That's right, the area in front of me is composed of millions of monsters, which can block the sky from the top, block the river from the bottom, and can swallow a cluster of spar veins with a diameter of hundreds of meters in an instant into a crisp, full of holes. Ordinary gray-white rocks, not even a wisp of spiritual energy left - this is the real beast tide!

This bug-like monster blends in with an army of its own kind.

Through its compound eyes, Meng Chao could clearly see what "myself" looks like now.

It is like a dragonfly magnified hundreds of times.

But it has a sickle blade similar to a praying mantis, a poisonous needle similar to a scorpion, and a mouthpart that can instantly crush the hardest crystal ore.

In the depths of the body cavity, there are also organs that can emit ultrasonic waves, through the high-frequency oscillation of the ripples, it can directly pulverize the prey and food on a physical level.

Compared with this ancient zerg, today's alien zerg, such as "golden sickle, vampire, seven-star tarantula, ghost-eyed gold-winged flame worm", are all pretty and harmless to humans and animals.

"Is this the peak form of the 'matrix'?

"100% production efficiency is fully activated, hundreds of monsters can be produced every second, forming an overwhelming beast tide every minute!

"Moreover, the monsters of the ancient times seemed to be more ferocious than the monsters of today. Just this ordinary insect monster is enough to tear apart many nightmare monsters today!"

Meng Chao was shocked.

And this worm-like monster, after mixing with the beast horde army, occupied a spar vein directly exposed on the ground with a radius of tens of miles, and devoured it, it entered the stage of dormancy and evolution together with its companions.

In just a few minutes, a layer of mucus was secreted from the surface of all the insect monsters. When the mucus met the air, it immediately condensed into a black, hard shell.

Or from the inflated abdominal cavity, a substance similar to spider silk was ejected, wrapping himself and his companions into huge cocoons.

Accompanied by the crackling sound, after just a few minutes, all the insect-like monsters broke out of their shells, becoming even bigger, harder, and more ferocious.

The length of many adults can easily exceed ten meters.

Even the carapaces of many adults are inlaid with dense crystals. Through the control of natural patterns, they can release a series of extremely aggressive spiritual magnetic force fields, as if they are equipped with laser cannons.

And with the evolution of terror, they also become hungrier and manic.

Ordinary spar veins can no longer satisfy their endless appetite, desire to destroy, and desire to kill.

They are eager to find a place with more intense aura and ten times higher psionic index, and then completely devour, destroy, and destroy it!

Meng Chao and his "companions" opened their transparent wings, which were ten times larger and ten times stronger than when they were just born, and flew into the sky together.

They swept across the land like locusts crossing the border, devouring everything that contained even a little bit of spiritual energy within sight.

And under the stimulation of psychic energy, the genes mutated again and again, evolved and mutated, and turned into an even uglier and more ferocious form.

In the depths of the earth where there are many giant pillars behind, it seems that the "matrix" is giving them instructions.

The nervous systems of all insect monsters felt the stimulation of the surge of electricity.

Under the guidance of the "matrix", they "see" it.

Seeing the brilliant, majestic, seemingly indestructible cities standing on the horizon.

Yes, that is the symbol of civilization - the city.

Although it is quite different from the appearance of a human city.

But Meng Chao recognized it at a glance. These solemn and absolutely precise geometric figures, which seemed to be carved out of a whole piece of crystal, should be the buildings carefully designed by the "ancients".

If we say that in the area where the "matrix" is located, that is, near today's Wuyin Absolute Territory, all spar veins are blooming like flowers, gushing like springs, and even burning like solidified flames, growing freely like a primitive forest , full of extreme chaos and vitality.

Then, the city of the "ancients", that is, the area that Dragon City crossed over, was constructed by them into a big classroom of three-dimensional geometry.

Cube, cuboid, tetrahedron, hexahedron, ninedecahedron, hexahedron, sphere with absolute precision...

All aggregates are like ultra-large-scale, ultra-high-purity crystals with a diameter of hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters, without any flaws or cracks.

After hanging out with Lu Siya for so many years, Meng Chao also learned a lot of prospecting skills.

He knew that at least in the interior of planets of the level of the earth and other worlds, it is impossible to have a super giant spar of this size and appearance.

This must be the "ancients" who collected countless spar raw ores, compressed, smelted, and fused them with incredible technology.

Meng Chao couldn't imagine what level of technology this was!

Not to mention, these "ultra-giant spars" are all buildings with hollow interiors. There are a large number of rooms and passages, and countless "ancients" live in them!

In other words, every building in this city contains astronomical spiritual energy.

As long as suitable spiritual patterns are engraved inside and outside the building, a super-large-scale spiritual magnetic force field can be constructed.

And the "ancient people" living in it can also adjust the magnetic field of life to a similar oscillation frequency through practice.

They don't have to grind their teeth, sweat profusely, and take the risk of becoming obsessed in cultivation like people on Earth today.

Easily and naturally, in daily life, you can continuously absorb the spiritual energy in the spar, allowing yourself to evolve into the most perfect form of carbon-based life!

With such an elegant, precise, and perfect posture, the buildings of the "ancient people" are suspended above the earth, slowly rotating, sinking and floating, unscrupulously interpreting to the ignorant and ignorant future generations what is called real "civilization" "!"

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