Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 809 Death of the Mastermind

"It's ashamed to say that it's not that we killed the monster mastermind. It was overloaded too much and died of spontaneous combustion."

Shao Zhengyang told Meng Chao that although the monster mastermind's "Phantom Killing Formation" is powerful, if he wants to trap more than twenty god-level powerhouses at the same time, he will have to pay an extremely tragic price.

Whether human brains or monster brains, or even silicon-based computing chips, consume a lot of energy and release extremely high heat when they run at super high speeds.

In many cases, what restricts performance is not the performance of the brain or the chip itself, but the temperature.

For a supercomputer, the cooling system is one of the most important core units.

As far as the human brain is concerned, the consequences of overthinking and overthinking are that the brain is prone to burning hot.

The super brain in the depths of the monster's lair has a diameter of hundreds of meters, and its volume is more than ten million times that of an ordinary human brain. Naturally, heat dissipation is a big problem.

It should be known that when the surface area of ​​an object doubles, the volume increases geometrically.

And heat dissipation, often can only be carried out through the surface area.

This is also the reason why the larger the organism, the higher the internal temperature, the more difficult it is to dissipate heat.

Therefore, when the monster mastermind frantically stimulated the brain tissue and released extremely strong brain waves, the temperature at the core of the super brain rose from tens of degrees to hundreds, or even thousands of degrees at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Even the inside of this super brain is full of winding "cooling pipes".

And the substance that constitutes the "brain tissue" is a kind of heterogeneous cells that are extremely strong and can resist severe cold and heat.

It also couldn't resist the terrifying high temperature like a steel furnace after a long period of fierce fighting.

Not to mention that there are more than twenty god-level powerhouses, at the core of the super brain, stirring up the magnetic field of life and swaying swords and swords.

Even if most of their attacks were directed at their teammates.

The spreading shock waves, the raging spiritual flames, and the whistling blade light and sword energy still scarred the super brain, including the internal "cooling system", which was smashed to pieces.

This is a battle of wills.

The comparison is, who consumes energy and kills whom.

Fortunately, humans had the last laugh.

"I am struggling in the illusion of super giant reptiles. I feel exhausted several times. I want to collapse on the ground and let the other party's iron feet trample me into a puddle of mud."

Shao Zhengyang said, "But when I think about the fact that there are millions of Red Dragon Army behind me, if my fall brings back a glimmer of life to the monster mastermind, so that the tide of beasts rises again and kills countless Red Dragon Army, I will be counted. Even if you fall into the 18th hell, you will not be able to wash away your sins.

"So, I gritted my teeth again and again, condensed my spirit into an invisible rope, clung to my body that was about to fall apart, and ran forward desperately. Reflexively dodged.

"A super-giant reptile with magma flowing all over its body opened its mouth wide and was about to spray high-heat rays at me, but I couldn't dodge in time no matter what, when a deafening roar suddenly came from the depths of the sky.

"Including all super-giant reptiles, the volcanoes in the distance, the tumbling lead clouds, and the splashing rain of fire all stopped for an instant.

"Subsequently, the world changed from three-dimensional to flat, from color to black and white, from lifelike to mottled, like a very fragile mirror frozen, cracked and shattered.

"I returned to the real world, the monster's lair, the depths of the super brain, and the other newly awakened gods.

"We saw that the super brain, which was originally a gray-white rock texture, turned into a dark red with a high temperature of nearly 1,000 degrees under the crazy stimulation of the monster mastermind, just like a red-hot iron block.

"Even with spiritual body protection, the brain cells of carbon-based organisms cannot be exposed to such terrifying high temperatures for a long time.

"Sure enough, in the depths of the super brain, a lot of 'brain tissue' is burning, and some areas have melted and sunk deeply.

"Originally constrained by the magnetic field of life, the psionic energy that should flow in an orderly manner along the spirit lines all rushed out like a flood that broke a bank, causing deeper damage to the super brain.

"There are also countless spiritual flames, all gushing out from the hole originally used to cool the super brain, like a natural gas leak, gathering into a colorful sea of ​​flames above the 'cerebral cortex'.

"The monster mastermind is in this extremely gorgeous sea of ​​flames, burning and dancing, turning into countless crystal clear bubbles.

"In the end, the bubbles burst like soap bubbles, and the monster mastermind was wiped out.

"In just half a century, especially in the last few minutes, this super brain released all the energy accumulated during the past tens of millions of years of sleeping, and fell into a new round of deep sleep.

"This is the end of the monster civilization."

Shao Zhengyang's voice was low.

Full of emotion and respect for a powerful enemy.

The scene he depicted moved Meng Chao.

"The mastermind of the monster clearly possesses wisdom beyond that of human beings. Until it was engulfed in flames and was on the verge of destruction, did it ever think about... surrendering?" Meng Chao couldn't help asking.

"Imagine that you are a human being who claims to be the spirit of all things. If one day, a conflict broke out between human civilization and the 'canine civilization', human beings retreated steadily, and countless people were killed by canine animals. In the end, only I'll give you one."

Shao Zhengyang said, "At this time, those dogs on the opposite side promised to let you live, on the condition that you must be put on a dog leash forever and become a dog's dog—can you accept such a fate?"

Meng Chao was silent.

Indeed, although most of the monsters are beasts with teeth and claws.

But if the monster civilization really originated from the ancient civilization, a life form with extraordinary intelligence like the monster mastermind would naturally have its dignity and pride.

"It's impossible to surrender."

Shao Zhengyang sighed, "It's so smart, so smart that it understands the mentality of human beings very well—not to mention the deep hatred between human civilization and monster civilization, but it has such mysterious and powerful biochemical technology and the ability to control the tide of beasts. It is absolutely impossible to allow it to exist comfortably on the side of the couch.

"Even if humans accept its surrender, they will definitely implant various chips in its body, monitor its brainwaves and nerve responses at all times, inject it with genetic agents to keep it weak on a regular basis, and even let it conduct various inhumane experiments.

"In this regard, it has a very rich experience-don't forget, it has absorbed part of the brain tissue and memory of Golden Millennium.

"Perhaps it would rather die than repeat the fate of the Golden Millennium.

"So, until it completely turned into a bubble, it didn't beg us for mercy, but let out the final curse amid wild laughter."

"What kind of curse?"

Meng Chao said, "Curse our Dragon City and destroy it like Taoyuan Town?"


Shao Zhengyang shook his head and said, "It didn't curse the destruction of Dragon City, but hoped that we could live forever."


Meng Chao was stunned, "Eternal life?"

"That's right, it curses Dragon City to exist forever in the form of pain, darkness, and chaos."

Shao Zhengyang said, "It curses everyone living in Dragon City to be forever driven by ambition and desire, never to be satisfied and peaceful, always full of anxiety and insatiable desires.

"It curses all the powerful people in Dragon City to become slaves to money and power. Every second, they must go all out to pursue 'richer' and 'more powerful', and for these two goals, give up all the things in life everything.

"It curses all the weak in Dragon City to be eternally enslaved by the strong, crying silently in every icy night, in disease and famine.

"It curses our human civilization. Even if we can sweep the entire alien world and conquer all alien races, it will be divided into hundreds of countries and conquer each other endlessly like in the age of the earth, and even develop super weapons that are more powerful than nuclear bombs. Also flattened like the earth.

"It curses us, even if we can get all the power of the ancient civilization, rush out of the alien world, rush to the star sea, and conquer one planet after another, we will never find the destination of this journey, we can only be controlled by appetite. Like zombies, continue to conquer mechanically, numbly, and in vain."

This was the...strangest curse Meng Chao had ever heard.

Think about it carefully, but there is a colder power than doomsday destruction.

Meng Chao swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and murmured, "The monster mastermind just disappeared, leaving nothing behind?"

"No, although 99% of the monster mastermind's body tissue has turned into foam, it still has something left."

Wu Haibo said, "The psychic radiation here is too strong. We will set up the temporary laboratory in another place and go this way."

They continued along the "brain groove".

In terms of the structure of the human brain, several silvery tents are erected near the "meducle oblongata".

Although there are only a few guards outside the tent.

But they are all masters with spiritual flames and powerful aura.

Even familiar faces who often appear in the major media, such as "Soul Breaking Knife" Luo Wu, an outstanding figure of this series.

Naturally, these experts all knew the "God of War" Lei Zongchao.

Even when he first debuted, he received careful guidance from Lei Zongchao and received his life-saving grace.

Seeing Lei Zongchao's appearance, all these prominent figures stood at attention with a "snap", respectfully and meticulously, and saluted Lei Zongchao.

The lab is not big.

There is only a silver-white metal base with a diameter of two or three meters.

Eight foldable, multi-joint robotic arms protrude from the octagonal base.

Each mechanical arm is inlaid with dozens of crystals, engraved on the surface, the mysterious and complicated spirit pattern emits pure light.

The rainbow-like seven-color light converged together, creating a wonderful buoyancy, causing a shining crystal fragment to be suspended in mid-air.

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