Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1773 Hiding into the Darkness

The leader of the blood alliance, who was supposed to be bombarded by trains on the outskirts of Longcheng, had a ferocious smile like a resurrected zombie appearing on his stiff face.

Originating from the depths of the lock plate, the super-powerful electric arc that could tear the nightmare beast into pieces, lingered, wandered, and eroded his body, but only left shallow marks on his crystal clear body, and It couldn't stop him from burning orange, his almost transparent hands were completely submerged into the depth of the lock plate.

Just listening to "click, click", a series of abnormal noises, the strong and precise lock plate finally surrendered and turned into semi-solidified scrap copper and rotten iron, which was uprooted by Yunfei Electric.

With a difficult sound of hinges and gears turning, the door of the special item storage box opened wide.

Inside the soft foam filling, there are three lumpy metal objects that look like meteorites.

If you look carefully, you can also see that there are a large number of precision components inlaid with strange shapes on the "iron lump".

This should be the wreckage of the super spar bomb that destroyed the Jinpeng.

Yunfei Electric is not so sure about this.

He himself is not a spar expert, and he did not make this super spar bomb himself.

He also didn't witness the whole process of Meng Chao preventing the super spar bomb from fully releasing its power.

Therefore, he didn't know what the fragmented wreckage would look like after the super spar bomb "incompletely exploded".

However, as a strong man in the divine realm, he doesn't need to know too much just to destroy the evidence.

As long as they continue to release thousands of degrees of high-temperature spiritual flames, or even destructive ball lightning, these three wreckages can be completely melted into metal blocks that will not leave any traces.

However, Yun Feidian stared deeply at the three wreckages, but waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to store the three wreckages.

"Give me something, retreat separately, hide according to the No. 8 plan, remember to change your identity every month, within half a year, you can't contact each other, and I won't find any of you——In the event of a new situation Before the change, any contact signals that might reveal your identities are all fake!

"In the past six months, the only thing you have to do is to be honest, follow the rules, and don't even make minor mistakes like drunk driving, understand?

"Before today, the Blood Alliance has been silent for decades. So, for the final victory, what does it matter if it is silent for decades?"

Before the brigade arrived, Yun Feidian led the raiders wearing blood-colored skull masks and disappeared into the depths of the darkness.


Ten minutes later, Yunfeidian drove an ordinary red car onto a street three kilometers away from the Second Special Equipment Testing Center.

It was a wild night.

In the city, snakes, rats, and rats infected with blood-stained flower spores are still running around, and some citizens have been scratched and bitten by snakes, rats, rats and ants, infected with the zombie virus, wandering staggeringly between the streets and alleys, It is possible to become a zombie at any time.

In addition, the members of the blood alliance jumped over the wall in a hurry, causing havoc everywhere.

Many citizens dared not stay at home at all, and chose to drive or walk, trying to leave the main urban area and flee to the suburbs—the suburbs are sparsely populated, which is convenient for the army to gallop and collectively defend the crowd. If they encounter rat waves or zombies, It is also easier to take advantage of the firepower of the steel torrent.

Yunfei Electric's semi-old car, with a recessed part of the left door, was mixed in the crowded traffic, and it didn't look strange at all.

On the back seat of the car, there was a washed-white marching rucksack, which was bulging and stuffed with clothes and soft stuff, and was fastened with a seat belt.

Even if someone saw this marching rucksack through the car window, it would be absolutely impossible to imagine that the wreckage of the super spar bomb that caused the Jinpeng explosion was stuffed inside.

And Yunfei Dian in the driver's seat has completely changed.

His greasy hair seemed to have not been washed for several days. Large pieces of dandruff were looming between the roots of his hair. His swollen eyes and drooping corners of his mouth made him feel tired all over his body. His yellow fingers and pungent The smell of tobacco perfectly matched the scattered soot around the driver's seat. There was a car trash can on the passenger seat, but there were still a lot of cigarette butts, paper towels and convenience food packaging bags scattered around.

In short, even Yun Feidian's parents, seeing his current honor, would not associate this sloppy middle-aged fat man with the ambitious, shrewd and capable leader of Leiyun Technology.

Moreover, this appearance is not fictional.

In Yunfeidian's trouser pocket was a dirty identity document.

It proves that he was an intermediate designer of Tenglong Construction Group, the third design researcher.

Because of a failed marriage, he was depressed and unable to maintain his working status. He was fired by Tenglong Construction a month and a half ago. He is currently relying on savings and unemployment benefits to live. At the same time, he is still fighting a lawsuit with his ex-wife to fight for the custody of his daughter.

The street is right in the middle of where the mid-level designer lives with his ex-wife.

On this chaotic night, whether he wanted to protect his ex-wife and daughter, or take advantage of the chaos to snatch his daughter back, it all made sense.

This identification document is genuine.

This mid-level designer is also a real citizen of Longcheng.

If someone logs into the database of the relevant department, he can also retrieve the records of his lawsuits with his ex-wife regarding custody rights and Longteng Construction regarding dismissal compensation.

Even, in addition to wearing a lifelike human skin mask carefully made of biological gel, Yunfei Dian also pasted fingerprints as thin as a cicada's wing on his ten fingers. On the site, six tiny blood sacs were implanted under the skin, storing six tubes of mid-level designer's blood inside.

As for real mid-level designers.

Half an hour ago, it completely disappeared from this world, not even half a cell remained.

Unless Yunfeidian's identity is locked in advance.

Otherwise, any routine inspection would not even try to find his flaws.

This point made Yunfei Dian confident and calm.

Just as he was mingling in the traffic and driving slowly towards the temporary checkpoint at the intersection ahead, his wrist communicator trembled slightly, flashing an uneasy red light.

Yunfei didn't squint his eyes, let the wrist communicator vibrate for half a minute before it was connected.

The other side didn't speak.

Clearly unhappy with his delay in answering the phone.

Yunfei Dian did not speak, and the two sides faced each other in silence.

In the end, it was the other party who gave in and asked in an obviously masked sharp voice: "Is the thing destroyed?"


Yunfeidian smiled, showing his sharp teeth.

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