Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1708 Approaching the Target

The Transcendents who were struggling to jump among the tall buildings and rushed to the reinforcements saw an incredible scene.

Originally, hundreds of inspection wells distributed in this block were continuously spraying black torrents—that was a terrifying wave composed of countless rat beasts carrying deadly viruses and blood-stained flower spores.

The rat tide was too violent and dense, no matter how hard the supernatural beings on the ground tried to resist, it was impossible to completely stop this pervasive stormy sea.

Many extraordinary people were scratched and bitten by ferocious rats, and they had to inject a large amount of freezing deterrent medicine into their bodies.

Although the invasion of the virus and blood-streaked flower spores was temporarily blocked, it also made their muscles stiff, unresponsive, and temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

In many places, the tide of rats gushing out of the inspection wells even piled up into bulges up to two or three meters high.

The black bulge is like a deformed and swollen tumor. It sucks and sucks, as if it has an evil life.

The reinforcements who were condescending and observing the situation could fully imagine how many casualties would be caused when these bulges burst and more rats splashed into the dense crowd.

However, with the thunderous explosions coming from the ground, flames shot out from the depths of the inspection well in a violent and incomparable manner. Wrap it up.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

It was like red lotus-like fireworks blooming from the streets and alleys.

Countless ferocious rats struggled, roared, and screamed in the raging red lotus.

Even the blood-streaked flower spores in their bodies stretched out immature granulation, waving in vain, and in a frantic dance, they were reduced to ashes together with rat monsters and zombie viruses.

Even though there are still many rat monsters, they have already left the scope of the inspection well.

He was also taken aback by the sudden explosion behind him.

Smelling the pungent smell of a large number of the same kind being burned into coke contained in the thick smoke, hidden deep in the genes, the wild beast's natural fear of flames instantly invaded the small brains of these rat monsters.

The rat swarm, which was originally aggressive and rolling forward, seemed to be whipped by an invisible long whip surrounded by an electric arc, and it became intermittent and messy.

The reinforcements who rushed over were overjoyed and fell from the sky one after another, jumping between the rat wave and the crowd, forming a new line of defense.

The situation is critical, and saving lives is the most important thing. The extraordinary people don't care to think about whether this magnificent "fireworks show" is artificial or a coincidence.

They stirred up their spiritual flames, let out battle roars, and rushed towards the swarm of rats that were falling apart.

Behind them, Meng Chao quickly scanned the audience and found that the situation was under control.

He breathed a sigh of relief, pulled the hood on his forehead, mixed with the crowd, and squeezed out of the block.

Thick smoke billowed all around, and there were ordinary citizens who were still in shock. Although various forces and relevant departments sent a large number of extraordinary people to support them, it was impossible to take care of everyone for the time being.

Meng Chao easily found the loophole, out of everyone's sight.

And he still firmly remembered the unique sound of the van that hijacked Lu Siya, the roar of the spar engine, and the friction between the tires and the ground.

After half a minute.

Meng Chaozhuo stood on the roof of a 20-story building, staring at the van that was driving fast on the viaduct not far away.

I also saw several vans driven by ghost assassins, also driving from various fork roads into the main road, and meeting with their leader.

Seven or eight vans gathered and scattered on the viaduct, sometimes driving side by side, and sometimes keeping a distance.

If they were tracking from the ground, it would be easy to be dazzled by them, not knowing which vehicle was holding Lu Siya.

Soon, these vans drove out of the downtown area of ​​Longcheng, and parted ways on the fork roads leading to various development zones and satellite cities.

Two of the vans turned onto a fork in the road. The road sign indicated that this road led to an airport.

These two cars were not the one that Lu Siya was imprisoned in the first place.

Meng Chao followed without hesitation.

He wasn't driving.

On the highway, passers-by are naturally not allowed to run forward.

But that didn't bother him.

Meng Chao was like an invisible ghost arrow, clinging to the ground, cutting in lightning from the side of the highway, and getting into the bottom of an off-road vehicle.

Relying only on the strength of two fingers, he was like a piece of wet newspaper, tightly attached to the chassis of the off-road vehicle, and followed behind the opponent.

And when his eardrums keenly received the mechanical sound of gears turning from inside the off-road vehicle, and realized that the off-road vehicle was about to turn, his heels lightly rubbed against the chassis, and he shot out again and got into the off-road vehicle on the left side. Underneath a car ahead.

The chassis of a sedan is undoubtedly much lower than that of an off-road vehicle.

Between it and the ground, there is only a palm height.

If a normal adult gets into the bottom of a car, he will definitely rub against the ground at high speed, causing tendons and bones to be broken and bloody.

Meng Chao compressed his muscles and bones to the limit.

Even all the air in the lung lobes is discharged, and the internal organs including the lung lobes are squashed as much as possible.

In this way, like a flat manta ray, not far or near, it hangs its prey.

And when the car was about to change direction, Meng Chao did the same again, changing a total of five vehicles, never losing the target, but following the other party all the way to the airport.

This is a small cargo airport.

A large number of semi-old and not new cargo armored airships are rising and falling, handling tens of millions of tons of cargo.

The two vans drove into the loading and unloading area with ease.

After parking, the Ghost Assassin jumped out of the cab. He was wearing overalls and overboots. He had dark skin, strong muscles, a simple and honest expression, and a dirty towel around his neck. He was just like a few ordinary workers. look like.

If Meng Chao hadn't followed them all the way here, it would have been difficult to connect them with the ghost assassin.

Several workers opened the back door of the carriage and pushed out several airtight metal boxes from inside.

The box is also spray-painted with the symbol of crossed skulls - whether on Earth or in another world, this means danger.

Both vans are from Monster Market.

Many raw materials in the monster market, after being processed to decompose the safe and valuable parts, will also produce some leftovers that contain strong acids, poisons and germs.

Ordinary scraps can be disposed of at the recycling center behind the Monster Market.

However, there are always some leftovers that cannot be processed by the recycling center. They must be sealed up and sent to a higher-level biochemical treatment station outside the city for harmless treatment by incineration and other methods.

This is a normal and common process.

Therefore, until these ordinary workers sent these ordinary metal boxes to an ordinary cargo airship, it is almost impossible for anyone to have any suspicion.

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