Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1377 The Method of Testing Intelligence

For a long time, although the spirit magnet experts living on the Hope were under house arrest, they did not have the freedom to go to the ground.

But in order to allow them to develop more powerful spiritual magnets and the technology to manipulate them, the big shots who control the Hope still satisfy all their material needs as much as possible.

Even in times of war and famine on the ground, the interior of the Hope is a paradise of abundance, tranquility and peace.

Anyway, the ancient Turanians had spent a long time on the Hope. This spaceship itself is a small, closed city with complete internal organs. The various facilities repaired by spiritual magnets can completely satisfy a person. Everything a person needs from birth to death.

Because of this, the spiritual magnet experts who have lived on the Hope all their lives can easily have hallucinations about the current situation of Turan civilization, and they simply don't believe that their civilization has degenerated so badly, and life on the ground is like this Cruel, brutal and ignorant.

Even though, occasionally some rumors from the ground reached their ears.

But the great people have their own set of gorgeous rhetoric that can justify themselves, such as "temporary difficulties" and "suffering expedition", which make spiritual magnet experts believe that they are carrying out vital tasks for the continuation and advancement of Turan civilization. Work.

As long as more and more advanced spirit magnets are developed, condensed into an extremely powerful spirit magnet armor, and help the big shots control the invincible absolute force, everything will be fine.

However, when the famine lasts for too long, even the big shots who control the Hope will inevitably be drawn into the vortex of cannibalism.

The collapse of order on the ground and the open and secret struggles among the big shots finally spread to the Hope.

The leaders of all forces know the importance of spiritual magnets.

The Hope is the strong and powerful force that rises in every miracle, and it is the first strategic goal to be attacked and controlled.

The control of Hope is constantly changing hands among all kinds of heroes and villains.

Every new owner of the Hope will bring a new set of rhetoric, trying to prove eloquently to the spiritual magnet experts that he is the savior of Turan civilization, and he has brought a life-saving medicine to solve all problems , He can make the Turanian civilization great again, and the spiritual magnet experts don't have to think about anything, as long as they obediently obey all his orders.

And when two or more big shots are at a stalemate or fighting to the detriment of both, their control over the spiritual magnet experts is also extremely fragile.

Finally, the expert on the spiritual magnet tore through the riddled blockade, fled from the ground to the ground, and saw what the once glorious Turan civilization looked like.

Although he was soon unable to tell whether it was the "New World" or the "Sura Hell" scene in front of him, he fled back underground in fright.

What he saw and heard caused an uproar among all spiritual magnet experts.

The psychic magnet experts, who were greatly stimulated, began to deeply doubt the meaning of everything they did. Whether what they brewed was a bitter medicine or a slow poison. Where will the Turan civilization, which was deeply eroded by the psychic magnet, go? ?

After repeated thinking, careful deduction, and heated debate, many spiritual magnet experts felt that there seemed to be a mysterious force in the dark, playing with the Turan civilization and shaping it into what it wanted.

At this time, the child of the little researcher's child finally recalled the suspicious neuron value.

With a mood that is half nervous, half terrified.

A new generation of young researchers stole a small amount of "Original Mother Slime" and conducted a brand new test.

The test results greatly exceeded his expectations.

In many aspects, the original mother's mucus presents characteristics very similar to the cerebrospinal fluid of intelligent creatures.

The neuron response that a small amount of mother's mucus can stimulate is even stronger than that of ordinary Turanian brain nerve impulses.

it's like...

The original mother is not "a piece of meat" at all.

But "a brain".

A pair of brain neurons that are 10,000 times more abundant than ordinary Turanians, and are likely to have a super brain with unfathomable intelligence and free will!

This discovery shocked the little researcher.

If we say that the original mother is only between living things and non-living things, countless cells are condensed, muddled, without intelligence and consciousness.

Then, the Turanian civilization used the characteristics of the original mother to transform and reshape itself, and all the consequences caused by it, can also be said to be "willing to gamble and admit defeat, and take the blame."

But if the original mother possessed intelligence and consciousness from the beginning, it would not only be a lowly creature like a large colony, but also a smarter existence than the Turan people.

So, is it a coincidence that Turan civilization has come to where it is today, is it self-inflicted, is it natural selection, or... the conspiracy of the original mother?

Think deeper.

How did the original No. 1 Hope travel directly to the bottom of the new world, stuck in the rock formation, unable to move, and in danger?

Is this really an accident?

You know, the Hope at that time had been drifting in the sea of ​​stars for quite a long time.

Several or even a dozen generations of Turanites were born, raised and died on the Hope.

They have already carried out hundreds of short-distance crossings—to say that they are short-distance, they often cross several galaxies, and even directly penetrate an entire nebula!

In the process, they gradually mastered the skills of traversal, and basically repaired the traversal engine on the Hope.

When they arrived at the outskirts of the new world, the crew on the Hope were all experienced, skilled, and emotionally stable veterans.

Moreover, Hope also stores a large amount of coordinate information about the new world.

After all, this place was originally a "port", "incubation pool" or "arena" left behind by the maker of the traversal engine.

No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility that the No. Hope will fail to cross.

Even if there is an error, at most it will hit the ground hard, like a meteorite falling from the sky, plowing out a raging ravine.

How could the error be so outrageous that they went straight into the ground?

Unless, there is some kind of mysterious force that interferes with Hope's crossing.

For example, the original mother.

The original mother distorted the magnetic field of the planet above Turanze, and sent wrong coordinate parameters to the navigation system of Hope, causing Hope to jump directly into its bloody maw.

From that moment on, the Turan civilization has been eroded and controlled by the original mother, reduced to its vassals, puppets, and slaves, obeying its will, and reshaping the entire civilization!

The little researcher was shocked and angry, too regretful.

He tried to reflect his test results and dire guesses upwards.

But no one wants to believe his words.

Because he has no evidence.

After all, there is still an extremely long distance between "a response similar to brain neurons" and "a super brain with terrifying intelligence".

As for "a piece of meat buried deep in the ground of Turanze, misleading the Hope, and crossing into its mouth", it is even more nonsense.

Of course, it is more likely because the Turan civilization has gone too far and is too closely bound to the original mother.

None of the big shots who controlled Hope were willing to give up the spiritual magnet implanted in their bodies.

Even if there is any big person who is willing to believe the words of the little researcher, give up the spiritual magnet and even conduct destructive research on the original mother.

He will also lose his strength in an instant, be backlashed, and be attacked by other big figures, and die without a place to bury him.

The little researcher who was running into walls was completely desperate.

And in desperation brewed an extremely extreme idea.

He wants to rely on his own power to help the Turan civilization and break free from the control of the original mother.

He wants to destroy the original mother!

The little researcher secretly concocted an extremely powerful venom.

Just one drop can kill a monster as large as a hill.

The junior researcher tries to inject the venom into the original mother.

However, before he approached the "Original Mother's Laboratory", he was discovered and arrested.

Until now, the little researcher finally confirmed two things.

First, the power of the original mother is not limited to the empty bubble below the Hope, that is, the "original mother's laboratory".

Instead, through personnel, supplies, and ventilation ducts, he penetrated into the entire Hope, and his every move has been monitored long ago.

Second, the original mother does possess unfathomable intelligence.

Also has some kind of ability to interfere with Turan's brain.

Perhaps, after being implanted into the human body, the spiritual magnet soaked by the original mother can not only strengthen ordinary cells, but also subtly transform brain cells, so that Turan people unconsciously regard the original mother as a sacred Invading, new... gods.

Unfortunately, the little researcher discovered it too late.

The only thing waiting for him is death.

No, it should be said that there are no people alive, no dead bodies missing.

He didn't even wait for an open and fair trial where he could speak freely and tell all the truth to all his compatriots.

Fortunately, the little researcher has long expected this result.

Even, this is the result he expected.

Before the action, the little researcher left his last words to his close friends and mentor colleagues in a way that only his friends and mentors knew.

"I know that no one believes my words, no one believes that the original mother is intelligent or even malicious, and has penetrated deeply into the Turan civilization, and can monitor and influence many of us.

"It's okay, let me prove it to you.

"I will secretly concoct a venom, a venom that can kill a huge monster with a single drop.

"But the venom simply doesn't exist.

"I have neither the technology to prepare venom nor the ability to come into contact with so many dangerous raw materials.

"I just piled up a lot of experimental equipment secretly in my room, and pretended to 'modulate' it.

"Then, I will take a nutrient solution called 'venom' and go to the original mother to fight to the death.

"If the original mother has no intelligence and is just a 'piece of meat', then it will not be able to respond to my frenzied behavior until I successfully inject the nutrient solution into its body.

"If I was discovered, arrested, or even disappeared before rushing to the original mother and lifting the nutrient solution——

"Everyone, my best friends, most trusted mentors, and most admired experts and scholars, you have to seriously consider the following two questions.

"First, how did the original mother know that I was concocting a 'deadly venom' that would be harmful to it?

"Second, who is it that is afraid that I will be put on trial, that I will disclose all doubts and speculations to all compatriots, and cause a larger discussion?

"I hope you can find the answer, find the truth, and find a way to deal with the original mother and make the Turan civilization brilliant again!"

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