Official Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 928: same question

Meng Yi’s words sounded a bit ruthless at first, but Chen Taizhong just thought it over and understood that Secretary Meng was vaccinating himself: boy, I support you, but you must not rely on me. Support Hu Lai, understand?

     Whether the matter is big or small, whether it violates the principle or not, there is a degree in it. This degree is a very ideal thing. After reflecting the severity of this sentence, Chen Taizhong lightly left the Mongolian house. ===m

     Although the sister city contract was concluded, the Birmingham delegation did not leave. The reason is simple. Not only do some things need to be improved, but there are also a bunch of leaders who want to see the mayor of Birmingham.

Fan Xiaojun went to pick up the plane, but it showed respect for the guests. After receiving the banquet, he disappeared. Yes, the two have not met in private. Governor Fan feels that even from a purely etiquette perspective, he This executive vice governor also has to show his friendship as a landlord?

Du Yi also had the intention to meet the delegation.The city that became a sister city with Birmingham is Subo, but Birmingham is a first-level administrative region in the United Kingdom, but Subo is a second-level administrative region in China. My friend brought back regrets, didn't he?

     So, three days later, the Birmingham delegation left the Tiannan Hotel, which had been entrenched for almost a week, and returned to China. Next, the selection committee of the top ten youths of Tiannan Province and related people entered. ^^^^

In fact, the award ceremony was originally planned to be held yesterday. However, because the Birmingham delegation has not left yet, only some of the organizing committee and the provincial party committee members have settled in. Most of the attendees are staying in nearby hotels and events in the province. Naturally, it is necessary to make way for foreign affairs activities.

     When the Birmingham delegation left, only a sporadic group of Chinese businessmen remained in the Tiannan Hotel. Under the unified organization of the city government office, they lived in the nearby "Fuhua Hotel".

     To be honest, the hardware and software facilities of Fuhua Hotel are comparable to those of Tiannan Hotel. The difference is just a title, but most of the time, the difference in the title is enough to express some information.

     Just at the awards ceremony that was postponed for two days, what depressed Chen Taizhong happened again. Originally, he was ranked third, but now he is ranked tenth.

     was left two years ago. He would never care about this kind of thing, but the change in the list [Dzi Bead Change] at the moment made him very upset. Obviously, this is something that some people want to show him.

     In this kind of occasion, there are many people who do not pay attention to the ranking. Such people are useless even if they pay attention, but those who pay attention to the ranking can appreciate the taste, especially for those close to the core. For those who knew about the changes in the list, Chen Taizhong was disgraced this time.

     was originally the third of the top ten young people, but now it is ranked tenth. This is a big change. The award ceremony is postponed for another month, and there may be no one on the list.

     Chen Taizhong is not a dumb person. Even if I remembered the provincial committee of the regiment in my heart, it was not that he added another enemy, but that he thought about when it would be convenient, and he must go to the provincial committee of the regiment to ask, which one is the singing? .

     Fortunately, the next moment, his attention was diverted by other things: Meng Qinqin was not on the list of the top ten youth places in the province. Haha, this is really fun, who would dare to shave off Secretary Meng’s daughter?

    The activities of the Top Ten Youth of the Province were organized by the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League. Therefore, among the provincial leaders present today, Xu Shaohui, the deputy governor in charge of propaganda, is the biggest.

When      stood on the rostrum of the small auditorium, Chen Taizhong was still wondering whether this matter was appropriate or not to ask Governor Xu. What is it that brought me to tenth? Well, also, why is Meng Qinqin missing?

     was awarded the certificate by Zhang Ling, the deputy secretary of the Provincial Communist Youth League, a female deputy secretary of less than 40, who was not tall and slightly fat, and always had an enthusiastic smile on his face.

     I guess this secretary is not very successful, right? Chen Taizhong knew that he was the last one to stand among the top ten young people. It is conceivable that the position of leadership that gave him the award.

     Anyway. After biting the bullet for half an hour, Chen can finally return to his seat. He was puzzled for a lifetime, and he didn't care about it anymore. He directly virtualized a body on his seat, but he slipped out of the venue and called Meng Qinqin, \"How did you lose the election?"

     Meng Qinqin laughed as soon as he heard it, \"Hehe, I told you earlier, I pushed it, you don’t know this? By the way... when will you go to Beijing?"

Dare to love, this year's top ten in the province, there is an indicator for the financial system. The Provincial Bank of China originally reported Meng Qinqin to go up, but Section Chief Qin declined. Later, although the person who went up was also in the industry, it was not from Bank of China. The president is still a little bit brooding. ^^^^

     Well, Meng Qinqin is fine, but I have something. This result is not what Chen Taizhong wanted.

     After the awards ceremony, there was another dinner. Chen Taizhong always felt a little awkward looking at the men and women with red flowers at his table. In a trance, the interest in chatting with others was not very high.

     were sitting next to Chen Taizhong. One was Zhou Xingwang, the boss of the Subo Food Bureau Service Company, and the other was Xu Qiang, an associate professor at Tiannan University of Technology. Both were in their early thirties.

     Zhou Xingwang is also considered a famous figure in Subo. When he took office three years ago, the service company was a very ordinary small service department. He had three or two kittens and four or five facade rooms. Everyone was mixed.

In his hands, the service company has created a catering brand \"Family Huan". Due to its own characteristics and reasonable positioning, it has also made great efforts in publicity. It has made a huge reputation in just one year. Up to now, the whole country There are already more than 50 chain stores, and last year's total sales reached an astonishing 220 million yuan, and it is well-deserved to be selected as the top ten youth.

Someone who is a little accomplished will inevitably be a little domineering when dealing with others.Although he knows that the people at his table are all moments of talent, but Zhou Xingwang didn't take it very seriously. In his eyes, he was a young man at the conference. The representative Su Yonggang is just that.

     Seeing Su Yonggang joking and laughing triumphantly in the spring breeze, while Chen Taizhong beside him was startled by himself, Mr. Zhou raised his hand to pick up the wine glass and stretched it out to him, \"Come on, Xiao Chen, let me go."

     Chen Taizhongmu held up the cup blankly, thinking in a mess, picked up the wine cup, and managed to squeeze a smile and a word, \"Go!"

Ok? Mr. Zhou immediately felt that this person was a bit dumbfounded, and I touched you with dignity, but you didn't even show it? You don’t even know who I am?

     However, he didn't care about it, let alone time. Governor Xu had already walked over with the secretary of the Communist Youth League and the deputy secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee and greeted everyone with a smile.

Governor Xu also carried a small wine cup in his hand, and every time he barely covered a small spot at the bottom of the cup, he touched everyone one by one and drank it in one go. For the provincial standing committee, this is already done. Quite a lot of face for everyone-expect people to "full of" with you, then you have to have that qualification, don't you?

     When Xu Shaohui turned in front of Zhou Xingwang, he actually patted Mr. Zhou on the shoulder very politely, \"I've been a big name for family love for a long time, Xiao Zhou, I must work harder and not be proud."

    \"Don't worry about this," Zhou Xingwang was very happy in his heart, and he was busy raising his cup, \"Governor Xu, our family invites you to visit and guide when you have time."

     This guy is going to come, Chen Taizhong heard that the two had met for the first time, and couldn't help expressing some appreciation for Zhou Xingwang's communicative skills. If he was so reckless, he could say it in such a timely manner.

     did not overdo it to Chen Taizhong and Xu Shaohui. He just nodded slightly, it was still a small cup of wine, \"Well, Xiao Chen is not bad, it has held the Ning family's investment."

He personally invited Ning Tianjia to Tiannan, and there are not few people who know about this, and Chen Taizhong is responsible for fixing the Ningjia investment. Governor Xu said that it is naturally a business-to-business, and it can withstand the deliberate consideration~ Zhou Xingwang was a little surprised when Xu Shaohui had something to say about Chen Taizhong. After a group of leaders left, he asked in a low voice, \"Xiao Chen, are you from the Phoenix City Government?"

Mr. Zhou’s question is really a bit of a question. However, this year’s top ten provinces, he has already decided in advance, naturally he does not care about other possible competitors, so he can call "Xiao Chen" at Chen Taizhong. The word came, but also because Chen had his name hanging under the red flower pinned to his left chest.

    \"Well, I am from China Merchants." Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded, but he was still wondering why my ranking dropped to the last place. Should I ask Xu Chunliang?

     Unknowingly, the depth of his entry into the WTO has exceeded his plan, and now he is actually better than this indifferent ranking. Of course, this can also be said to be a long time in officialdom, and he has instinctively developed a sense of vigilance to protect himself. \"Oh, it's for China Merchants." Zhou Xingwang smiled and nodded. \"Our family has a plan to enter Phoenix soon. I hope you will support it by then."

\"Family Huan?" Chen Taizhong scratched his head. Like Zhou Xingwang, he didn't think about the origins of the table of people. He couldn't help but smile awkwardly.\"Haha, this must be welcome, but...what kind of business is this? "

     three more nine thousand words, and confidently ask for a monthly pass. )

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