Official Immortal

Chapter 856: Mo Yanshu fails

Chen Taizhong originally thought that he gave Meng Xiaoyan his Lincoln and asked her to drive directly back to Phoenix, so that she would not stay here and delay work. [m]

    Who thinks, when Principal Meng heard that Shen Tong said that there was a concert by Qiwang in the evening, he didn't bother to go back, \"Forget it, I'll say hello to the school and go back a long time later."

    \"Isn't it?" Shen Tong was a little surprised when he heard it, and looked at her up and down.\"Meng teacher, do you like listening to the soft rock and roll like Qi Wang?"

     Shen Tong knows the identity of Meng Xiaoyan. What she means is that chasing stars is an ordinary person, and your Meng family also chasing stars? In particular, it is not the elegant art of piano and violin that is chasing, but the decadent and depressive sound?

     Too much shame on the secretary's face, right?

    \"My student is quite a fan of many fans," Meng Xiaoyan explained lightly. She has gradually recovered the feeling of being a princess in the past, speaking very calmly, but with a little indisputable taste.

    \"This is true," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile,\"In order to better communicate with students, Teacher Meng even reads "Young and Dangerous"."

    \"Oh," Mr. Jia and Shen Tong nodded together.

    \"Mr. Shen, there are still too many tickets left there?" Jing Ziling’s question made Chen Taizhong feel a little big, of course, she also had a little expectation: she also wants to...will not come home at night?

\"I am a sponsor, how can I not have a ticket?" Shen Tong answered her with a smile,\"But, Ziling, don't you go home to see your grandpa?" The stadium is very close to my home, "Damn, she I’ve decided early,\"Go home and see Grandpa first. If it’s okay, I will go back after watching the concert. "

     Chen Taizhong feels relieved... Chen Taizhong feels lost...

     So at eight o'clock in the evening, Shi Shiran, a man and four women, walked into the VIP seats of the stadium. It immediately caused a small sensation. It doesn't matter if the male sunshine is tall. Of the four women, three are first-class beauties. There is an older one, but it can also be called a mature beauty. But definitely not glaring.

     Yes, Mr. Jia is here too, she is a little older. But who can not allow people to have a young heart?

The so-called VIP seats are just in the middle of the oval stadium, which can accommodate 60,000 people. There are not five or six thousand similar positions. Even if the grandstand facing east and west is the main stand, there are two or three better positions. Thousand.

     However, there are not many boxes here, just a few rows at the very rear of the main stand. Netm is said to have considered some special circumstances-for example, if Arab friends are present, those women who are veiled must have a place to stay, right?

     Shen Tong’s methods are good. He has occupied a few seats in the first ten or so, which is considered a very central venue. Of course, the identity of the person sitting here can be imagined.

     Under the crowd, five people sat down, and a little girl of fifteen and sixteen came over, "Sister Shen, there is no one in your place. Give it to me?"

     Shen Tong frowned and thought about it, smiled and shook his head, \"Wait a minute, I don't know if those people will come or not, if they come, if the seats are gone. Those uncles and aunts will be unhappy."

    \"Well," the girl nodded angrily, turned her head and left.

    \"Whose child is this?" Mr. Jia has sharp eyes. The ears are also easy to use, knowing that Shen Tong is not willing to offend this girl, so he speaks so tactfully.

    \"He Tieying's daughter," Shen Tong smiled at the corner of his mouth. He Tieying is the secretary-general of the Supo City Government Office. She didn't want to buy it, but said that a little girl came to her and asked for a seat, hum. Secretary-General He, this tutor...

This feeling. Mr. Jia felt it, but she smiled silently. Meng Xiaoyan felt it too, glanced at Shen Tong, and said to her, what's your name for a child?

     Chen Taizhong felt that this was not the case. He felt that the aura in the entire stadium seemed to be a bit problematic. It was a combination of enthusiasm, anxiety, joy, etc., with a strong appeal.

     Although he enters the Tao with qi, he is most sensitive to the experience of qi, but he seems to have never been to a similar occasion in the previous life, so this feeling gave him a bit of fresh experience.

     listened to the full of whistles, screams and screams, he suddenly felt a little bit indignant for a while. The buddy wants to get some fairy skills in the field, how can it be better than a few singing people?

     Soon, the performance began. Although it was a special performance, this time it was not only the riding king group, but also some other supporting characters who jumped out to make speeches or something.

     When Qi Wang started to sing the first song, the music hadn't sounded yet, but the guys stood on the stage, posing like they didn't sleep all night, and the whole stadium screamed loudly.

     He Tieying's daughter finally sat down and took her two classmates and three little girls with them screaming desperately, and the two of them shed tears of excitement.

     is really disgusting, Chen Taizhong can't stand it a bit. Feeling the unprecedented enthusiasm in the aura, I thought that when Ren Jiao was participating in the MLM conference, the atmosphere was nothing more than this, right?

    The fanatic mood is the most contagious. When the song rang suddenly, countless women actually shouted, "Smy, we love you!"

     Then, the shout became louder and louder, and it actually spread to the three little girls not far from Chen Taizhong, and the three little girls also shouted hoarsely.

     is a VIP seat, but being young... is the reason for indulgence, isn’t it?

The emotions of Meng Xiaoyan and Jing Ziling didn't fluctuate much, but Chen Taizhong was upset, and then think about the small conflict with Qi Wang yesterday. She couldn't help being angry, and just lost the \"Mo Yanshu". .

     buddy, let you have a hard time!

     He lost the "Mo Yanshu" object, of course, it was the lead singer of the King of Horses, and everyone screamed "Smy" crazy.

Ok? Why is there no response?

After      threw the spell, Chen Taizhong naturally shook his head and shook his head to pretend to be addicted. Who would think, in the Dadi Stadium, there was still singing and music echoing without a half-point pause.

Ok? Chen Taizhong was quite puzzled, and had to get rid of his \"addiction" state, and quietly lost another Mo Yanshu in the past, didn't he, strong fanaticism, can he resist the fairy family magic? Impossible...

     fake singing! He finally understood that he had encountered the legendary fake singing!

     No wonder I had to rehearse yesterday, dare you to rehearse this?

     looked at her and cried bitterly. Girls who shouted "Smy, we love you" hoarsely, in Chen Taizhong's heart, how unbalanced and unbalanced really is—someone said I was fucked? This is not fair!

     However, there are at least 20,000 or 30,000 people sitting in the stadium right now. No matter how drastically he wants to use it, he will not be able to escape a lot of magic, and it is difficult to block the mouth. There is no shortage of smart people in this world.

     The next moment, he relieved Mo Yanshu, and Nasimak jumped and jumped on the stage, performing vigorously, I hope... Didn’t you find that he had been passive?

Before     yin people, try not to make the other person alert. This is the experience summarized by Chen Taizhong. Since people sing fake and Mo Yanshu is useless, it must be eliminated as soon as possible to facilitate another attack.

    \"Xiaoyan," Chen Taizhong stabs Meng Xiaoyan next to him, \"I think they sing and don't match well, are they lip-synching? I always feel slow and half-beat."

Meng Xiaoyan hasn't spoken yet, the half-old girl from He Tieying's family quit, she turned her head and glanced at him, \"Really ignorant, the stadium is so big, the voice is delayed, and there is an echo. I haven't heard the concert. what?"

    \"Oh, that's how it is, admire it," Chen Taizhong nodded with a grin, and gave her a thumbs up, \"You are really amazing."

     To tell the truth, he really admired him, he was sold, and he confidently helped people with some money. It is not difficult to be a fan of a person, and to be able to be a fan of such a realm, what kind of fanaticism would it be...and ignorance.

He became more and more determined to make King Cavalry make a fool of himself. Originally, he was planning to make the voice of Simai's voice appear intermittent, so that not only would Simak not understand what was going on, the audience would also I feel that the sound effects are really terrible, it's a bit worth the But a certain Smyfan's defense of idols completely pushed the king of riding into the abyss, yes, Chen is serious , It's time to calculate carefully.

After      Qiwang finished singing a song, applause rang out. A male host of an entertainment show came on stage and spoke a few words eloquently. Then, a well-known and powerful female singer from the mainland came to the stage and made a cameo appearance.

     For this female singer, Chen Taizhong is not interested in starting, you sing or not, it has nothing to do with me, my buddy’s goal today is to ride the king, it is Simai!

     But Smyr didn't know. After the female singer went down, the host made a few more words in vain. Then, the King of Riding Band came on stage. What's more, this time, the lead singer Smyr did not sing directly.

He sincerely thanked the high-quality fans in Subo City, and sighed about the climate of Subo and the scenery of Tiannan. Anyway, the two-hour concert, there are only twelve songs in total, how can he get it? Isn't it enough time?

     Simak is not only the lead singer of the king of riding, but also the bass player. The background music has already sounded. He still holds the bass and sings with everyone for free. The next moment he starts singing, he does not forget to bow.

     Regrettably, time is frozen at the moment when he is about to straighten up, but he hasn't straightened up yet!

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