Official Immortal

Chapter 568: Fan Rushuang's 2 Choice 1

Better to have a plan? Whoops, you really embarrass me!

     Hearing this answer, Chen Taizhong nodded again. Where does he have any plans? She nodded with a smile, and made a second request. www..

    \"Well, that’s right...The second point is that our China Merchants Office wants to build a carbon plant project in Yinping. In the future, under the same conditions, your aluminum plant’s carbon blocks will give priority to ours."

\"This..." Xiaotie breathed a sigh of relief again. The electrolytic aluminum project was being grasped by another vice president, but he still knew some inside information. There were really some articles in the supply of carbon blocks. , If you want to agree to Chen Taizhong's request, not only will the sphere of influence be re-divided, Fan Dong estimates that some people in the General Administration will be offended.

    \"I really don’t dare to call the shots anymore. I have to ask Fan Dong what he meant... By the way, what big carbon block project are you planning to do?"

This problem is difficult for Chen Taizhong. In fact, he has not been very caring about the project of the carbon plant, and naturally can't tell the truth. If it were not for the spy case this time, he felt that he could take the opportunity to do it. After a matter of fact, it is estimated that Gao Qiang has already found another project.

    \"Well, the initial investment is 60 to 70 million yuan," he pondered for a moment, and answered vaguely, \"You know, I have a lot of things, it is impossible to remember everything so clearly."

Sixty to seven million yuan is not too big. Xiaotie is used to the investment in the factory with a calculation of 100 million. But for such a large carbon factory, it is estimated that the carbon block on the power supply and aluminum solution is more than enough. Chen Taizhong said this, and It's not that we want to get a piece of the pie from the middle, it's just that we're going to get rid of other families. This problem is big.

     or after the 100,000-ton electrolytic aluminum project is launched. This situation can be fundamentally alleviated. But now, what should I do?

\"Let’s do it, Director Ma. Let’s talk first. I’ll go out to greet the waiter and have a supper." Xiao Tie stopped talking about the topic, and nodded to Chen Taizhong with a smile.\" Came all the way, I was a little hungry. Ha ha."

everybody knows. This is going to go out and call Fan Rushuang, or do I need to go out to call a waiter? but. Hit people unhappy in the face. Then just treat him as going out to call the waiter.

     After listening to Xiaotie's report. Fan Rushuang held the phone and didn't speak for a long time. After waiting for a while, he sighed softly, \"Okay, I see, you continue to communicate with him, and I will call you when I turn back."

     put down the phone, Fan Rushuang leaned his body on the sofa, closed his eyes and pondered.

     Hearing these two conditions, she has basically determined that this should be the handwriting of the Phoenix City Government. Otherwise, Chen Taizhong has no reason to mention the two conditions. They have nothing to do with his personal interests.

In this way, it is clear why the National Security Bureau had to imply Chen Taizhong's existence lifelessly.She was a little skeptical at first, what kind of relationship Chen Taizhong would have with Guoan, now it seems that it must be some people in Phoenix City. Manipulate the ground behind the scenes.

     It seems that I offended the Phoenix side so badly? Thinking of this, Fan Rushuang couldn't help but smile, but you are just a local government, so what qualifications do I have to take seriously? I have been busy dealing with the group of people in the head office all day. My head here is already very big.

     So, is this hole open or not? Her brows were furrowed and her lips were tightened. Of course, she knew in her heart that this was not a question of whether or not a mouth should be opened, but a question of how.

As Xiaotie thought, Fan Rushuang didn't mind things in Xia Ma Township very much. Even so, the company's production costs would rise slightly, but this is entirely an internal matter of Linlu, and she can completely decide. Make a decision.

She also knows a little about the chaos in Xia Ma Township, and she even wants to get the tricky place at the aluminum mining site, but because the relevant people wait for this, it can bring real benefits to the company, so she usually ignores it automatically. Up. The Phoenix City promised to rectify the Xia Ma township. There are definitely many people in Linlu that will lose their interests, but Fan Rushuang doesn't care. As long as someone dared to jump out and stab her, she dared to deal with it ruthlessly: it's against your group. What about the thief, do you know that you have aroused the dissatisfaction of the local government?

     is similar to the folk rhyme of the Phoenix Electric Factory. Linhe Aluminum is the same here. The owners of raw materials are not those with strong backgrounds. Fan Dong moves them. It's just a matter of casual touch.

But this carbon block matter is going to be a lot more troublesome. Fan Rushuang knows this well, don't think she is the majestic leader of the aluminum factory, but above her, after all, there is still a head office. There is also the Economic and Trade Commission, which involves the purchase of some bulk commodities. A so-so host on it says hello, and she has to weigh it.

     Take the carbon block purchased from electrolytic aluminum now, it is a pattern of three companies sharing their shares equally, each has a little power behind it, and it is not good to offend any one.

What is even more ridiculous is that these three suppliers are two companies. Yes, one of the companies counts as two yuan. It is a competition between salesmen, involving bonuses and commissions, and they do not buy each other. The means are also normal.

     But when someone reported this to Fan Rushuang as a joke, she could only smile, \"What is this all about? The management is really messy."

The person who reported by      hasn’t explained it in detail. In fact, although the two salesmen belong to the same company, their business scope is still different. One sells domestic carbon blocks and the other sells imported carbon blocks that the company represents.

Imported and domestically produced, there must be a difference in prices. At the beginning of the acceptance, everyone can still easily distinguish the difference between the two, but it has been a long time, and now, let alone use the naked eye, I am afraid that the most Advanced instruments are used to measure, and I am afraid that it will not detect any difference.

The only difference is the difference in price. However, although the imported products are expensive, they are not sold in large quantities. Therefore, if you really need to calculate carefully, the three companies still maintain a delicate balance. To test people.

     However, Fan Rushuang doesn't know much about these things.

     didn't understand Guigui, but to be honest, if it could be replaced, Fan Rushuang would rather replace this carbon plant project with two more troublesome Xia Ma townships. She really didn't want to provoke the head office group.

It stands to reason that in the Non-ferrous Metals Corporation, she is also considered a strong person in the position, but the ones who work below are only able to implement real power, and the people above have no real power, but in front of the leaders, there is a small breeze. It's really convenient to say a small thing.

Huh? No, after careful consideration, Fan Rushuang figured out a little bit. In Xia Ma Township, it must be the resentment of the Phoenix City Government, but this carbon factory is a new project, and the eight achievements are private goods of Phoenix Merchants Office!

     But the question is, which side is the big one in this matter? She didn't want to agree to two things at once, especially the carbon factory. If she really had to agree to it, things might get bigger and bigger.

     Thinking about it, she still made a call to her other secretary first, and the news was quickly fed back: Now the manufacturers of carbon blocks have changed from three to four!

Fortunately, the relationship between the previous three and the two-in-one manufacturer in the head office has gone down to the place. Even if there is no one in the house, it does not matter if you ignore it. The relationship between the remaining one is only after the year. It doesn't matter if you go to the second line.

    The new one has a very good relationship with the head office. It belongs to the kind of owner who gives a little and can only do nothing if not.

     Fan Rushuang suddenly lost his temper on the phone, \"What's going on? Now that there are these changes, why don't I know all of them? You secretary...are you kind of negligent?"

She was really so angry. If she was not afraid that Zhang Yongqing would agree to both things, she would definitely have made the decision to choose one of the two, and it must be the project of the carbon plant that was abandoned. Fortunately, she was a little careful. , I want to know about the supply of carbon blocks, so I won’t miss this Electrolytic aluminum has always been based on this supply share," the secretary did not dare to argue and explained carefully. ,\"If I just asked..."

\"Okay, you don't need to explain!" Fan Rushuang hung up the phone with a grunt. This time she was not angry with her secretary, but with the people below. These guys are really bold enough to supply. When this kind of change appeared, no one actually notified myself.

The emergence of this situation is easy to understand.Although the original supplier has no support, the community of interests in Linhe Aluminum has been formed. If nothing is going on, no one will swear to the top. This is the following People's little nine.

     It’s not so easy even if someone outside of the interest circle wants to bend their mouths. The factory has decided to order this product for a long time. Do you know that there is no relationship between people passing through the above?

     Anyway, after years of use, it hasn’t changed [天珠变], indicating that other people’s goods have formed a reputation, don’t you think it’s OK? Come, do you recommend a try? Believe it or not, you can put countless hats on you during the trial period? If you want to break the tradition without any influence, what is so easy to do?

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