Official Immortal

Chapter 563: Tree lust

The reason for Chen Taizhong's exasperation was simple, because he suddenly realized something.

Who can help me, then I will help, and don't blame me for success or failure. Originally, he had a headache in choosing sides. He didn't know how to protect the interests he wanted to fight for. Otherwise, Linhe Aluminum, surnamed Zhang and Fan Youguan What about him? Anyway, the surname is society, not capital.

    Since he can't choose sides, let him choose himself. Now, he puts his own interests in it, just like he used to collect debts for migrant workers. If he has a reason, he certainly won't be embarrassed.

     Of course he can help a little bit, saying \"Han Gang and Liu Zhiwei are in a good relationship" is not difficult, can you start a factory together if you have a bad relationship? No one can die even if it is implied.

He Chen was originally a master of nonsense, a planted expert, Fan Rushuang, your Linhe Aluminum Industry does not bring any benefits to Phoenix, then you deserve to bear it, who can drive the economic development of Phoenix City, buddy help Who!

Hu Weidong was stunned when he heard it. He had heard of Xia Ma Township, and he knew that the things there were not simple, but that said, Linhe Aluminum is too big, and Xia Ma Township is not right for the Production Equipment Department. He really didn't know the situation there.

However, Section Chief Chen has already set out the conditions, so he can't help but choose. Although he is surprised that the other party actually exchanged official business instead of considering private matters, this more and more confirmed his guess: Chief Chen , That's an ambitious person!

\"I don’t know that place very well, it does not belong to my business scope, so I dare not promise you in a hurry," Hu Weidong stared at Chen Taizhong directly, and spoke very sincerely.\" But I can make a call Call me to consult."

    \"Please, haha." Chen Taizhong spread his hands, anyway, the other party accepted it without a big deal. This made him feel a little good for Hu Weidong, although he really only has that little good feeling, \"Right, put your money away, don't do this with me..."

     Hu Weidong didn't use much time to go out and call, and soon he returned. Sitting on the sofa again, \"Haha, it seems to be troublesome in Xia Ma Township, but if you want to integrate, it seems that the main resistance is the local villagers and the local government. We can fully support you here. Make sure you are not affected by the aluminum factory Interference."

\"I know this better than you." Chen Taizhong nodded, saying that he must not leak his plan a little bit.\" But, what if I want to build a carbon factory there? Can you guarantee priority purchase of carbon blocks? "

    \"Carbon Factory?" Hu Weidong took a sigh of relief when he heard it. Obviously, the difficulty of this question is much more difficult than the one just now. (network)

     To put it bluntly, in Xia Ma Township, the Linlu area is very weak. He only needs to say hello to the surrounding mining sites. You don't need to move to Xia Ma Township-it's not a mining area anyway, and greetings are justified.

     But the carbon factory is different. It is a large consumable in the production of electrolytic aluminum. In the past, the production of electrolytic aluminum in aluminum had a supply channel. Let alone whether the supplier has a backstage or relationship. I just said that after so many years of dealings, friendship came out even if there was no friendship.

in other words. That is, the sphere of influence of that piece has been divided. Changing the status quo is a very troublesome thing. Can Vice President Zhang be able to make adjustments again in the short term after driving off Fan Rushuang?

\"This...I still can't promise you," Hu Weidong is a bit embarrassed when I say this. Of course, he will explain clearly, \"This is not my business scope...So, I'll call again ."

    \"Okay, you don't need to make this call," Chen Taizhong was annoyed, he frowned and shook his head, \"I don't know that, I don't know, I'm surprised, what would you use to talk to me?"

\"Just take the money and talk to me?" While talking, he snorted disdainfully at the briefcase beside Hu Weidong's side, \"You should forget it, I really want to talk, change to a higher level Right."

This is really insulting, but Hu Weidong can't get angry. The reason is simple.It is true that his level is too low. Put yourself in the position and think about it. Let him be Section Chief Chen. For a request, the other party answered two I don’t know, maybe his words will be even worse.

Moreover, from Chen Taizhong's words, he also discovered that Chen has a great vision and a far-sighted vision. This kind of ambition of thinking about the whole situation is impossible to imagine in Linlu-a section chief dare Thinking so much, people will be laughed at.

\"The people of the China Merchants Office are really bold," Hu Weidong smiled and gave the other a thumbs up, but he didn't care about the insult at all. \"Okay, I will change people when I change people. I'm just standing in front of you. , Ha ha, what else does Section Chief Chen have, I will report it together?"

    \"No, just these two points," Chen Taizhong picked up the newspaper on the table and read it. The meaning was obvious, and he was seen off.

     Hu Weidong felt boring, so he was about to open the door and leave, but was yelled by Chen Taizhong. He screamed at the briefcase next to the sofa, \"Take it away, or let's not talk."

     was so decisive that Hu Weidong had no choice, so he could only turn around and picked up his briefcase, and left in embarrassment.

Not long after he left, Chen Taizhong's phone rang. The call was an unfamiliar number and an unfamiliar accent. "Director Guo, what are you doing now? How are the discussions about my investment project? "

    Damn, isn’t this a waste of my phone bill? Chen Taizhong just wanted to hang up, but was attracted by the latter sentence. Is there an investment project?

The four words      may be insignificant to others, and even mean the beginning of a scam, but for him it is extremely useful, just like \"Open the sesame seeds", it is a spell with infinite magic power.

    \"You seem to have made the wrong call." Of course Chen Taizhong would not be afraid that the other party was a liar. He chuckled, \"Which Director Guo are you looking for? Also, what is your investment project?"

    \"Excuse me, are you..." The voice over the phone was a bit hesitant.

    \"I'm the Phoenix Investment Promotion Office here," Chen Taizhong didn't mind telling the other party, \"Your phone number book, did you read the serial number?"

    \"Oh, you are..." The other party paused and seemed to be proofreading the number book, and then asked in a very suspicious tone, \"Are you Chen... Section Chief Chen?"

    \"Yes, it's me, huh," Chen Taizhong replied with a grin, \"What about you...Hello...!"

     dare to love, his laughter was halfway through, but the line was disconnected on the other side, and there were two beeps on the phone.

    \"Fuck me, what's going on?" Chen Taizhong took down the phone to see that the signal and battery were full. He had to press the call back to call back, but the line over there was already busy.

     call again, but the line is still busy, this is... the phone line is short-circuited?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Taizhong didn't bother to fight again. He picked up the newspaper and read it for a while and dialed it for a while. It took a long time to finally hear the connection voice. He immediately dropped the newspaper, \"Hello, may I ask who was calling just now? Phone?"

    \"Several people," there was a voice speaking in Phoenix dialect, \"I'm talking in public here, and those people left after making the call."

     public talk? For a while, Chen Taizhong felt that there was something wrong, but after thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what was wrong. He frowned for a moment and pressed on the phone angrily. He didn't know that the person who called was the deputy director of Linhe Aluminum's Phoenix Office. This person used to be the leader of Xiao Coke's father. The relationship is very good. The two talked through a conversation at noon and accidentally chatted. In the recent developments of the aluminum factory, when the deputy director told the phone that his daughter answered at noon, he worried about it.\"It's not the call of the guy from the China Merchants Office, right?"

When the deputy director was reminded like this, he felt a little guilty. He wanted to ask his daughter to call Jing Ziling and ask, who would think that Jing Ziling's lunch break would be untouchable, and the phone was turned off, so the deputy director here would go out in person and find a public talk. Try it out and it turns out that after a try, the deputy director and the deputy director made a phone call, and they were shocked to discover: what seems to be the factory... is there a strong wind?

The deputy director doesn't matter here. He is waiting for his retirement age. Being the deputy director of the office in Phoenix, he has no real power. It is not as powerful as any deputy manager of the branch in Yinping District. The main reason is that he is known in the organization. My hometown is in Phoenix, so I arranged such a leisurely job.

    , but the deputy director of the factory was worried about it. He said that he couldn't find someone he knows to inquire secretly, only to know that Hu Weidong, this person, did not appear in the building of the production equipment department in the morning and afternoon.

He is in the factory, of course, he also has familiar leaders. Originally, he was from a technical background and did not have any factions, but his promotion was slow and slow. After waking up, he bothered to form a leader who was still appreciative of him. He was also promoted to deputy permanent Zhengyun sp; the level of this leader is relatively high, and he is waiting to be promoted to the deputy hall. It stands to reason that the deputy director and the leader are not used to the point where they talk about everything. Moreover, the relationship between the leader and Fan Rushuang is not very close, and it is slightly better than usual.

     But one thing is very important: this leader is not right with Zhang Yongqing, the contradiction is quite big, and this contradiction is not created by Fan Rushuang for checks and balances. These two are purely old-fashioned grievances.

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