Official Immortal

Chapter 561: The truth becomes clear

\"Hehe, Shishi? Is there any?" Chen Taizhong chuckled, but he didn't mind Jing Ziling's words very much. He thought the word Shishi couldn't be put on his head. If it weren't for the purpose of rolling in the dust, who would dare to say Fairy city?

    \"Okay, don't talk about this, what does your classmate's father do? What level of leadership?"

\"Oh, this...I don’t know yet," Jing Ziling’s face is a little red, she really doesn’t pay attention to this kind of thing on weekdays,\" But she said, after graduation, if she returns to aluminum Plant, choose any post. [m]"

    \"Similar leaders can do this, they are the children of cadres," Chen Taizhong pouted, \"Would you call to ask?"

    \"It’s okay to ask, but..." Jing Ziling looked at him up and down, the small dimple on his left cheek was looming, \"But what can you do for me?"

    \"Lao Jing, your sister, is it too ridiculous, right?" Chen Taizhong gave Jing Junwei a wry smile, helplessly spread his hands, intentionally or unconsciously used the word "shi 侩" to counterattack.

    \"It's alright, let's not talk about it, everyone," Jing Junwei raised his hands and shook, turned to look at his sister, \"Then you call..."

    The father of Jing Ziling's classmate is the deputy director of a branch of Linhe Aluminum Industry. It is a deputy division level factory and can be regarded as a middle-level cadre in the aluminum plant.

     Of course, unlike Phoenix City, although Linhe Aluminum is a department-level enterprise, the relationship is quite complicated. But a factory is in any case much smaller than a prefecture-level city, and various departments cooperate closely. Therefore, the mutual understanding is very deep.

     Therefore, when the deputy director heard about Hu Weidong, he said that he knew this person, and he knew that Section Chief Hu was promoted by Zhang Yongqing, the former deputy general manager and director of the Production Equipment Department.

     Now Zhang Yongqing has been promoted to the executive vice president of Linhe Aluminum Group Corporation, focusing on technological transformation and new alumina projects. The current Minister of Production and Equipment Peng Yuelin has a fair relationship with Section Chief Hu.

     but. Once the emperor and the courtier, this kind of fairness is only fairness, which one is the leader, and there are not many confidants in his hands? When Minister Peng came up, he also promoted himself vigorously.

     Finally, he knew that Hu Weidong used to coddle with Vice President Zhang, but when Minister Peng was still Deputy Minister. [m] Hu's relationship with him is also quite particular. So he didn't move much to the seat of the planning section chief.

However, the current situation of Chief Hu is not as good as before. That is certain. This is the difference between the enterprise and the public institution. There are more exchanges of interests and changes in the court. Since Zhang Yongqing did not promote Hu Weidong at a later time, then that is to say , This is basically an abandoned child.

     is fine. Hu Weidong was also informed and interesting, and lived a very low-key life. Now, in his planning department, many of his business areas have been divided into other departments, and he has neither jumped nor complained. Every day, a person quietly comes to his section chief's room. After get off work, he left quietly, and he rarely even entered the planning department.

These words. Some were said by Jing Ziling's classmates, and some were answered by her classmates asking her father on the spot. Chen Taizhong kept writing the questions on paper and handed them to Jing Ziling.

Not to mention, this is really a technical job.Chen Taizhong must make a judgment in the shortest time according to the answer of the other party, and ask the next question, and write it out to Jing Ziling. Moreover, Jing Ziling has to respond to this problem, but also I have to ask the question again at the first time. This difficulty is not generally great.

     Fortunately, Chen Taizhong's brain is not too slow, and his hearing is excellent. Jing Ziling is also known as a genius and beautiful girl. The two of you come and go, and they cooperate very well.

This kind of tacit understanding was even more prosperous in the later stage.As Chen Taizhong's problems increased and he became familiar with the structure of the aluminum plant, Jing Ziling could even play more topics independently based on a few words on the paper. Chen Taizhong saw it. However, she writes less and less, which makes it convenient for her to imagine and chat with her imagination.

     This guy really has twice! At this time, he had to admit that there really are geniuses in the world.

     However, when it came to the most critical question, Chen Taizhong still wrote a few more words, Jing Ziling took a look, and pondered a little, \"By the way, Xiao Coke, how is the relationship between Fan Rushuang and Zhang Yongqing?"

     Little Cola is her classmate’s nickname, which is derived from the graceful and graceful curve of a small bottle of Coke, which can be regarded as a disguised award. If someone thinks of a large bottle or a can of Coke, it would be unkind.

     Coke was stunned over there, as if muttering something with her father, then turned to ask, \"Little Ziling, what are you asking about this?"

     Chen Taizhong has yet to write something, but Jing Ziling has already answered,\"Oh, my brother has a friend who wants to go there to do some business. I don’t know if I have to find Fan Rushuang after I find Zhang Yongqing."

\"Hmph, he can touch Zhang Yongqing's door, it is considered good luck," Little Cola chuckled, \"That is the executive vice president of our factory, but it is not something ordinary people can contact, if there is a general bureau The senior official wrote the note pretty much."

However, the reason Jing Ziling answered is that she should be in the mood to explain it again.\"Of course, if your brother's friend can find Fan Rushuang, then it doesn't matter if Zhang Yongqing sees him or not. As soon as Boss Fan spoke, Vice President Zhang ran away. Can be diligent."

    \"Then these two people have a good relationship?" Jing Ziling didn't look at the slips Chen Taizhong had put in, and continued to play.

\"Everyone is good with Boss Fan, but what you think in your heart, then a genius will know," Xiao Coke laughed,\" But he is not the boss, um...My dad said, these days, there are bosses Is the executive vice president well connected?"

     Chen Taizhong basically understood when he heard this, and the note was not written, and he waved to Jing Ziling to indicate that she could chat freely next, but he was sitting there meditating.

     It seems that this is Zhang Yongqing who wants to take advantage of this matter, and I feel like Fan Rushuang. However, the strength of this man can beat Fan Rushuang? It's really hard to tell.

     this call, let him know something, but unfortunately, he still has to choose sides, and knowing these things seems irrelevant, because... he doesn't know the deeper inside information.

     For example, behind this Zhang Yongqing, who is supporting? If there is no one, Vice President Zheng Bizheng, how can he dare to stretch his paw with the big boss? Chairman Fan is known for being tyrannical.

     At this moment, he finally understands a little bit \"the masses who don't know the truth"-no, it's a cadre who doesn't know the truth. It feels like that, and it's foggy. How do you want your buddies to choose?

     Forget it, it’s not a big deal, just drag it! In the next moment, he made up his mind. The carbon factory was only a project of tens of millions, and it involved the ghost place in Xia Ma Township. If you don't do it, you can't do it. What's so great?

It's Gao Qiang, who has some money in his hand and has a good relationship with his buddies. It is time for him to touch on another project. Chen Taizhong finally made up his mind. Seeing Xiao Ji hurriedly push the door in and turn his head towards Jing Junwei Smile, \"Ha, Xiao Ji is here, Lao Jing, order food?"

     After a few drinks and drinks, Jing Junwei spoke, "Too loyal, I am in Beijing, but I know some people from the Nonferrous Metals Corporation. Would you like me to help you?"

    \"It’s not a big deal. I’m too lazy to get involved with this kind of thing," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head.\"Let them toss, but... if you really want to ask, remember not to get yourself in."

    \"I still understand this," Jing Junwei nodded, how could he not understand this? Businessmen’s involvement in politics is originally a taboo. If you don’t have enough hard and iron relationships, don’t mess around, otherwise you may not only cause trouble to yourself, but also easily get They chat here. Not to mention, the little Coke student over there put down the phone, but was stopped by her father, \"You little Ziling, what do you do at home?"

\"She is Jing Yiyuan’s granddaughter, and her father is a professor in our school. "Little Cola has a good relationship with Jing Ziling and knows a lot of things.\" Her brother does business in Beijing and does a lot of business. ."

\"Hu Weidong, Peng Yuelin, Zhang Yongqing, Fan Rushuang..." For a while, the deputy director fell into thought. Inadvertently, he walked to the phone, glanced at the caller ID on the phone, and suddenly realized something.\" This phone number... isn't Su Bo's?"

Chen Taizhong's phone is of course Phoenix's number. Jing Ziling wants to use her phone to call classmates, but someone Chen thinks that this is also a long distance at any rate, and they are asking themselves for inquiries, saying that they can't force their phone to plug In the past, \"Use mine, you are roaming and long distance, I can reimburse you."

     Everyone doesn't care about the amount of money, but this is a gesture, and it has nothing to do with the amount of money and the amount of money. If Chen Taizhong can't even think about the things on the scene, then he will be a failure.

\"It's not from Subo," As a college girl studying in, Xiao Coke knows more about mobile phone numbers than his father, \"This is Phoenix's number, by the way, promise to give it to me Where's the phone you bought?"

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