Official Immortal

Chapter 552: act recklessly

Chen Taizhong was chatting with Chu Hansheng in the yard without a word, and a man walked in swayingly at the gate of the yard. He was not tall but he was quite stout.\"Ha, why is Chairman Chu in the yard at this time? Chat?"

     Both of them knew this. It was Guo Guangliang, the section chief of the Security Department of the Electrical Machinery Factory. He was originally a gangster in the factory, but now he was appreciated by the general manager Li Jibo and was directly promoted to section chief. [m]

     However, this section chief is just that, and it has nothing to do with the administrative level. It is incomparable to Chen Taizhong, who is genuine and in the red department.

Guo Guangliang was originally a gangster, and after a few days of practice, his temper was extremely bad.Now even though he is in his early forties, he still strikes people at every turn, and the entire electrical machinery factory recognizes the account of the general manager Li Jibo. The celebrity, Niu Lisheng, the chief of the finance department, was scolded by his neck.

     Because of this, Mr. Li appreciates him more and more. It is really reassuring to have such a loyal security chief who takes care of this factory.

There is a popular saying in electrical machinery factories, "The director eats checks, the section chief eats invoices, the workers can’t help but eat some raw materials." This was originally a self-satisfaction, but it is also a fact. There are a lot of children.

     This ethos is so popular that even when someone is at work, they dare to hum the modified song "We Workers Have Power", \"We workers have materials, hey, we workers have materials..."

     but. Since Guo Guangliang became the section chief, management has been strengthened, and there has been a lot less looting of land in the factory, which can be regarded as immediate.

     Of course, it is less or less, but there is no extinction, and there are more rare materials stolen, like molybdenum wire used in wire cutting equipment. Losing a catty of molybdenum wire is better than hundreds of catties of copper wire.

     But it’s okay. The total value of stolen materials per month has been reduced. Someone murmured from behind that Guo Guangliang’s Security Division should have stolen it by himself, but it’s just that, but some people laughed at spreading the rumors--\"You said that because you couldn’t steal it. "?

     Anyway, Guo Guangliang is rude. There are also a bunch of wage earners under his staff. In the factory, there is no one who has a headache. After all, Chen Taizhong's parents are honest pimple, and they have not had any conflict with this person.

\"Well, I was so bored at home, I came out and went around," Chu Hansheng has a good temper, and he was not irritated by Guo Guangliang's second stupid energy. He smiled and nodded at the other party,\" Haha. [m] This is not a bump. Xiao Chen? Just stand and talk."

     Guo Guangliang glanced at Chen Taizhong inadvertently, his face was full of disapproval, and his body was horizontal, and he walked forward slowly with his extremely peculiar and exaggerated steps.

     Who thinks, he hasn't walked a few steps. He suddenly turned around and walked back. Raising his hand to pat Chen Taizhong's shoulder, his face was not smiling. \"Oh, you are the son of Deng Jiao Lao Chen, huh, he has grown up so old, I heard that you work in a city office?"

Chen Taizhong frowned and glanced at him, a little annoyed for a while, he was being disturbed by Chu Hansheng in a terrible trouble. Seeing this guy feels so good about himself, I don’t need to laugh, \"Hehe, please, please, take your hand away, I'm not familiar with you."

\"Yeah, the young man is not too old, and his temper is not young," Guo Guangliang doesn't want to eat him. Chen Taizhong's family lives in the electrical factory very low-key. Although there are many acquaintances, they rarely cause trouble, basically the whole factory Everyone knows that the Chen family is honest.

     However, this young man works in an agency, and Section Chief Guo is inconvenient to be too presumptuous at the moment. He just puts some effort into his hands, \"Talking to uncle like that?"

    \"Hehe, I really don’t want my face," Chen Taizhong grinned at him, raising his hand to a big mouth. As soon as he raised his leg, he kicked Guo Guangliang far away, "What is it?"

     Chu Hansheng looked at him, he was dumbfounded, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, \"Too loyal, don't beat people."

Guo Guangliang got up from the ground embarrassedly, clutching his blushing face, and thoughtfully approached to find the place, but when he looked at Chen Taizhong's head and body, he hesitated for a while, pointed his hand at Chen Taizhong, gritted his teeth and cursed.\" Good boy, you are here to wait for me if you have a seed."

"Huh? Do you dare to say that? Haha," Chen Taizhong smiled and walked forward two steps. When Guo Guangliang fled in embarrassment, he turned his head and laughed at Chu Hansheng. "I can't hit someone? He pinched my shoulder. Besides, right at the gate of this courtyard, I saw him beat people more than once, so why can he beat people?"

     are these guys relying on, you are not afraid of your parents being retaliated? Chu Hansheng just wanted to talk, and then he thought about it, the Chen family is now a rocket cadre who is mentioned twice a year, would he still be afraid of such a thief?

     is a regular school at the age of twenty. If you have a little luck, you can get up to the right position by twenty-seven or eighty-eight, and you have a boundless future. I am afraid that Li Jibo will come, and it will be flattered.

    \"Be careful anyway, Guo Guangliang is not a good bird," Chu Hansheng shook his head without saying anything, and turned away.

     Chen Taizhong stood in the yard until it was getting dark before Shi Shiran went home. Fortunately, the family was gone, and four packs of Zhonghua had only half a pack left.

When      saw him, she whispered quietly, \"These guys are not afraid of smoking to death, so I keep on the range hood, and your dad keeps smoking."

    \"Forget it, Chinese New Year," Chen Taizhong smiled and helped his mother carry the cutting board into the big room, and the family of three began to make dumplings happily.

While it was being wrapped, Chen Taizhong's handbag on the sofa began to "buzz" and vibrated. He was stunned and pondered. Putting down the small rolling pin in his hand, he walked around the table from behind his father with difficulty, and ran to the window in two steps. Front - As expected, the rear window of the Lincoln parked in the yard was smashed.

     During this period, he had already opened the sky eye. Unfortunately, the people who smashed the car were also alert, and the sky was dark again. He didn't see anyone, but then again, what about seeing? He didn't catch him at the scene again. In front of his parents, he couldn't jump directly through the wall and downstairs.

     However, it doesn’t matter if you see it or not. You don’t need to guess who did it. It is definitely Guo Guangliang’s group!

This is the counterattack of Section Chief Guo. The reason why the thief is causing headaches is here. As long as you don't catch him, it is not easy to clean him up from the front. People are messy and all tricks. He can do it, and he is not afraid of you guessing it-Lao Tzu is doing the land, just to make you dumb!

     I am a bully, who am I afraid of? What happened to the section chief in the city? When the section chief does something, he has to give evidence, right?

     Regrettably, what Guo Guangliang encountered this time was the Secretary of the Five Poisons, so he deserved to be unlucky. Chen was a person who had nothing to do but had to give birth to something. How could he suffer such a dumb loss?

    \"I'll go out to see the car," Chen Taizhong smiled and said hello to his parents, wiped the flour on his hands with a towel, and walked out slowly in his leather jacket.

     But how can he hide the two old people from his pretentiousness? The old two changed their eyes, shook the flour on their hands, put on their jackets, and chased them out. That car is hundreds of thousands of dollars in size. What are you kidding about?

     Chen Taizhong walked to the front of the Lincoln car and discovered that the large glass of the rear window of the car had been smashed with a hard object. Except for a large hole, the whole glass was covered with cracks like spider webs. \"It's a lot of effort," Chen Taizhong murmured, and started dialing after he got out his phone.

     Motor Factory is under the jurisdiction of Hengshan District, but many of the dormitories of the Motor Factory are in the Huxi District. It is just a road, and the dormitory and the factory area are placed under the jurisdiction of two districts.

     The location of Chen Taizhong's home is in Huxi District, but he was not interested in calling Li Zhaolu, but directly dialed Gu Xin's cell phone.

Gu Xin heard that someone had smashed Chen Taizhong’s car and pressed the phone without saying anything.\"Chen Ke, you wait, I will take someone to rush over in ten Director Gu always knows that, his own Wang Hongwei, the immediate boss, cooperated well with Chen Taizhong, but Director Wang always hated and loved Chen Ke and did not dare to provoke him in his spare time.

However, the day before yesterday at the Phoenix Hotel’s dinner, he confronted Chen Taizhong. Director Wang did not have that indifferent appearance. Gu Xin didn’t know that Wang Ju was frightened by Chen Taizhong’s close connection with Mengyi. It does not prevent you from looking up at your boss again.

     is not showing loyalty at such moments, when does it show loyalty?

     Not long after, Gu Xin brought three police cars over, crackled down eight or nine policemen, and came straight to Chen Taizhong, \"Chen Ke, what do you mean?"

    \"Why are there so many people?" Chen Taizhong looked at Gu Xin with some confusion.

    \"Boss, today is thirty," Gu Xin replied with a bitter face, \"I have already taken the game off, but all that can come is here."

    \"Oh," Chen Taizhong nodded and pointed to his car.\"Guo Guangliang from the Security Division of the Electrical Machinery Factory smashed it, or he sent someone to smash it and let him squat in the chant for Chinese New Year, right?"

    \"Chief Chen," a little policeman was very close to him, and asked in a low voice, \"Are there any witnesses?"

    \"He just bullied me without a witness," Chen Taizhong sneered.

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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