Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4493: Respondents

After Zhang Zhiping came, the conversation between Chen Taizhong and Mu Hua became somewhat obscured—not to mention, just to say that the two real estate companies are peers, something should be avoided.

But Director Mu was really indifferent. After a while, he wanted to know again, what Chen Taizhong promised to let others chase him.

At the same time, Zhang Zhiping doesn’t pay much attention to the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. There is always a psychological advantage in the face of the locality. On the backing, on the location and area of ​​development, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission and Jingchao said bluntly. , Really not on the same level.

So when the meal was about to start, Mr. Zhang said that Beijing Cháo is planning to run a series of advertisements, among which there are beauties wearing bikinis and handing out flyers on the street.

"It's a masterpiece, I can't learn it," Mu Hua shook his head with deep feeling. After all, the Science and Technology Commission is a formal unit. Leaving aside the cost of publicity, it is too serious to say that it is beautiful women wearing bikinis.

"That's because you are restricted by your status," Zhang Zhiping replied with a smile. People in the capital are not blindly arrogant. It's okay to make fun.

Everyone was seated in a small room in the cafeteria, and Mr. Zhang spoke to Chen Taizhong, "Secretary Chen, I have calculated it carefully. At least sixty people are required, and there can be no less."

"Oh," Chen Taizhong nodded casually.

"Sixty... girls?" Mu Hua also heard it. He glanced suspiciously at Chen Taizhong, then went to see Zhang Zhiping, "Need so many people?"

"Not only at the gate of the community," Mr. Zhang replied with a smile. In fact, the Bayi Auditorium is both large and in a busy city. Just a few intersections can absorb these sixty people, he said. , Just humble.

However, he also has plans to put people in other downtown areas, just like Sun Shuying, the impact is not afraid of big, this itself is an excellent publicity for real estate.

"Is this to be too loyal to provide beauties in batches?" Mu Hua still asked her doubts.

"No, I want to discuss with Bei Chong." Zhang Zhiping answered this question steadily. He didn't get involved with Chen Taizhong at all. "Beichong has special practitioners who have certificates to work, so I will consult Secretary Chen."

"It turned out to be like this," Mu Hua nodded slightly in surprise, and stopped talking. He felt that the question he asked was quite boring. Miss Bei Chong was semi-legalized. He knew it, and he didn't want it in general. Talk about this.

"You first write a material and report to the Beichong branch." Chen Taizhong saw Zhang Zhiping help him to clear it, and gave instructions on the spot. "After the branch has approved, you can contact relevant people, or you can advertise on the TV station to inform you Claim."

"Go to Bei Chong to recruit Miss, you want to tell the jǐng to investigate the branch?" Yuan Tao is strange this time, he is similar to Chen Taizhong, and he is also young, so he is not afraid to ask abruptly.

"If you have a certificate, you must be responsible," Chen Taizhong replied casually. He couldn't say that Jǐng Cha would also deal with those who eat Bawang's meal, but he could emphasize, "It must be included in effective management."

"How much is a person right?" Zhang Zhiping was really not afraid to ask.

"It depends on your decision. Don't ask me." Chen Taizhong shook his head in tears and laughed. After thinking about it, he added, "I think it's about one thousand a day, and if it's better, it might be 1,500. ."

Regardless of the transaction, the lady of Bei Chong KTV, an hour is fifty yuan, ten hours a day only five hundred, but without the chicken tap, Bei Chong now has more local tyrants, plus tips or something, okay A little lady, seven or eight hundred bags a day is not a big deal, if there is a business at night, there can be thousands.

However, the **** is still incomparable with the distribution of flyers on the street. The latter...a little bit dignified, and the workload is seven or eight hours a day.

"I know this," Zhang Zhiping smiled and nodded, then glanced at Mu Hua, "In fact, after the publicity, it is the place to be used in Beichong... The demolition conditions have been announced. Some people do not cooperate, and we will force the demolition. Up."

His original intention was that I asked Chen Taizhong to talk about forced demolition, but Director Mu replied with a smile, "Then you are really miserable. Big companies have trouble with big companies. There is no forced demolition in our small area. The problem."

There are also residential houses on the land of the Science and Technology Commission, but they are all employees of the Education Commission, and their work is very simple.

What you said, Zhang Zhiping rolled his eyes when he was choked, and his gloat would not be obvious, right?

But Mu Hua is the xìng son. The next moment, he said again, “If you engage in this activity, it may involve cultural propaganda. If there is someone from the culture to check you, you can contact Xiaoyuan.”

Science, education, culture and health are a big part, and people from the Science and Technology Commission are still very useful. Director Mu said this and also expressed support for Jingchao.

"Thank you very much Mu Ting," Zhang Zhiping smiled and nodded. Although it is a company in the capital, the local support is not too much, so he raised his glass, "Come, I toast you."

Everyone has a happy event. This meal is very happy. After the meal is full, Mu Hua also asked Chen Taizhong, "The construction committee has completed the procedures, so you don't need to call that true?"

"Where are there such cheap things?" Chen Taizhong shook his head, and said that Lao Mu, you are too soft. "It was originally that they were looking for things first...Listen to what they say, watch what they do."

"Hehe," Mu Hua smiled pretentiously at his offense...

On Monday, Yuan Tao sent someone to the Municipal Construction Committee to go through the formalities. It really went smoothly. After Chen Taizhong learned the news, he just nodded noncommittal.

That afternoon, the people from Beijing Cháo came, and Zhang Zhiping led the team himself. This kind of thing didn't require Mr. Zhang to come forward, but he came in person to show his respect for Secretary Chen.

The application for borrowing service personnel was also handed over to the Jǐngcha Branch. As Secretary Chen said hello in advance, the application was passed directly.

However, the Beichong branch has collected a deposit of 200,000 yuan from Beijing Cháo Company. When the receipt was issued, the clerk repeatedly emphasized: Take people away and emphasize voluntariness. These girls cannot be forced to do what they don’t want during the loan period. What to do, and how to take people away, how to bring people back.

This is simply a big chicken head, the people who work at Jingchao Company thought to himself.

However, to his surprise, there are more than 500 women who missed their jobs with certificates in Beichong, and they are approaching 600-the first month has passed, and everyone is out looking for food.

Of course, this is not the time to sigh. After completing the formalities, he immediately rushed to Beichong TV Station to make a good advertisement before the Beichong News broadcast.

In the evening, the Beijing Cháo company’s advertisement began to be broadcast. In addition to the news, there was also the word "Piao". It means that with the approval of the Beichong Labor Bureau and the Jǐng Inspection Bureau, the Jingcheng Real Estate Company recruited promoters and required that they were female and good-looking. , Rì wages start at one thousand yuan-those with job permits are preferred.

A "post-job certificate first" basically explains the quality. Details like Miss Bikini do not need to be elaborated. It is not appropriate to say this on TV.

However, the salary is too high. Even if Beichong is developing rapidly now, a salary of one thousand is also an unimaginable reward. So early the next morning, many locals came to Beichong, where the people of Beijing are staying. Hotel, understand what this promoter is about.

Last night, Zhang Zhihua had a meal with Zhu Fenqi, Director of Jǐng Cha. During the dinner, he learned about the situation of Beichong. He knew that Secretary Chen was taking care of his subjects very tightly. I heard that the visitor did not have a work permit, so I will explain immediately. The job content of the promoter.

Beichong is not a place rich in beautiful women, but if you take a closer look, there are not too few beautiful women, like Ye Xiaohui and Wang Yuanyuan, they are all natives.

Because of the "post permit", they came to understand the situation, most of them came with relatives and friends. Once everyone heard about the job content, most of them had no interest. Even if someone was moved, they would be persuaded by the people who came with them. It's shameful.

Of course, there are also people who insist on signing up, one thousand a day, seven days is seven thousand, anyway, they just advertise in a swimsuit and don’t do other nasty things—there are many poor people in Beichong.

But for this kind of person, the people in Beijing don't dare to agree casually. They said, in principle, we don't hire anyone without a certificate. If you want to sign up, you need a stamp from the District Labor Bureau.

This requirement has troubled the people of Beichong. The administrative hall has not been built yet, and the labor bureau is still working in the district zhèngfǔ compound. Who is embarrassed to go to the district zhèngfǔ to do this kind of business?

After ten o'clock, there were stray women who came to learn about the situation. At about eleven o'clock, the number of people increased sharply-everyone is used to nightlife and doesn't get up early, but if you come late, you may have to delay the afternoon. business.

At this time everyone has seen the average quality of women who have fallen in Beichong, and there are many beautiful women.

In Bei Chong’s words: this qualification certificate is not something that everyone can do. If the hardware fails, it will be rejected directly. At present, the ratio of Bei Chong’s application for certificates exceeds one of the two — no way. , Bei Chong's reputation for money has spread, and it is safe here.

This means that Beichong currently has nearly 600 employees, and 600 people have been eliminated. Such a elimination rate, it is strange that the quality of the young lady is so low.

The people of Jingcháo picked up people with open eyes and smiled. In just two hours, they selected forty basically qualified. Thinking of the two-day registration period, is it not easy to choose sixty?

After all, the ladies don’t care about dignity at all. They have relatively serious jobs, and their income is not low. Why not give it a try?

In order to ensure that they will not be brushed down, some women who have missed their feet have taken the initiative to invite the young guys in the interview: handsome guys, enjoy your face at noon, and have a light meal together?

They dare to invite, but the people in Beijing dare not agree to it casually: What kind of joke, the company has a system.

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