Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 868 I beg you

To please the reader, this is the obvious answer.

This is the meaning and purpose of the existence of all omnipotent universes in the pan-time line.

He thought about this possibility at the beginning, and asked Naruto who appeared because of himself: If everything is designed and imagined, and the past does not exist, what would you do?

Naruto couldn't accept it either, he just took it as a joke.

Today, he is also being made such a joke, and no one tells him that it is a joke.

This is true, what Lan Mu wants is the real answer, not self-deception.


He was dumbfounded, even a little dumbfounded.

I have experienced countless times in my life, and I have come to this day just for such an answer.

For a moment, Lan Mu was extremely angry, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He wanted to vent, but there was nothing to vent.

Even when he lost his temper, he immediately realized that his own gaffe was also designed by the author.

No matter what he was cursing like catharsis at the moment, it was also designed for him to curse.

But so what?

"Fuck you..." Lan Mu cursed crazily, he had never cursed so crazily.

He knew that if he scolded the author, maybe it was just the author who asked him to scold him.

It didn't make much sense at first, but once he thought of asking the author to write swear words insulting himself, he felt it was meaningful.

But after scolding hundreds of sentences in a row, he suddenly felt bored again.

Because it occurred to him that the author could write it down in one stroke.

The other party does not need to write out every dirty word.

"No! You also said that it is impossible for him to consider every detail. In my life, I always have my own choices. It is impossible to make up every sentence!"

Lan Mu was about to collapse, but he forcibly calmed down.

Regardless of whether this is arranged or not, he feels that he should show the dignity that life should have.

Just like Ziggs' performance before he thought the universe ended, if there is a creator, let the creator take a look...he should be like this, not others.

001 said: "Yes, even you, as the meaning of the universe, have your own choices."

"The interface comes from his fantasy. You, me and everything exist in thoughts, and only what is actually written down by him is the determined destiny. Lan Mu of countless timelines is conceived by him, only you It was he who really wrote it, so the only one standing here is you."

Lan Mu understands that, for example, five years later, the fate that will be wiped away in one stroke, but what happened in between needs to be experienced by Lan Mu himself every minute and every second.

And this, perhaps, is his brief and relatively so-called freedom.

Perhaps, the time when he was truly free in his life was when in Xiaotiandi, he desperately cultivated and comprehended the five Yuanhui for a designed despair.

It is impossible for the five Yuanhui to be described in detail, so most of the trivial life is decided by himself.

It's a pity, he knew that he didn't do anything, basically he was practicing and comprehending.

"Since it's a novel, there must be an ending. After the ending, what will happen to me?" Lan Mu couldn't help but laugh.

For the first time, he wanted to admit his fate and asked about the ending.

001 told him: "The ending he prepared for you..."

"It is to restore the order of the omnipotent universe and cancel all the timelines, but before that, you went to find Ordonis in order to fulfill your agreement."

"In each timeline, Odonis' deadline is approaching. Instead of the 'Lan Mu' who left, you went to meet Odonis and told him the truth."

"Complete the agreement and change the fate of all Ordonis! Cancel the timeline."

"The final result is only there. Everything after that is the room for free fantasy."

"The author will no longer interfere with your behavior. From now on, you will be the supreme interface, and you will be free."

After hearing this, Lan Mu was slightly stunned.

He happened to be looking at a timeline where Ordonis was dying, and he, now, had the ability to change fate.

This is his promise, and he really wants to fulfill it.

Looking at countless Odonis, he wanted to meet them too much, and told one Odonis after another: I won! I'm alive! I have found the ultimate answer.

Perhaps, this is really a good ending.

However, Lan Mu asked: "What will happen if I complete the ending?"

"I'm not referring to myself, but to the entire interface. Will the author really stop interfering?"

"Won't he write a second part, won't he write a sequel on a whim? Doesn't he start a whole new story, and I become a clown character and get knocked down in the new story? "

Regarding Lan Mu's words, 001 said: "I don't know."

Lan Mu said solemnly: "Why did you know the ending? Why did you tell me? This is unreasonable. The ending has been announced in advance, and I will carry it out. What is the difference between this and a fool?"

001 said: "He wants me to know, and I will know. Now, as long as you ask me, and I know, I will tell you."

Lan Mu sneered and said: "The author let you know this, in fact, he just wanted me to know... What kind of bullshit truth, he is still playing with me, what' I don't want to know the answer', ha ha! If I come to this day, If you don’t ask me, what is the purpose of all my hard work? He simply wants to let me know this on purpose, and let me know that such a high-ranking dog like him is controlling me!"

"Well, maybe such a remark is what he wanted me to say, but so what?"

"I am an independent person! To me, my thoughts, my self, my personality are real!"

"I only say what I want to say! I only do what I want to do!"

"Even if he wants to play with me, he has to follow the Basic Law! Otherwise... this book is shit!"

001 is silent.

Lan Mu raised his head and smiled: "Odonis is dead, the Odonis I have seen is not these Odonis..."

"Even if they are exactly the same, they are not!"

"Although I really want to do such a thing, but if this is the end... I just won't do it!"

"Odonis died by fate, what I want to do is not to use information to revive him! Not to deceive myself! Not to make up for a missed agreement!"

"To miss is to miss... what should be done is blood debt!"

001 said: "You want to kill the author? To avenge Ordonis?"

Lan Mu said expressionlessly: "Not only for his revenge, but also for all of you, for all of me..."

"Whether it's my enemy or my friend...why are these fake?"

001 said: "It's not fake..."

"Okay, it's true. But then he deserves to die even more!" Lan Mu grimaced.

"Perhaps in his book, Reinhardt's pain is just a sentence. In order to express clearly Reinhardt's pain, he may have described it in words as much as possible. It is an ultimate that people who have not experienced it will never imagine Torture. For the author, it’s just words, but for Reinhardt? He has really experienced decades of torture and really endured it all!”

"And Victor, once he came out, he was my enemy. He regretted extremely and was unwilling to become a contractor. If he could do it all over again, he actually didn't want to be a contractor, and he didn't want to fight me to death! He just I want to pursue and explore the mysteries of the universe... Victor thinks that he asked for it, that he signed the contract impulsively, but he didn't know that his enemy was destined to be my enemy from the very beginning, and he was destined to be my enemy from the very beginning. Dimensional time and space have been waiting for me for 100 million years. That contract was brought from his 'birth'!"

"And Best, this guy is even more tragic. He was born inexplicably, was sealed for countless years inexplicably, and became my enemy inexplicably. In the end... I didn't trust him, so I killed him."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to be hypocritical."

"I have met too many people in my life. Many of them may be my enemies, but they have taught me a lot!"

"What about the supreme manager of the interface? Even if you make up the 'God of the Ultimate Supreme and Absolute Information Controller', it's just a matter of one sentence! Even if you give me endless enjoyment, I don't feel it anymore."

Lan Mu looked at the infinite pan-timeline omnipotent universe, this is not what he wanted.

Perhaps it is also one of what he wants, but his past does not allow him to be nostalgic for it.

Otherwise, he would be sorry for Ordonis and all the enemies who had blocked him.

What's the use of talking a lot? His every move, every word and deed is the will of others.

After Lan Mu finished speaking, he froze in place.

001 said: "It is not impossible for you to meet the author."


Lan Mu was startled, even stunned.

That is simply impossible. When he was trapped in the second dimension, it was because he was a three-dimensional creature and had a three-dimensional connection point. In the end, he returned to the third dimension only by death.

The current situation is actually worse than before. The existence of the author makes him have no strength to break the situation.

001 said: "Everything in the interface depends on the author's thoughts. The ending has not yet been settled, so everything is possible."

"Is it possible to go to the interface where the author is?" Lan Mu asked.

001 said: "I don't know. I'm only responsible for conveying the author's thoughts. He thinks you might go out, and he has prepared this possibility for you."

Lan Mu suddenly understood that the ending is still undecided, and the author does not exclude him from leaving the interface.

"What way?" Lan Mu asked solemnly.

Unexpectedly, 001 said: "I don't know, think for yourself."

Lan Mu was silent, then smiled.

He said: "Since my every move is under the control of the author, it is impossible for him not to focus on the description when it comes to the critical moment of choosing the ending. This must not be a period of 'passing it off'."

"So, in fact, I can think of any method at will. As long as the author thinks that I can get out, the method I think will succeed...and if the author doesn't think that I can get out, even if I think of a hundred million ways, I will definitely fail. Not going."

As smart as Lan Mu, he analyzed this situation at once.

But he was still very strange: "The author knew that I wanted to kill him, but he still let me out?"

The situation is like this, but 001 said: "Even if the author wants you to go out, he doesn't know whether you can go out. For him, whether you can go out or not is not up to him."

"What's the meaning?"

"For the author, you are just a character in the novel, illusory, imaginary, and unreal. Even if he wants you out again, even if he designs an exquisite way out for you, in fact, in the author's heart, I also don't know if I can see you on my interface." 001 said.

These words made Lan Mu dumbfounded. Thinking about it in another way, if he also writes a book, even if he says in the book "I am real, I can go out", so what? Can the existence in the book really come out?

Of course, Lanmu will use the root algorithm, easily add a setting, and it will be realized immediately.

But the author, do you really have this kind of ability?

At this moment, Lan Mu was very confused, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, but when he thought of these thoughts, the author might have thought of them for him first, and he was very annoyed.

"That is to say, I can only try? There is a high probability that it will not succeed, right?" Lan Mu closed his eyes and lowered his head with a smile.

"I don't know, I suggest you choose to complete the agreement and change the outcome of the fate of all lives." 001 said.

Lan Mu narrowed his eyes, thinking alone.

"Change the fate of all lives? It's really nice to say..."

Suddenly, Lan Mu raised his head.

Although there was no direction to speak of here, he still looked in one direction, trying to let his aura of gaffe return.

I saw that Lan Mu had changed into a black robe with the logo of the Lanbai Society built on it.

He brushed his hair lightly, his eyes deep.

Suddenly, a series of past memories surged up.

"Everyone...uh...readers?" Lan Mu opened his mouth and said five words, leaving 001 speechless.

"There should be readers...Isn't my existence just to please you?" At this point, Lan Mu seemed to feel that his tone was a bit wrong, so his eyes darkened slightly, and he pursed his mouth and said: "Perhaps, you still There are better names, but I'm just an existence in the interface, so I can only call you this... If you think I'm rude... hug, sorry!"

Speaking of the latter part, Lan Mu gritted his teeth calmly, but his will immediately calmed himself down. On the surface, there was no wave, and there seemed to be a lot of apology. From the surface alone, this was extremely humble.

"At this time, you should be paying attention to me. I don't trust the author. Maybe what I said at this moment is also the author's meaning, but it is my own idea!"

"I can't accept that ending, I don't think it's the answer, it's not the answer I want..."

"Maybe you have seen my whole life, maybe I don't have any privacy in front of you, well...even if I pretend to be humble to please you, maybe you can see through it at a glance..."

Speaking of this, Lan Mu's eyes were like stars, his hands clenched into fists, and he didn't know who he was staring at. The temperament changed again, as if I didn't know anything at the beginning, and I was so selfish when I was ignorant.

"As a high-level creature who is also high above... I'm sorry, it is... the existence of a high-level. You are in the same place as the author, so you should... be able to affect this place, right?"

"The author's heart may not think that I can get out... Maybe... I don't know!"

"But I hope that this opportunity is won by myself! It's not a charity!"

"If possible, I hope that one of you can help me kill him! I'm sorry, no one may be willing to do this..."

"Then please help me out... I don't know if it will be useful, I don't know how to do it, and I don't know if someone will help me..."

"But for me, if there is a chance, I must fight for it."


Lan Mu gritted his teeth and lowered his head.

"Whoever it is!"

"Tsk! I beg you!"


p.s: You guys want to make big news, I don't care, I don't believe it will come out anyway.

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