Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 80 Devil Angel

Lan Mu rushed to a very remote small pier in Los Angeles late at night and early in the morning. He usually rents yachts to collect rent from customers. It is actually one of the places where Paul's men kill people and throw their bodies away.

He was holding a map in his hand, which was given to him by Fang Moqi, marking the approximate location of the luxury yacht on the sea.

"Get a boat first."

Lan Mu turned into a stalker and rushed into the dock.

There were only six staff members on duty at the pier, and two of them were armed with guns.

The other four were not without guns, but hung on the wall and were not used.

Two duty officers with guns were dozing off in chairs when they suddenly suffered severe pain in the back of their head and then lost consciousness.

It's better to solve it without a gun. The attack in the dark made them die cleanly.

Turning into an elf, Lan Mu drove a small yacht and clumsily steered it out to sea.

The waves were very big at night, and Lan Mu's legs seemed to be nailed to the boat, dangling without any discomfort.

After bumping all the way, with his amazing eyesight, he finally found a large luxury yacht.

It was a kilometer away from him and was approaching rapidly.

"Huh? Didn't you say it was anchored at sea? How did you start returning?"

The luxury yacht is obviously coming to Lan Mu's side, and it will be ashore in about half an hour.

"It must be resolved at sea!"

Lan Mu stopped the small yacht and jumped into the water to swim.

After swimming more than ten meters away, his body changed suddenly, and a bright red flame monster appeared in the sea, and then sank to the bottom of the sea.

The Balrog's form is four meters tall, but because it is an elemental body, it can grow to eight meters in height once it explodes.

I saw magma gushing out from his lower body, condensing into lava with the sea water, and ran forward with his strength.

The luxury yacht is very large, thirty-one meters long and twelve meters wide.

On the deck, there are several strong white men with shirtless arms and chest hair exposed, and they are destroying the corpses. Several naked women are being slaughtered like mud. seabed.

Suddenly a red-haired white man pointed to the sea and shouted: "Look! The sea is boiling!"

There is a boiling area with a diameter of more than ten meters in the sea ahead, and the yacht is about to pass there.

The light on the ship shone through, and found a fiery red shadow on the bottom of the sea constantly zooming in and approaching!

"what is that?"

The white people watched blankly, and heard a bang, and the flames rushed out of the sea!

A huge collection of flames and magma erupted from the icy sea water. This scene is strange and indescribable.

"Fire...Fire Giant! Oh, Mygod!"

They couldn't believe their eyes. Their giant palms transformed from lava slapped the side of the boat. When they exerted force, the metal plates were immediately twisted.

The flame giant climbed onto the deck, the heat wave of the fire surged, and a pair of huge and terrifying eyes stared at them.

The white people finally saw the giant's appearance clearly, with the ferocious scythe and goat horns, and the evil black face intertwined with flames.

The huge body composed of raging fire and magma emitted a pungent smoky smell, and the surrounding temperature rose suddenly, as if being in a furnace.

"God! It's a devil! A devil!"

The image of the Balrog is a demon that keeps burning, and the iconic demon goat horns, no one in any country will admit it wrong!

Seeing the tragic scene of many female corpses on the deck, each naked, with scars on their bodies, shocking black and red welts, and all kinds of cruel iron nails and steel rings nailed to their private parts, these women must die before they die. Suffered a long time of abuse, unimaginable hell torture.

Seeing everything in his eyes, the red flame of the Balrog burned even hotter!

"You should pray to me to let the flames burn faster..."

"At least you can... less! Suffer! Torture! Grind!"

As soon as the words fell, the Balrog stood on the deck and took a step, and the fire suddenly shot up into the sky.

The flames filled the deck, spreading from the Balrog's feet, and quickly filled the ship with fire, and the raging magma made a heart-pounding grunt.

"Wait, there's no eredar in the body..."

Lan Mu turned into a Balrog to kill him, set fire to it, and magma was everywhere.

But considering that the eredar would not be affected, he quickly restrained the flames, and the magma also retracted under his feet.

But just at that moment, the people on the deck were burning with flames, howling miserably.

"Ah! Help!"

Some with relatively small flames rushed to the side of the boat and jumped into the sea.

"Do you like whiplash?"

Lan Mu let them cry, and with one right hand, a line of fire flew out, and it condensed into a fire whip, which was twenty-five meters long, pinching it in his hand.

With a light wave of the arm, the fire whip made a thunderclap in the air, leaving behind a piece of flame, which slammed on the person who jumped into the sea.

As soon as the whip goes down, you will die if you hit it, and you will die if you touch it!

The person who was hit by the flaming whip first burst into two parts, and then the unstoppable fire burned crazily.

By the time it hit the surface, it was almost burnt to ashes.

Looking at the deck again, the wailing sound had disappeared, and all that was left was pitch-black coke.

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Devil!"

There were still people in the cabin. They heard the wailing on the deck and rushed up from the stairs. Seeing the situation like the Shura field above and the Balrog holding the fire whip, they were so frightened that they thought they were in a dream.

Perhaps knowing that death is inevitable, the extreme fear breeds anger, and the frantic desperado picks up the gun in his hand, screaming and shooting at Lan Mu.

It is foolish to use guns against demons, but they have no other more reliable means.

Ignoring the barrage attack, Lan Mu flicked the flame whip in his hand, and immediately straightened it, adding magma to enlarge it and make it thicker.

In the end, it turned into a flaming spear, held high in Lan Mu's hands.

"God! God where are you?"

Seeing the invincible Balrog, the group of people lost their fighting spirit and knelt down to pray for the coming of God.

However, when they tortured, they never thought about God. If God came to save them at this time, the Balrog would even kill God to show them!

The fiery spear of flame was thrown out, ruthlessly piercing the deck, flying obliquely from the hull into the sea, and was finally extinguished by the continuous sea water.

But this spear has passed all the white people in a line, and it only needs to hit a point, and the huge force will tear their flesh and bones, and the crazy flames will wrap around the body like tarsal maggots, using cells as nourishment Burning blazingly, finally burning them into coke.

Not to mention that a few were directly hit by the spears, and the bursting flames instantly destroyed their bodies. The weak human bodies were turned into ashes and scattered into the sea without even charcoal remaining.

After eliminating this group of people, Lan Mu waited deliberately, but no one came out of the cabin again.

With one step, the Balrog disappeared, and turned into a beautiful girl with eight tails, walking slowly towards the stairs.

The stairs were destroyed by the Flame Spear, but that didn't stop him from going down.

The cabin is quite big, and Lan Mu checked room by room, looking for traces of eredar.

There were still fish that slipped through the net in several rooms. They were all about to escape, but when they saw the flaming spears coming out of the wrecked ship, they were frightened and slumped on the ground trembling.

For these people, they have lost the power to resist, and the charm of Nine Tails is easily controlled.

Lan Mu hooked his fingers, and the group of people crawled over obediently, showing obsession.

Turning around, the tail brushed over the seven people one by one, taking away their energy.

The nine-tailed fox only needs to touch the charmed and defenseless target, and it can absorb the essence without any effort.

After finishing these people, I came to the door of the last room, only to see that the door was wide open, and inside was another miserable woman who was hung and bound, with a haggard appearance, empty eyes, and the traces of torture on her body were horrible.

Lan Mu has seen photos of Ereda, Paul and even Sika. Unless the information provided by the black man is wrong, Lan Mu can be sure that the dying woman in front of him is Ereda!

But Lan Mu refrained from rushing in, because he thought that Xika hadn't shown up yet.

Among the people he killed from the beginning, he had never seen Xika, unless he was not on this ship, otherwise it could only be...

Lan Mu turned into a stalker and sneaked in, turned his head and smiled silently.

Sure enough, a bald man was lying in ambush with his gun pointed at the door.

There was a look of fear on his face, and cold sweat dripped from his head.

Obviously he didn't know what happened on the deck, he only heard the wailing and screaming of his men, as well as the hysteria calling for demons.

He also saw the flaming spear that pierced through the hull, it was nothing like a human being!

Fear of the unknown made even a hard-hearted ruthless person like him afraid.

Lan Mu walked in front of him, but Xika didn't respond at all, and couldn't see the invisible stalker at all.

"I thought how powerful it was... So far, there is only one Fang Moqi who can detect my position in my invisible state..." Lan Mu thought to himself, and his sharp claws popped out slightly.


Xika looked blankly at the claws piercing his stomach, not knowing where the white lion beast that suddenly appeared came from.

"The devil...really the devil..." he murmured.

Lan Mu's other paw danced continuously, cutting off all of Xika's limbs, and finally let his body fall to the ground, watching his blood gushing like a fountain.

The poodle's beautiful white hair is dyed red with blood, which is dazzling.

Lan Mu went over to cut Eredar's rope, her weak body collapsed and was supported by Lan Mu.

Feeling the feeble breathing and beating of the eredar's heart, the wild lion disappeared, replaced by the elf.

A steady stream of natural power poured into Eredar's body, and Lan Mu gave her emergency treatment.

Eredar did not have a so-called fatal injury, but was too weak. The double torture of body and soul destroyed her will and personality.

Eredar, who has been tormented for an unknown amount of time, finally felt the warmth of the power of nature. She opened her eyes slightly, and the first thing she saw was a beautiful person with emerald green pupils like snowflakes Dark skin, jet-black hair, and fluffy, pointy, long ears.

"An angel? An angel..."

Just look at the woman on the deck who has been played to death. If it wasn't for Sika's purpose to press something, Eredar would have been tortured to death long ago.

So many days of obscenity and cruelty have left indelible pain in Eredar's body and heart. I am afraid that only the scene of hell is left in my memory.

However, the hell is over, and the one who saves her is an 'angel' who is so beautiful that it is not like a human being.

In the eyes of the thugs, he was a demon with hellfire.

In Eredar's eyes, he is an angel who fell from the sky!

Lan Mu smiled: "An angel? That's right, I'm an angel..."

"You are too weak, close your eyes and have a good sleep..."

"I'll take you home."

I found myself not thanking my friends who tipped me. My love thank you for your 61,000, Black Shark thank you for your 50,000... and the Demon Emperor of the Ghost Wolf, the fastest hand, the death of morality, the devil waiting, Xiao Tianya, Kaishui Yuyu, her name is Huihui, Xiao Jianhun Waiting for the support of others, there are a lot of people, in short, thank you for your support.

In the end, Jiuyou Demon Wolf Emperor and others also issued a reminder ticket, my God, the 12,000 update... You are for the mother, not for me... The editor asked me to update it slowly, and it exploded on the shelves.

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