Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 74 Fang Moqi's Request for Help

Lan Mu is just waiting for someone.

In a bowl of noodles, the eight people had already finished eating, even the soup, with expressions of enjoyment as if they had eaten some delicious delicacy.

The eight people didn't leave after eating. They sat on the chairs and looked at Lan Mu for a while, and Han Yi for a while.

Han Yi said coldly: "I washed the dishes myself, put the money on the table, and then get out!"

It is said that the customer is God, and these three people are like grandchildren just to eat a bowl of noodles.

They stood up slowly to clean up the dishes. At this moment, Fang Moqi arrived at the door of the noodle shop.

Fang Moqi came very quickly, and Lan Mu only waited for seven or eight minutes in total. It seemed that he was nearby.

The store door was wide open, and Lan Mu was sitting at the table near the door. Fang Moqi saw it at a glance when he came over, and hurried in.

"Didn't you say it's opposite?" Fang Moqi walked in and sat down on a chair.

He saw eight people who looked like customers, packing up their own dishes.

"It's so strange... Boss! What kind of noodles do you sell? Give me two bowls!" Fang Moqi called.

Han Yi was stunned, he couldn't see Lan Mu's details, but he could see Fang Moqi's.

Fang Moqi has really trained his body to the limit of the human body, showing extremely strong physical fitness in every move.

Look at the thick calluses on Fang Moqi's hands, and the spirit of fighting against lions, tigers, and black bears with Fang Moqi. Han Yi has practiced kung fu for several years. If he can fight ten of them, he will definitely not be able to beat Fang Moqi. one.

"Damn it, there's another one!"

"What are the backgrounds of these two people? One shot is ordinary, but has a murderous look. The other has no murderous look, but has profound kung fu..."

"No! I can't break the rules anymore, I'm a strange man of a generation!"

After thinking about it, Han Yi stood up and said to Fang Moqi with a cold face.

"Our store has rules, only accepting eight people, today's share has been sold out, I'm going to close now."

Fang Moqi was taken aback, what did he say to break the rules? He glanced at Han Yi.

Han Yixin said you look at me too? He stared at Fang Moqi with his eyes wide open.

Feeling the pressing pressure on Han Yi, Fang Moqi was a little baffled.

I thought to myself that this boss is also a practitioner and has seen blood on his hands, but why is he staring at me? Something wrong?

Han Yi used to frighten others with sharp eyes, which can scare ordinary people numb.

But there is no doubt that it is useless to Mo Qi, only to hear Fang Mo Qi say: "If you have something to say, don't look around."

Fang Moqi sized Han Yi up and asked, "Do you know me? Have a grudge against me?"

Han Yi looked at him speechlessly, thinking that I must be tough.

"No grudge...I just want to tell you that I won't let you guys eat whatever I say today!"

"I made this rule already..."

Han Yi was talking, Fang Moqi and Lan Mu couldn't be bothered to listen, they looked at each other and stood up together.

Lan Mu turned his head and walked out the door, saying, "This is not a place to talk."

Fang Moqi nodded and followed, and when he stepped out the door, he suddenly turned his head and pointed at the red sign and said.

"Change the rules, what a broken rule."

Han Yi was taken aback, watching the two of them walk away, extremely embarrassed.

He thought to himself that you have never eaten my noodles. If you eat my noodles, you must not be captured by my delicacies!

Seeing them leaving the store, the man in the black T-shirt hurriedly said, "Don't run!"

Eight people chased them out and surrounded them.

"It's just right to come out! Just to save face for the boss, you can't do anything in the noodle shop."

"Go! Go to that alley, let's practice?"

Fang Moqi ignored him, turned to Lan Mu and asked, "Did you offend him?"

Lan Mu shrugged and said, "He provoked me..."

"Then cut him!"

"Are you free? Don't you have something urgent to do with me? Let's talk in another place."

Fang Moqi looked at the eight people surrounding them, and said with a smile: "I can't change places, they want to practice with you!"

"It's not me... I'm looking for you to practice!"

Lan Mu suddenly pushed Fang Moqi, and Fang Moqi took a sudden step forward, startling the man in the black T-shirt.

"Damn it, get on!"

The opponent moved his hand, and the scene suddenly broke out.

Lan Mu looked at Fang Moqi's one against eight, walked to the side silently, lit a cigarette and puffed out the clouds.

Fang Moqi's hands are really good, otherwise he would not be able to do anything like a lion, a tiger, a bear, and a leopard.

He was obviously merciless, calmly parrying the fists and feet of the eight people, and with a little tricks, he knocked them down to the ground, unable to get up.

The man in the black T-shirt was punched badly in the stomach, and is still lying on the ground retching.

"Yeah, this guy is much more aggressive than Han Yi..."

The man in the black T-shirt regretted it, he only thought that Han Yi was a real master, but he didn't expect this man to be even more powerful, and he never used eight moves to beat them!

Seeing that the trouble was over, Lan Mu exhaled smoke and said, "Old Fang! Let's go."

Fang Moqi followed up with a wry smile and said, "You're really good..."

"I'm here to ask you for help, but you're welcome to fight me."

"This fight is inexplicable, do you think I'm a thug?"

Han Yi stood at the door and watched the two go away, secretly glad that the other party didn't come to trouble him.

Thinking about it, he suddenly turned around and rushed into the kitchen, stuffing a pure black pot with a gold rim into his bag.

He walked out of the shop with his bag in hand, and quickly closed the door.

Then, ignoring the eight people on the ground, he quickly disappeared into the night market.


"I'm planning to go back to Shanghai tomorrow. What's the matter with you? Just tell me."

Lan Mu and Fang Moqi were sitting in the hotel suite, which was just opened by Fang Moqi today.

Fang Moqi didn't say anything first, but took out a bank gold card.

"This is 10 million. I'll give it to you. No one can help me with this matter. I can only turn to you after much deliberation."

"Accompany me to America!"

Lan Mu asked, smoking a cigarette, "Why are you going to America?"

"Revenge!" Fang Moqi's eyes changed, and the cynical temperament disappeared instantly, and turned into a murderous aura.

"Kill?" Lan Mu asked with narrowed eyes.

"You can say that……"

Lan Mu frowned and looked at Fang Moqi, thinking that you are going to kill me? Make it look like I kill people a lot...well, I do kill people a lot...but you can't know that!

"Just now I was your thug... You are so good, you turned around and treated me as a killer?"

"Why did the murderer ask me for help?"

Fang Moqi explained: "Don't worry, I'll do the killing myself! You just need to help me save one person."

Lan Mu took a puff of his cigarette, then put it out and said, "It's not easy to hire a murderer for ten million people? Why do you do it yourself?"

Fang Moqi reached out and took out a steel plate from his arms. It was the heart guard that was shot when he and Gates had a life-and-death confrontation.

"I have to do this myself! I want to kill the person who killed Gates with my own hands!"

Lan Mu was stunned: "Ben Ratu Gates? I don't remember being shot to death by you?"

"I always thought so...but it's a lie! His sister Ereda found out the real cause of death. Ben Latu was killed in the hospital!" Fang Moqi said angrily, "He really had a lung cancer. His wounds were infected, but he would not die at all. It was his younger brother Paul who poisoned him in the ward with his own hands, and bribed the doctor to say that it was because my arrows infected the wounds that he died.”

Lan Mu asked: "Since it was found out, their family will naturally deal with it, so why do you need to take revenge yourself?"

Fang Moqi said: "The Eredars publicly questioned Paul with the evidence, but Paul has inherited the family, and no one is willing to open up this old matter. Only today, I got the news that the Eredars are missing!"

Lan Mu said: "I understand, so now you want to go to the United States to rescue Eredar, kill Paul, and avenge Ben Latu?"

Fang Moqi nodded and said, "Paul has already controlled the entire Gates family. No one will pursue Ben Latu's death. If I don't avenge him, who will avenge him?"

"The other party is a big family in the United States. I can't trust mercenaries or killers."

"The Gates family is very powerful, and this matter is very dangerous. Among the people who can be trusted, only you are qualified to go with me. Anyone else who goes is courting death."

Lan Mu looked at Fang Moqi and said, "So..."

Fang Moqi pushed the bank card over, stared at Lan Mu and said, "I want to make it clear to you that the Gates family is the most powerful family of adventurers in the United States, with amazing wealth and official power, and has a great influence in California. .”

"I think it's impossible to take revenge on one person alone. To save Eredar and kill Paul, I can do at most one of these things."

"If you don't want to go, I will choose to save Eredar. Whether I fail or not, I will give you this ten million. Anyway, I will die if I fail, and it is useless to ask for money. If I come back alive, Give me back the money."

Lan Mu picked up the bank card and asked with a smile, "Is that why you trust me?"

"Why do you think I will help you? What if I take the money away and disappear?"

Fang Moqi looked serious and looked at Lan Mu calmly without speaking.

"Okay, okay... Since you trust me so much, you come here to ask me for help... Wouldn't it be unreasonable for me to betray your trust?"

Lan Mu put away his joking, stared at Fang Moqi and asked, "I just want to ask one thing."

Fang Moqi said, "Say..."

"Ben Ratu Gates doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

"Just because of the death of a former opponent, you have to travel thousands of miles to the United States alone to avenge him?"

"Even you will lose your life because of it, are you sure you have thought it through?"

Fang Moqi said solemnly: "I think very clearly!"

"Although I haven't talked to Ben Latu a few times, I have experienced a real life-and-death duel with him! We didn't speak a word in those three days, but we communicated all the time! Every time I played with him, I tried my best , that was the best communication I had with him."

"Although we haven't eaten, drank, or chatted..."

"But when he received my arrow with his body arrogantly, I already regarded him as the most respectable opponent and best friend."

Fang Moqi held the steel plate and said seriously.

"He died for no reason, and my sister's life and death are also unknown..."

"No one cares about this..."

"I must take care of it!"

Lan Mu suddenly laughed, very happily.

"You just did a thug for me..."

"Now I will be a killer for you!"

"I will help you with this favor!"

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