Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 46 Search

The reporters originally just tried their luck, but they were dumbfounded when they saw the nine-tailed fox with their own eyes.

They conveyed the things they shot back truthfully, but they were still very skeptical in their hearts. As journalists, skepticism is natural.

"Professor Rabin, could it be a fake? Just make the tail fake."

Rabin, who looked like a scholar, said, "Are your eyes made of plastic? I have traced the myths of various countries for 30 years, can't I tell the truth from the fake?"

"It is said that a fox will add a tail every hundred years. I always thought it was just a legend, but when I saw this nine-tailed fox, I felt that my life was full of meaning, and my persistence was not wrong! Myth Living things exist!"

"It is preliminarily judged that it can make people lose consciousness, and the policemen who approach him lose their ability to attack. Is this something an ordinary fox can do?"

Rabin was very fanatical, but the reporters scoffed at them. In their view, the technology is advanced, the world is full of wonders, and there are many ways to make people lose consciousness.

Not only that, but the supporting police also thought so, and they were unwilling to believe that this was a supernatural event.

Rabin kept pulling a police officer and said, "Send more people! It's best to send the army too!"

The police officer refused to pay attention to Rabin. Although you are a respected scholar, you have no right to order the police to do things.

The reporter had already sent back the photos of the Nine-Tailed Fox and the footage of a dozen policemen falling down, and the news quickly began to spread. Rabin, a professor at National University, soon found out that this guy would follow whatever he said. He is a professor of the Department of Archeology at National University of China. He doesn't study history carefully, and the topics he ponders all day are the fusion of myths and legends and history, which belongs to the category rejected by orthodox schools.

Although what happened today is indeed surprising, but according to what the police learned from the mouths of two colleagues, the murderer was a nine-tailed fox, but the way of death was strange. just fell down.

The newly supported police officers sneered, not believing that foxes could kill people at all.

"It's true! We saw it with our own eyes! And the reporter also took pictures!" The two police officers tried to explain to their superiors, but the officers ignored them.

"This should be a case of a murderer pretending to be a ghost. After all, this is an aborigines area. The aborigines are pagans and can be superstitious... But you are the police! As a devout believer in Allah, how can you believe in a nine-tailed fox? A foreign myth? Find a fox with a few tails, and use some unknown method to attack our police officers secretly, pretending to be a ghost and killing people, so that the real culprit can get away with it..."

"Immediately put on the explosion-proof equipment and forcefully rush up the mountain. There must be a human hidden on it. The fox is just covering it up."

The police officers used their habitual thinking to characterize the case, and after a while, more than a dozen policemen who were fully wrapped up began to rush up the mountain.

They believe that what caused the policeman to lose consciousness was some kind of hidden weapon smeared with special drugs.

Lan Mu hid on the top of the mountain and didn't care about these policemen at all. He only needed to wait for the time to come, and he could easily leave after turning back into a stalker.

"It started again?"

Lan Mu sneered, using himself as the source of charm, luring the policemen to crawl towards him absent-mindedly.

The commanding police officer at the bottom of the mountain saw his men rushing up to the big rock, and immediately waved his hands and shouted: "Good job!"

"Sure enough, the murderer has nothing to do. He has nowhere to escape, so he can only be caught without a fight!"

However, the two little policemen who had seen the same situation shouted: "No! No! Why didn't they shoot!"

Sure enough, the police went up to the stone platform without any movement. The police officers waited for a few minutes, but there was no movement from above.

"What's going on? What are you doing up there? Bring the murderer down! What's the situation up there now?"

The command office kept calling the police on the top of the mountain, but there was a dead silence on the other end of the communication, and there was no connection at all.

"Damn, what happened? You guys go up too!"

The police officer dispatched a team again, and Yamashita left him alone.

But when this group of policemen rushed up to the rock on the top of the mountain, there was no movement again. A few policemen could be seen standing on the edge of the big rock, not moving around, just dumbfounded.

"Reply quickly! Reply to me!"

"What's going on up there?"

A total of twenty-four policemen in two consecutive groups, fully armed and fully protected, rushed onto a small stone platform, but there was no movement.

An invisible fear spread, and the reporters also felt that this matter was too weird.

"What kind of drug is it that can pass through the explosion-proof suit and make people hallucinate?"

At this time Rabin shouted: "They all said they were monsters! They were all bewitched by magic!"

"Witchcraft? Nonsense!"

The police officer retorted stubbornly: "Impossible. You are also a professor. Are you not afraid of being laughed at when you say such a thing? There must be an accident at the higher level."

I saw him hastily asked the urban area for support again, and then stood at the foot of the mountain in a daze.

He didn't dare to go up, and neither did the reporters. Night fell soon, and the dark mountain top was like a huge mouth, swallowing everyone who went up.

The scene was stalemate for a long time, and there was a strange calm.

People at the foot of the mountain dare not go up, while those on the mountain are grooming their fur.

"Four more hours."

Lan Mu was sitting on a stone and Shi Shiran was grooming his fur, surrounded by police officers.

Some were stroking their guns non-stop, as if they were stroking their dearest lovers.

Some were holding a stone, their eyes were full of greed, as if he was holding a big piece of gold.

Some police officers embraced each other, and the scene was extremely harmonious.

Lan Mu, who caused all this, yawned and silently calculated the time when his mandatory period would end.

He has figured out how the nine-tailed fox survives, and anyone present can easily kill him with a gun.

But no one can do it, because in front of Nine-Tailed Fox's talent, no one can draw a gun on him!

Lan Mu didn't kill the policemen immediately, partly because they were wearing explosion-proof suits, and Lan Mu couldn't directly absorb energy.

On the other hand, they are deliberately delaying time. Anyway, they are charming, so they don't threaten at all.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there were still two hours before the end of the transformation.

Lan Mu noticed that a large number of police officers came down the mountain again, and a helicopter flew from afar.

"Helicopter! Damn it..."

"With a helicopter, I'd be courting death by staying on top of the mountain."

Lan Mu was not stupid, he ran down the hill in a hurry, and the surrounding policemen at the bottom of the hill opened fire immediately, forcing Lan Mu to go back behind the stone platform.


With a thought, Lan Mu transferred the police obsessed object captured by him on the mountain to himself, asked them to surround him in a circle, and retreated down the mountain.

The policemen down the mountain were dumbfounded, what the hell? It's fine if you don't catch the murderer when you go up, but you still protect the murderer from going down the mountain?

"Bastards! What are you doing?" The officer flew into a rage, but his shouts did not awaken Charm.

Just like that, Lan Mu swaggered down the mountain with a group of policemen, and slipped into the jungle, leaving behind the bewildered policemen.

"Chase! Chase! Why don't you shoot."

Rabin saw the nine-tailed fox running away, and shouted anxiously.

"Idiot! Didn't you see my men surrounded it? Do you want me to kill my own people?"

The police officer roared angrily, and continued to command: "Go and chase that fox, and you are allowed to kill it."

"Go some people up the mountain to save people..."

"Pay attention to the murderer, but so far only the fox has been seen, and the real murderer has not yet shown up."

Rabin became even angrier after hearing this: "You are so stupid! How dare you order the killing of the nine-tailed fox? Do you know how precious this fox is? If it is just a corpse, its physiological structure will subvert modern biology and even break the law. The theory of biological evolution. If it is alive, it will be more precious than a corpse, maybe we can breed a new nine-tailed fox!"

The officer pushed Rabin away in disgust, insisting on the order.

I saw the police officers split into two groups. One team went up the mountain to find colleagues in the afternoon, and found that they were exhausted and dead. The other team went deep into the jungle and pursued the fleeing fox.

The police officer heard the report: "They died in the afternoon, and the way of death was very strange. The blood was drained without wounds, and the cells, nuclei and internal organs in the body also died of functional failure."

"Who can tell me how it is done? The cells fail and die?"

No one could answer the police officer, and the policeman who helped the fox escape happened to be awake at this time, and was looking at his colleagues blankly.

"What are you all doing? Where is the murderer?" The police officer asked the group of policemen angrily.

However, the group of police officers looked at each other and said that they saw their lover, treasure, and even Allah...God knows what Allah looks like.

After asking for a long time, none of the policemen could tell us any useful information, and they all lived in dreams.

"They seem to be hypnotized..." a policeman said to the officer.

The police officer naturally noticed it too, and immediately had a headache, and couldn't believe it: "Of course I know I was hypnotized... You all smelled that strange fragrance just now, right? Collect it and analyze the ingredients. It should be a new type of pathogenic drug. Phantom. Damn! Where is the suspect? We haven't seen the suspect since the beginning, where is he hiding? Don't tell me he can be invisible!"

The police really couldn't find the so-called person. They turned the whole mountain upside down and there was no suspicious person, because before the police came up, there was no second person except Lan Mu.

Except for Rabin, no one is 100% convinced that such a big case was done by a fox. There must be someone who did everything in the dark. As for the fox turning into a human to commit crimes, it is nonsense.

"Keep searching! He must have just drifted down the mountain and hid in the jungle."

More than a dozen policemen died, and the police didn't even see the enemy. All of this was seen by the media, and it was a shame.

Enraged, the police frantically searched the jungle for the alleged suspect.

The helicopter turned on its searchlights to search at low altitude, and the violent wind blew the jungle flying wild.

More than 60 policemen searched in a carpet-like manner. At night, countless lights flickered in this ancient jungle.

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