Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 27 Du Yu

On the sixth day of becoming an elf, Lan Mu didn't get up until after twelve o'clock at noon.

He didn't come home until five o'clock in the morning, washed his bow and arrows, and then went to bed, exactly seven hours.

However, Lan Mu didn't feel that he lacked sleep, although this was the first sleep he had since he turned into an elf.

He felt that the elves didn't seem to have the regular rest pattern of humans. They slept when they wanted to sleep, and woke up when they wanted to wake up.

And there is no dream, basically think about how long to wake up before going to bed, then close your eyes, open your eyes, it's time!

Not bad! In deep sleep, there is an automatic biological clock in the brain to wake it up, and a sleep alert system.

Creatures like elves can even do it. They don't sleep for three years and sleep for three years!

The same is true for eating, drink some dew when you are thirsty, and drink some plant essence when you are hungry.

Inhale the wind and drink the dew, this is to become a fairy!

After waking up, Su Yue had already made lunch.

Lan Mu looked at the food and sighed, he didn't want to eat it.

After taking a few bites, Lan Mu basically watched Su Yue eat alone.

"Brother Mu, why don't you eat?" This was not the first time, Su Yue couldn't help asking.

"Uh...I ate outside, so I'm not hungry." Lan Mu had no choice but to reply.

Su Yue let out an oh, and silently packed up the leftovers.

"Don't clean it up, there is no refrigerator at home, just pour it out." Lan Mu stepped forward and dumped the leftovers.

Su Yue was startled, but remained silent.

Lan Mu hurriedly asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

Su Yue shook her head, and Lan Mu said, "Do you think I'm a waste? But the weather is hot, and leftovers are easy to spoil."

"Brother Mu, do you really open a studio?"

Lan Mu snorted, and thought about what he had done the past few days. It really seemed like he was tricking her into living in his own home, so he said embarrassedly: "Something has delayed the past few days, and I will probably be able to make official preparations the day after tomorrow. How about I book a house first today?"

"Brother Mu, you don't need to discuss with me, you are the boss." Su Yue pursed her lips and smiled.

"Yes, yes, that's good, you look after the house alone, and I'm going out."

Lan Mu wears sunglasses and a hat to go out. He actually has a friend who is a real estate agent.

Originally, he planned to contact that friend when he turned back into a human being the day after tomorrow.

But since I am renting now, I have to find a good house by myself.

"It doesn't matter if it's a bit off, as long as it's big enough, it's best to have two floors, so that one floor is for people to live in, and the other floor is for work."

"In that case, we can only find it in the suburbs."

Lan Mu used his mobile phone to check the numbers of real estate agents. There were many such calls everywhere. He randomly picked one with a good reputation and called it.

After a few polite words, he said directly: "Yes, I want it recently."

"The location doesn't matter, as long as it's about 150 square meters, it's usually hardcover, and it needs to be able to accommodate people at the same time."

After explaining the request a little bit, Lan Mu said again.

"Three percent commission? Yes, you can pick me up. I'm..."

Lan Mu waited at the intersection for about an hour, and a Chang'an Xiaoben drove up to him.

"Is it Mr. Lan?"

"That's right." Lan Mu got into the car and fastened his seat belt.

The man who drove the car was an intermediary. He looked fat and honest, but he stared blankly at Lan Mu. He obviously didn't expect the so-called Mr. Lan to be so good-looking.

Lan Mu coughed, and then he withdrew his gaze.

"Mr. Lan, my name is Li Penghou. I have several vacant studios on hand. These are the materials. Shall we go to a coffee shop to chat slowly, or should you just choose a place and let's look at the houses?"

"No need to waste time, this one is good, go and have a look."

Lan Mu quickly flipped through the information and selected a good one.

But after all, there is a gap between the picture and the reality. If one is not satisfied, go to the next one.

Throughout the afternoon, Li Penghou took Lan Mu all over the city, visiting one house after another.

Finally, it was almost six o'clock, and Lan Mu finally decided on one.

"Brother Mu, I'm calling you brother! This set is really good. It was newly renovated last year, with an area of ​​156 square meters, and each square meter only costs three yuan a day. The water, electricity and fire protection are absolutely qualified..."

Hearing that Li Peng Hou Jili Guala highly praised it, Lan Mu saw that it was late, so he didn't choose any more and chose this one.

"I heard that the security around here is not good... But forget it, I also use this studio to live in. I'm in a hurry, so let's decide."

Li Penghou was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out the contract and signed it with Lan Mu.

3% commission, 156 square meters, studio on the second floor, 3 yuan per square meter per day.

The monthly rent is more than 14,000, which includes the property management fee.

Today is August 19th, because Lan Mu paid one month's rent plus two months' deposit, starting from October 19th, the rent must be paid on the 19th of every month.

Just for this, Lan Mu paid more than 43,000 yuan.

Seeing that the deposit is not much, only 80,000 yuan is left, and I still need to purchase equipment and prepare for studio registration.

The funds are a little tight, if you don't make much money in two months, the studio will not be able to continue.

After bidding farewell to Li Penghou, Lan Mu took the subway back by himself, thinking about how the studio should develop when it just started.

He is too short of money now. After the studio is officially opened, the remaining working capital is estimated to be less than 50,000.

And he still has to recruit people, he and Cheng Ming alone can't do much work.

A studio with low working ability, the end result is that no one cares about it.

However, he is not too worried about recruiting people. After all, he has been in Shanghai for so many years, and he still has a few connections.

Just looking for college classmates from back then can cope with the initial stage.

But all the troubles, in the final analysis, are still lack of money.

If within two months, he can't even earn money for rent and wages, the studio can be closed.

"There are only two ways, or to introduce more funds, so that there will be more time for development."

"Either find a way to take a few big orders and make a name for yourself in the shortest possible time."

"But even if I can get a big order, can my studio afford it?"

At the beginning, I thought about opening my own studio, but now that I think about it, I find it is too difficult.

Sure enough, there is no simple thing from scratch.

When Lan Mu walked home downstairs, it was almost seven o'clock.

I saw a red Jaguar XE parked downstairs, and a young man was leaning on the car to smoke.

This young man looked very familiar, Lan Mu recognized him after a little thought.

It was the person I met when I was buying bows and arrows at the Forest Club that day. I still remember that he introduced himself and called Du Yu.

Du Yu grinned happily when he saw Lan Mu come back.

Hurriedly approaching for a handshake, Lan Mu immediately withdrew his hand after a symbolic shake.

"Lan Mu, right? Brother Mu? It's time to wait for you! That guy in your house won't open the door for me, no, I can only wait for you downstairs." Du Yu smiled familiarly talking.

Hearing what he meant, Lan Mu seemed to have come early, so he went upstairs and knocked on the door. But obviously, it was impossible for Su Yue to open the door for him.

"How do you know that I live here? By the way, how do you know my name?" Lan Mu felt very surprised. Du Yu just met by chance at that time, and he ignored him. How could he find this place?

"Haha..." Du Yu was a little embarrassed, and he hesitated, "Don't care about these details!"


Lan Mu didn't ask any more questions, it was obvious that Du Yu had investigated him, and he didn't know what method he used, but Lan Mu didn't like him at all.

With an indifferent oh, Lan Mu went straight upstairs.

However, Du Yu followed him naturally, walked side by side with him, and said, "Brother Mu, you have a good hand with arrows! I was blinded that day!"

"Don't follow me. Besides, I'm just a beginner."

Lan Mu didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he said something abruptly.

After all, yesterday he punished the murderer with a bow and arrow and slapped the policeman in the face. He didn't want anyone to know that he was good at archery and cause the police to suspect him.

However, Du Yu is obviously a two-faced person, and he doesn't care about Lan Mu's attitude.

Still grinning, he said, "Don't! Brother Mu, don't worry, I won't spread the word. You folks are experts. But I've seen it with my own eyes, so it's useless not to admit it."

Lan Mu sighed, looked back at him and said, "What do you want?"

"Don't be so strange, I apologize! I was wrong!" Du Yu apologized directly.

Lan Mu nodded, thinking to himself: It seems that you still know that you are wrong, and even investigated me. But I also blame myself for not being careful, and I can't be too ostentatious when performing archery in the future.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu immediately said: "It was a misunderstanding that day. I didn't know you were a man. You are really blind. Don't worry! You are not a mother at all!"


Lan Mu stared at him indifferently, and jumped out a sentence after a while.


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