Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 147: Xuanqi circuit

On the Daqingshi, Wang Da hammer meditated and adjusted, and Cuihua was different.

She did not know that the violent yang practice of Wang Da hammer's mysterious cultivation was special. The lack of certain pharmacy-assisted exercises had such a fatal flaw: once the movement was over a period of time, it was necessary to meditate and suppress the arrogance.

This is also the most important reason why he left the rivers and lakes.

In addition, because of the weapon gap in the past, he lost in a fight, and he also became the main reason for his enthusiasm to become a blacksmith.

Yan Jianzong is on the record for the prospective master. When it comes to this mission, the reward level is naturally not low.

Wang sledgehammer played against him today and played a temper. It happened that the use of the teachers and brothers was actually a feminine-doing skill, and the arrogance of the fire that had been suppressed by Wang Da hammer for many years was evoked.

Just now he still has the strength to continue fighting, but he felt that he was so stubborn that he had to take the green flowers.

At this moment, he was arrogant and arrogant, but he was afraid that the skin would burst in a few moments. In the wilderness of the wilderness, if there is no timely medical care, even the best physical condition will also die of blood loss.

Although Cuihua a village aunt does not understand Xuanqi, but see Wang Wang hammer so, and then stupid also knows the scorpion.

He won't have anything to do with it? After a cry, Cuihua did not dare to bother, but could only cry at the side.

This is all because of me. At that time, he did not let me escape from the house. I refused to listen and lived in his broken house. At this time, he was so injured that he was injured. I am afraid that this injury is not small. If there is a long and two short, I am really...

A little bit of time passed, and Wang’s injury was not relieved. Cuihua found some spring water nearby, and she was smeared with her clothes and tried to wipe the sweat for Wang Hammer.

But with a slamming sound, Cuihua was smashed by the Wang’s hammer and shrouded in his body. The fingers were so painful that he would not touch him again.

"A kind of sacred power of yang. But unfortunately there is no support for the heart and medicine, Xuanqi rushing naturally hurts people." The man's voice suddenly sounded.

Cuihua was shocked, but she saw two men and two women on the mountain road, and they were all familiar.

One of the women recognized the most. She once went into the broken house and said a few words to herself. She also helped a money purse when Wang Da hammer escaped. It should be a good person. Not a pursuer.

"Do you know how to practice martial arts? Please help you save the sledgehammer!" Cuihua quickly rushed over, red-eyed and pulled Wu Hao.

Zong Zhilian is on the sidelines: "Difficult, your Yizhong people's Yanggong is too prosperous and too hot. This practice was a chaotic process when he practiced, but he did not supplement the above medicines to strengthen his heart and lack sufficient control. It is causing serious illness today."

Wu Hao understood. This is like the practice of cultivation is very powerful, Xuanqi is like a lake. The gate can not be repaired, the dam is poorly controlled, and the flood may be collapsed at any time.

Cuihua's face is white. Anxiously said: "Is there still to save?"

"Look at the current situation, it is not saved." Zong Zhilian shook his head and sighed.

"Shammer..." Cuihua was soft and slowly squatting on the ground: "If the sledgehammer is out, I don't want to live..."

Not at all? Still lyrical? Wu Hao is ashamed. The woman in this era can't think of it?

Wu Hao, who has never loved a person wholeheartedly, naturally cannot understand the mood of Cuihua.

In the ordinary people, a woman is willing to leave home for a man, even at the festival, he does not leave, he is naturally determined to follow this person.

Zong Zhilian opened the fan and shook it twice: "There is no way. But the conditions are quite harsh..."

Cuihua heard a glimmer of life and quickly got up and asked: "This little brother. Please save the sledgehammer. If there is money spent, I will be reluctant to make a cow as a slave."

"Well..." Zong Zhilian slowly shook his fan and said seriously: "He is too masculine and can be treated with a slow and diarrhea. You need a woman who has not been out of the house to guide the yin of the virgin body. Save it."

"I am coming!" Cuihua looked firm.

"Well? Are you still okay?" Zong Zhilian was a little surprised.

"I...has not yet released the cabinet..." Cuihua's face was slightly red.

Zong Zhilian asked: "Did you not have lived in his house?"

Cuihua explained shyly: "The sledgehammer is an honest man. I was in his house that night, and he slept in the shop."

This king sledgehammer is not as good as a beast. Wu Yan tongue. Such a big breast sister was sent to the door and she did not eat it. Does he prefer five girls instead of big Mimi village?

"Oh--this is the case. I can't think of this blacksmith's ability to keep the gentleman's gift. It's rare." Zong Zhilian nodded. "Then I will take you as a guide, and I will sacrifice it."

Wu Yuqi interjected: "What are you sacrificing?"

Zong Zhilian made a dress-up: "Sacrifice to let Cuihua hold me one day and one night. Take the Yin of her pure Yin as an introduction, so that I can cure the disease..."

"Go to death! Let her hold you with the shackles? Also screaming at the gentleman's gift, you take advantage of the cheaper villain!" Wu Hao kicked him over: "Hurry up and cure!"

"If I am held by a girl, I will be more energetic, so that natural treatment is fast." Zong Zhilian was stunned a few steps, and sat down next to the Wang Da hammer sitting on the plate, extending his right hand and steadily sticking To the back of his side.

When Zong Zhilian’s hand touched the blacksmith’s back, a sigh of sighs screamed.

Zong Zhilian Xuanqi worked hard, and slowly restrained the force of rejection, which was attached to the lungs of the back of Wang Da hammer.

Cuihua did not dare to speak out, and she could only continue to thank Wu Hao and others.

Mu Qingya told Wu Hao in his sign language: "Zong Zhilian is using his own mysterious spirit to help rectify the chaos and smooth the chaos of Wang Da hammer."

For a moment, Zong Zhilian’s face has also become a bit poor, and the closed eyes seem to have encountered difficulties.

There was not much to say about the cloud injury. In the past, Zong Zhilian also sat down, and his left hand was attached to the other side of the blacksmith's back.

The two men guided together by Xuanqi to straighten out the breath of the king.

But after a sip of tea, the two men took a sweat on their foreheads, but they did not see the work.

"No seconds, their skills can't help to lead the air!" Mu Qingya told Wu Hao in his sign language, he must help himself.

Wu Hao quickly stopped: "You are only a star, let me see if there is any way."

Mu Qingya said no, Wu Hao waved his hand and said nothing, carefully approached the Wang sledgehammer.

This mysterious six-star hermit blacksmith, at this moment, is still a mysterious rush, a visible white mist slightly transpiration on the surface of iron black skin.

Wu Hao tried to put his hand close to him, but he was repulsively bounced back with a bang.

I tried it twice. It seems that the evolutionary body has not responded, and it is difficult for me to reach out and absorb the mystery.

Wu Hao went to Zong Zhilian and his left hand slowly attached to his back. This is OK.

The appearance can not be seen, Zong Zhilian is now in a state of enthusiasm and turbulence.

His mysterious spirit did not go off the fire, but in order to help Wang’s hammer to lead the air, he just tried to release the mysterious gas. He felt that the blacksmith’s back rushed out of a lot of mysteriousness like a flood, and a brain poured into his body unreasonably.

A meridian is rushed to break through, and Zong Zhilian is not allowed to open his mouth to call for help. He can only make this vast sigh in the body to keep running, so as not to hurt his meridians.

He did not think that Wang Hao Hammer's mysterious level is not six stars, but the seven stars that reached the level of the Zongmen deacon!

Before he looked away, Wang’s sledgehammer was only afraid that the old ailment would not be fully shot, but it still caused problems.

Originally, Zong Zhilian confidently relied on the body of the body spar, dare not say that the five-star Xuanqi himself will be able to cure the fire of the six-star blacksmith, and it is still possible to retreat from the body.

If the star is judged wrong, he will put himself in. The gap between a star and a mysterious spirit is not small.

Fortunately, there are clouds and eyes that seem to be unsatisfactory. Come over and help him share a rush of mystery, so that he will not be seriously injured by his meridians.

However, Zong Zhilian and Yun Yun injured have been deeply involved in it. Wang Da hammer's own mysterious surging, the remaining stream is in the two people to abuse.

At this time, Wu Hao was not allowed to intervene in Wang Hammer, but with the transition and then on Zong Zhilian's body, he immediately created a venting mouth for the rushing Xuanqi, which was connected like a magnet.

[Unknown energy influx! absorb! absorb! Energy analysis process plus! 96%...97%...98%......]

Wu Hao really heard the hints in her mind, and she was overjoyed and immediately sat down.

But there is a problem. Before the white elders and other masters, the level of mysteriousness is much higher than that of Wang’s sledgehammer. The amount that can be input is different, and it is only a small amount of exploratory exploration qualification.

And the seven-star level of Wang Da hammer's fire is rushing, but Wu Hao's current body strength can withstand.

【caveat! The energy is pouring too fast and the body is hard to bear! It is recommended to establish a catharsis cycle! Otherwise it will be stored in a curve-enhanced way! 】

bad! Wu Hao flustered ~ ~ immediately understand what the curve refers to. Of course, it is the way of **** and fats, such as convex and convex, and awkward.

Right, look at the cloud injury here can connect? Then you can have a diversion port. Wu Hao was another student who had studied circuits in the world. He suddenly stretched his right hand and placed it on the back of the cloud.

Although Wu Hao does not know how to guide the air, but Yun Yun injured coincidence that the Xuanqi level is only Samsung, and the seven stars of Zong Zhilian and the blacksmith are the height difference. After the uncontrollable mystery was absorbed by Wu Hao's circulation, the extra part naturally began to swim from high to low.

As a result, Xuanqi really seems to have a cyclical flow like a circuit.

Wang Da hammer is the power source, Zong Zhilian and Jin Yun are wounded into wires, and Wu Hao is a light bulb.

The mysterious surging of one began to be consumed by Wu Hao, and after the evolution of the body was absorbed, the excess temporarily could not be absorbed and then flowed away from the cloud injury...

[Analysis process 98%... Analysis process 99%... Analysis process % completed! 】 (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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