Niu Fei Zai Xia

: Seeking 3 Jiang tickets.

Now the sly "Niu Niu Xia" is ranked third in the Sanjiang list. Last night, Ruby and other readers enthusiastically canvassed the ticket and briefly occupied the second position. Do you want to go one step further?

Our loyal fans are no less than others. I hope that everyone can work hard to help vote.

If you don't have enough points to vote, just recharge 5 yuan to become vip and you can vote.

If you can take the first place, you are willing to report more words on Sunday!

Attached to the voting method:

1. From the 12th to the 19th week, please open the [Sanjiang] section of the homepage starting point every day. This column is located at the back of the black column of the starting point [book library, boutique, full book] and other items, there are [Sanjiang] two words click in, link;

Second, click into the Sanjiang page, where the right side of the page has a red picture of the Sanjiang ticket, that is, [click to receive], click to get the Sanjiang ticket;

Third, please pull down half a page or so, find "Niu Ni is Down" and click the [Voting] item in the lower right corner. Write a dozen words of book review and you can vote successfully!

Fourth, every reader, every day, can vote. After the first day of the vote, the second day after two o'clock in the afternoon can be repeated to receive the Sanjiang vote and then vote.

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