Ninth in The World

Vol 10 Chapter 487: Nong Xiuqi

Di Jiu took two crumpled coins and headed for the Eastern District.

As Fei Yuexi said, when Di Jiuyi entered the Eastern District, he clearly felt a kind of dilapidation. Di Jiu deliberately searched for a hotel that looked extremely worn outside. He planned to stay for one night.

At dawn, he will leave the city of Dacheng to go to the Forgetchuan Temple in the Forzagawa Mountains. There is something he needs under the Forgoon Temple. He will heal the Rehabilitation Bridge and collect the Reach Bridge.

The name of the hotel is very personal and it is called a road hotel.

Di Jiu just walked to the door of the hotel, and one person rushed in. If it wasn't for Di Jiu's reaction, this person would definitely hit Deng Jiu.

"I'm sorry." This rushed in. It looked like a middle-aged woman. After she rushed to Di Jiu, she rushed to the front desk of the hotel.

The woman's hair looked a bit dry, and it was a casual knot. The dust on the face is very obvious, and the clothes are still with **** marks. There is a machete in her back.

However, Di Jiu is very clear, this woman is easy to accommodate. She is not old enough, even young.

"Help me manage a single room, I live for one night." The woman took out a document and handed it to the waiter at the front desk.

Di Jiu looked at it, the certificate is not an identity card.

"Three hundred and seventy, the deposit is five hundred." The waiter's voice is very monotonous.

"Give." The woman handed out a few coins to the buddy, and the buddy quickly helped her check in.

When she picked up the door card, she seemed to think of something. She turned back and looked at Di Jiu.

Di Jiu's clothes look a bit retro, and the blood is dry and dry on the body. The wounds on the face and arms are not even completely jade boxes.

In fact, Di Jiu's dress is not too bizarre. When the monsters are on the earth, many warriors like to wear retro clothes.

Di Jiu has no idea to go to check in. He is sure that Fei Yuexi also knows that he can't get a house for a hundred bucks. This is embarrassing to say more, turn around and leave.

This hotel is obviously a relatively poor hotel. The average hotel has three hundred and seventy. The key is a deposit of five hundred dollars. There are only two crumpled tickets on his body. Moreover, he did not have any documents on his body.

Sighed, Di Jiu turned and left. He decided to leave Daicheng City. If there is no way to get on the bus, he will walk along the way.

The only thing he didn't lack was time. How long it took to go on the road didn't affect him.

"You wait..." What makes Di Jiu puzzled is that when he was ready to leave, the middle-aged woman who had settled in was actually stopped.

Di Jiu looked back at the woman and asked, "Look for me?"

"I was really sorry when I almost hit you." The woman apologized again.

Di Jiu knows that the other party is definitely not for this sentence. If he apologizes, he has already apologized.

"Nothing, you didn't hit me." Di Jiu shook his head.

The woman smiled a little and revealed the white teeth that were not commensurate with her face. "I just saw that you want to live in the store, why can't you live?"

"I found that my documents were lost, and the money was not enough, so I couldn't stay in the store." Di Jiu told the truth.

"Where are you going?" the woman asked in amazement.

Di Jiu hesitated and asked, "I want to go to Luojin City in Nanjiang Province. Do you know where there is a car? How much is the car?"

The woman sighed. "Luojin is not close to here. If you don't even have money to live in the store, the money to go to Luojin is not enough. The train used to cost thousands of dollars and ID cards."

“So expensive?” Di Jiu secretly said that when he was on Earth, the high-speed rail from Luojin to Daicheng City, the ordinary seat was only a few hundred dollars.

The woman said, "This is the cheapest. There are many beasts on this road. It is also necessary to take care of the train when walking."

Di Jiu has some frowns. He really can't figure out why there are so many powerful beasts and even monsters on the earth.

"You are very dangerous to leave Daicheng now. At night, it is almost impossible to live outside Daicheng. If you don't mind, you can live in a room with me. I will change the room for a bigger one." Nine is a little surprised.

He and the woman did not know each other, why did the other party let him live in a room?

Di Jiu is still hesitating, this woman has changed a large suite at the front desk, the deposit has become a thousand, and the price of one night has become seven hundred and three.

"Let's go, let's go up together." The woman took a room card and said to Di Jiu, and said with a smile. And the waiter at the front desk did not seem to see the general, it seems that this kind of thing is too common.

Di Jiuyi nodded and he nodded. "Thank you for your help."

Living in a hotel is always safer than outside. At least he can fully devote his body to the Nirvana venomous pattern, without having to give up any mind to do anything else.


The suite for women is not large, but there are indeed two rooms.

When Di Jiuyi followed the woman into the room, the woman locked the door and said to Di Jiu, "My name is Nong Xiuqi, what about you?"

"My name is Di Jiu." Di Jiu said casually.

Nong Xiuqi apparently did not hear the name, once again said, "Da Big Brother, is your injury in the big half of the beast area? I heard people say that the big half has recently come to a monster, even if it is a Xuan class Also killed by the monster. You must be careful when you go to the big beast in the future."

"I know, I just don't know you. Why do you want to help me?" This sentence is what Di Jiu wants to ask. He doesn't believe that everyone is so hospitable now. Can you invite a strange man to live with you casually?

Nong Xiuqi gave a tribute to Di Jiu, and said, "Before I met the person I was afraid of in Daicheng, I rushed into the hotel. I remembered my speed at that time. I can't avoid it, even if the Huang-level peak is strong, I can't avoid my collision. And Big Brother can easily avoid my collision. It can be seen that Di Big Brother is at least a Xuan-class warrior..."

After Nong Xiuqi finished this sentence, he also felt that it was wrong. If Di Jiuji is really a mysterious powerhouse as she guessed, why is there no money for the hotel?

Di Jiu did understand why Nong Xiuqi wanted to help him. A Nong Xiuqi himself is easy to accommodate, this age plus looks like the general, this strong person is naturally invisible. The second is that Nong Xiuqi suspects that he is a Xuan class warrior, and the other party wants to ask him some martial arts questions.

Di Jiu had no choice but to say, "I am not a mysterious warrior."

Nong Xiuqi himself reacted, and if Di Jiu is a Xuan class warrior, it will never be so poor. Di Jiu can avoid her, it is very likely that the reaction is very fast, this is a kind of talent.

Seeing that the other party misunderstood, Di Jiu smiled and stood up. "It seems that you have made a mistake. If so..."

Without waiting for Di Jiu to finish the words, Nong Xiuqi quickly said, "Da Big Brother, it is dangerous to go out now. Since the rooms are all booked, you will stay here for one night and say something tomorrow."

"Thank you." Di nodded nodded and did not refuse.

Di Jiu was not a Xuan class warrior, and Nong Xiuqi’s interest was greatly reduced. She returned to her room and locked the door and there was no more sound.

As for where Di Jiu came from, and where to go, she didn't care at all, and she had nothing to do with her.

Di Jiu also returned to the room and began to fully remove the poisonous lines in the body. Now he didn't have any troubles, and he didn't have any alert. After the rules were run on Sunday, Di Jiu immediately felt a little different.

Originally his rules and toxic lines are only stalemate, and now his rules can slowly strip away the poisonous tracts invading the body on the day of the It is really a loss of thousands of miles. Just because I have removed a little warning, there is a qualitative change.

This makes Di Jiu thanks to Nong Xiuqi. If he can practice in this place for three days, he will be able to use some of his thoughts.

Di Jiu did not pay attention, eight hours had passed, and Di Jiu finally stripped the first poisonous lines. The poisonous lines in his body are tens of thousands. Since the first thread is stripped, it means that the latter things are no longer desperate for him.

"Hey!" Even if the sea is still in a cracked state, Di Jiu touched his own knowledge of the sea, and his trace of thoughts permeated, and the square was finally clear. Di Jiu was amazed. He thought that the three-day thing was done in just a few hours.

A gray man was stepping up from the back of the hotel to the third floor, then came to the fifth floor again and headed straight to his room.

This is definitely a strongman at the prefecture level. Di Jiu slightly frowns. Does he know no strong? Why is the other party coming to deal with him at night?

Soon Di Jiu reacted, the other party should not come to deal with him, but to deal with Nong Xiuqi.

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