Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 303 Ghost Rider

Rogge's tone was calm, but Xiao Hei felt an inexplicable huge pressure.

He is really angry!

Although Xiao Hei does not have much life experience, he can still feel whether a person is really angry.

What's more, Rogge's right hand grabbed his neck tightly at this time.

Rogge's right hand didn't exert much force, but the red chakra on his right hand was like a seal, sealing Xiao Hei's deformation ability.

"Well, I was just thinking about it.

"No, I'm not thinking about it, I'm just thinking about it. Yes, I'm just thinking about it. My mind was just thinking about it uncontrollably."

Xiao Hei explained in a hurry that he didn't follow Rogge for a long time, but one thing he knew very well was that once Rogge got angry, the consequences would be serious.

Although Rogge looked normal at this time, he didn't feel normal at all.

Not to mention the inexplicable red chakra coat that appeared on his body, the four tails dancing at will behind him already made Xiao Hei feel enormous pressure.

It's not that Xiao Hei hasn't felt Rogge's chakra, but the red chakra that appears now shows a completely different atmosphere from before.

If the light blue chakra displayed by Rogge in the past gave the impression of a vast and calm sea, the breath of this red chakra now is like a terrifying volcano on the verge of eruption.

Xiao Hei didn't know what happened to Rogge. He couldn't even judge whether Rogge had regained his senses now or was completely mad.

The only thing he can be sure of now is that the current Rogge is very dangerous, especially dangerous, like a beast that chooses people to eat.

Looking at Xiao Hei who was overwhelmed and scared, Rogge released his right hand and took off the nine-tailed chakra coat on his body.

Although he looked abnormal just now, the fact is that he remained awake from beginning to end.

The same wild laughter just now.

After being despised and threatened by his own weapon, he realized how idiot he was just now.

It's just that he has half of nine tails, and he just increased the amount of chakra to nine tails, and he actually had the idiot idea that his life is very confused.

What Xiao Hei said just now is quite right. Since he knows that he has no goal, he should go for it!

There are still bosses on the earth that he can't solve, and there are powerful beings in the universe that he can't deal with. With his current strength, in front of the real bosses, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Compared with those who are not as good as himself, he really can't find the meaning of continuing to strengthen his own strength.

He felt lost, and felt that he could not find the meaning of continuing to become stronger. That was because he had mistaken the goal of comparison.

"Pointing at me with a knife and bringing me up, I don't want a second time!"

After speaking, Rogge ignored Xiao Hei who looked confused and left the roof of the building.

Although Xiao Hei's mind is very mature, he has to admit that he has not kept up with Rogge's rhythm at all.

What's wrong with the people on Earth now, when they say they're crazy, they're crazy, and when they say they're sober, they're sober.

Human beings are really troublesome.

With a sigh in his heart, Xiao Hei kept up with Rogge silently, wanting to see what he was going to do when he suddenly went crazy and suddenly sober.

After leaving the roof of the building, Rogge returned directly to his office and opened the intelligence department that had already collected a piece of information.

Motorcycles and skulls on fire, punish the sinful messengers of hell!

In recent months, a new urban legend has emerged in Houston.

The legend of Ghost Rider.

At night, hell messengers on motorcycles appear to punish the criminals who deserve it.

Before the Avengers and aliens appeared, few people would believe this kind of story that seemed unreliable at first sight.

But now, the people of Houston have no doubts about the veracity of this story.

There are superheroes and aliens, and it is not impossible for a messenger from hell to appear.

What's more, the people of Houston actually saw this legendary Ghost Rider after the night fell.

In fact, it is more difficult not to see it. After all, the combination of a flaming skull and a motorcycle is too bright.

What's more, this Ghost Rider is a typical road breaker.

As long as this skeleton-like motorcycle drives by, there will be an extremely obvious burnt tire mark on the ground.

Because of this extremely obvious feature, there are even fanatics who specialize in squatting and tracking Ghost Rider in Houston.

"Who is this guy?"

Xiao Hei glanced at the Ghost Rider on the screen and asked curiously.

"The Ghost Rider, the messenger of the hell lord Mephisto, a knight who specializes in harvesting the souls of criminals."

Rogge explained it simply.

The intelligence of the Ghost Rider has been collected very early, and with the continuous dispatch of the Ghost Rider, there are more and more related videos and pictures.

At this time, Rogge was browsing the latest sighting report of Ghost Rider.

"Are you going to kill him?"

Although Xiao Hei didn't understand Ghost Rider and Mephisto, he still understood the word Hell Lord.

"No, cutting him is just for the way, I want him to take me to hell!"

Looking at Rogge's serious face, Xiao Hei suddenly felt that Rogge may not have recovered much, and he is still crazy now.

Xiao Hei has never been to hell, and he has only recently learned the word hell.

But one thing he knew very well was that when a human said he wanted to go to hell, that person was basically not normal.

Whether it is hell or heaven, for normal human beings, it is an absolute forbidden area.

People who say things like this are not much different from people who say I want to be God, they are all lunatics.

"Hinda, hack into Houston's public surveillance system, I want to know where Ghost Rider will show up tonight."

After finishing speaking, Rogge picked up the sunglasses on the table, then grabbed Xiao Hei, and the brilliant light of quantum teleportation lit up instantly.

I don't want to go to hell!

Before Xiao Hei could speak, the light of quantum teleportation lit up on the roof of a certain building in Houston.

In an instant, Roger and Xiao Hei came to Houston from the Konoha headquarters in Washington.

"Well, the symbiote has a fire weakness, so do you mind sending me back?"

Xiao Hei stood behind Rogge and asked cautiously.

"A stronger lord level can overcome the weakness of flames, and there is no way you can't do things that even venom can do.

"It's just some hellfire, it won't hurt you."

For Xiao Hei's proposal, Rogge refused without thinking.

Other symbiotes might be afraid of flames, but Blackie definitely isn't.

If he had such a glaring weakness, he would be dead while aboard the Golden Jack.

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