Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 255 Alien Planet and Kerry Fleet

"You are the director of the Konoha Intelligence Bureau, and you are also the famous fourth-generation Hokage. You may not be able to see the reward that you can get in the next life."

Although the words said so, the expression on Jiaying's expression obviously had another meaning.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about it, what kind of compensation can you give?"

If Jiaying can't give any valuable reward, Rogge will not care whether she is Skye's mother or not.

It is impossible for him to work for free.

With this kind of time and energy, he might as well go back and spend more time with Gwen.

Speaking of which, it seems that Spider Serum strengthens Gwen more and more.

Things that were impossible before are now easy to do.

Next time I'm back in New York, maybe try...

Rogge, who had a serious face on the surface, involuntarily came up with some unhealthy images in his mind.

"Okay, then I'll make it clear!

"I can give you a planet in the next life, a planet suitable for human habitation. I don't know if this reward will allow you to make a move?"

Jiaying's tone was very flat, but what she said was not flat at all.

a planet?

A habitable planet?

When in the next life will you be so rich, you will be rewarded with planets.

Rogge did not answer Jiaying directly, but began to recall quickly.

Aliens, planets, human habitation...

In his memory, there is only one planet that matches these keywords at the same time.

The planet Tatooine, where the first inhuman hive in history was exiled.

The afterlife got that black boulder that could be teleported to Tatooine?

One question after another quickly flashed through Rogge's mind.

"In order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, I want to confirm that the planet you are talking about is the planet where the first alien hive was exiled in the legend?"

For other Inhumans, the existence of the hive may be a historical mystery.

But for Jiaying, who controls the afterlife, this may just be the ancient history recorded in Inren's history books.

"I'm getting more and more curious, where on earth did you know so much about the Inhumans.

"That's right, the planet where the hive was exiled.

"The aliens can't compete with the hive, but you can, you have enough strength to solve the hive, so as to get a planet of your own!"

Speaking of this, Jiaying's tone also became excited.

If it weren't for the existence of a hive on Tatooine, she would not consider taking Tatooine out as a reward.

It was a whole planet, and it was a planet suitable for human habitation.

How valuable a planet is, even if you think about it with your toes, you can know.

"Your reward is really a big deal!

"I'm very satisfied with the pay, tell me, what do you want Konoha or what do I do?"

Rogge originally thought that Jiaying would not dare to take revenge even for the disabled Hydra.

But the fact is that Jiaying not only avenged Hydra, but also took away the black boulder that was crucial to Hydra.

For the Inhumans, the first Inhuman hive in history on Tatooine.

For Hydra, the one on Tatooine is their ultimate belief Hydra.

"We hope to get a Kree fleet, or some of the ships in the fleet.

"In addition, we hope that the Konoha Intelligence Bureau can help the inhumans in the afterlife integrate into society. In other words, we need Konoha to endorse the identity of the inhumans in the next life."

Rogge understood every word Jiaying said, but the more he listened, the more puzzled he became.

"The Kree fleet? Did you misunderstand me? I'm not the commander of the Kree people. I don't have the Kree fleet you want."

If possible, Rogge himself also wants the Kree fleet.

But the problem is that there are no Kree fleets on earth at all, and there are not many Kree corpses.

The black boulder that can transport people to Tatooine is indeed attractive, but that doesn't mean he has to get it.

If conditions permit, he doesn't mind getting the black boulder into his hands.

In fact, when the Konoha Intelligence Bureau was fighting the Hydra all over the world, he also let Konoha pay attention to the news of the black boulder.

But unfortunately, nothing has been gained.

"The Cree fleet will appear on its own, you just have to take them before they retreat!"

Jiaying had obviously considered this question long ago and answered confidently.

"Tell me what's going on?"

The development of things became more and more bizarre, and Rogge suddenly felt that he was not keeping up with the times.

Forget the black boulder. After all, this is something on the earth. As long as you look for it carefully, you will be able to find it sooner or later.

But the Kree fleet is obviously on another level, a completely off-earth affair.

"Maxims, he has a Kerry fleet behind him, or in other words, he was supported by this Kerry fleet before he came to Earth from the city of Attilan on the moon."

Jiaying first explained Maximus' problem, and then continued: "Maximus tried to use the name of Attilan to lure the afterlife into causing a global-scale alien disaster on Earth."

"When the aliens in the afterlife take the initiative to start a war, the Kerry fleet will disguise as the fleet of Attilan City to help the afterlife.

"The end result, of course, is that the Inhumans in the afterlife become war slaves of the Kree again, and the Kree conquer the earth.

"After conquering Earth, the Cree will also help Maximus become the new master of Attilan."

Jiaying said unhurriedly, as if she had witnessed the collaboration between the Cree and Maximus.

"Is the intelligence source reliable? I don't want to deal with the attack from Attilan when facing the Kree.

"The aliens in Attilan City are a bit strong!"

To be precise, Black Bolt is a very strong alien.

"This is information directly searched from Maximus' memory, and he himself does not know about it."

Jiaying briefly explained the source of the intelligence.

"Attilan City has no interest in Earth, so they migrated to the Blue Zone of the Moon. As long as we don't take the initiative to provoke them, they won't take action against us."

Obviously, this is also the information searched from Maximus' memory.

"If that's the case, there shouldn't be too much of a problem. Konoha will join forces with the afterlife, and if nothing else happens, it will be enough to solve the Kerry fleet.

"This cooperation, Konoha agreed!"

After hearing Rogge's answer, Jiaying finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Rogge's voice rang again immediately.

"It's okay to cooperate, but I have a sense of ceremony, so let's sign the commission scroll!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge took out a commission scroll that had never been used.

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