Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 227 You are not worthy of being innocent

The brilliant photon energy pouring out of Captain Marvel's right fist collided fiercely with the chidori sharp spear shot by Rogge's left hand.

The two energies with completely different attributes collided to produce a blazing light, and the sound like an electric current continued to sound.

In terms of energy properties, the thunder attribute energy of the Thousand Bird Sharp Spear is far inferior to the photon energy emitted by Captain Marvel.

But the chidori sharp spear is a ninjutsu move carefully developed by Rogge. In terms of control, it far exceeds the photon energy emitted by Captain Marvel Carroll.

With his delicate control, Rogge just blocked Captain Marvel's attack with a chidori sharp spear that only had the thunder attribute.

Captain Marvel Carroll is also apparently the first time he has encountered an enemy like Roger.


After a stalemate for a few seconds, the chidori sharp spear and the photon energy exploded at the same time, and the tyrannical energy hit the surroundings like a hurricane.

The desks and chairs in the office were instantly blown away, and the floor and ceiling were instantly smashed.

Nick Fury and Ross, the two unlucky guys, were directly thrown off the wall.

Before the energy storm generated by the explosion dissipated, Rogge pulled out the Kusanagi sword from his waist with his left hand.

Ray instantly!

Chidori Blade!

Rogge came to the surprise captain Carroll in an instant like lightning, and the Kusanagi sword in his left hand slashed directly at Carroll's neck.

Although Carroll came from the U.S. Air Force, he also trained as a Kree warrior.

However, Carroll's fighting skills have never been considered advanced.

This may also have something to do with her being able to release energy at will.

After all, it is obviously easier to use the energy in the body to attack and defend compared to boxing.


The Kusanagi sword wrapped in lightning struck Captain Marvel's neck without any suspense.

Then, there was a dull sound as if he had taken a fancy to Zhenjin.

The brilliant light emanating from Captain Marvel not only makes her look like the most honorable VVIP player in the game, but also gives her an amazing defensive energy field.

If you want to cause damage to Captain Marvel, you must first break through the defense of this energy field.

The Chidori Blade did not cause any damage to Carroll, but instead triggered Carroll's second wave of attacks.

Carroll's body suddenly glowed, and the energy in his body exploded like a bomb, attacking in a 360-degree range without dead ends.

Rogge, who was already covered with a chakra coat, did not hesitate to perform ninjutsu again.

Lei Dun·Lei Yi Body Protection!

Just relying on the chakra coat may not be able to stop Carol's energy burst.

However, with the addition of the thunder suit, Rogge has an 80% confidence that he can take this wave of attacks without injury.

I don't know if Carol was afraid of hurting other people in the building, but Rogge always felt that her burst of energy was not strong enough.

The Leiyi bodyguard and the Chakra coat blocked all the incoming energy shocks, and Rogge didn't even shake his figure much.

The dignified Captain Amazement exploded with an energy shock of this magnitude!

Although Carroll deliberately controlled the intensity of the energy shock, the energy storm completely destroyed this troubled office.

Carol may have restrained the power of the attack for fear of hurting innocents.

But Rogge has absolutely no worries in this regard.

To him, everyone in the Three Curved Wing Building is basically equivalent to his enemies.

So just after Carroll's counterattack ended, he raised the Scourge pistol in his hand and aimed the muzzle at Carroll's head.

For an enemy of Captain Marvel's level, normal shooting and lethal shooting are meaningless.

Spiral Electromagnetic Cannon!

Rogge pulled the trigger decisively, and the fist-sized spiral electromagnetic gun came to Carroll in an instant.

Although Carroll had never seen the power of the spiral railgun, her body instinctively gave a hint of danger.

This energy ball cannot be allowed to explode here, absolutely not!

Carol is also a seasoned superhero, although she spends most of her time in outer space.

But in the face of the possibility of hurting a large number of civilians, what she considers civilians, she made a superhero choice, not a soldier's choice.

I saw that she suddenly stretched out her hands and grabbed the spiral electromagnetic gun that was about to hit her head.

For the first time since the invention of the spiral cannon, Roger saw someone grabbing his spiral cannon with his bare hands.

What surprised him even more was that Carroll used the energy in his body to forcibly prevent the explosion of the spiral electromagnetic gun.


Although the positions are different, I have to say that Captain Marvel's move is very clever.

After catching the spiral electromagnetic gun that was still spinning wildly, Captain Marvel did not hesitate, the whole person rose into the sky and flew directly into the sky.


A few seconds later, Rogge heard the familiar explosion of a spiral electromagnetic gun.

The spiral electromagnetic gun that Captain Marvel took to the sky exploded in the air, creating a huge blue light ball like the sun. The blazing light and the terrifying energy storm were like a nuclear bomb being detonated in the air.

Although the power of the spiral electromagnetic gun that is enough to destroy the helicarrier is amazing, it is still a bit unsightly in front of Captain Marvel, who is like opening it.

After all, this is a fierce man who can resist Kerry battleship ballistic missiles.

Of all the superheroes, Captain Marvel is the lucky one.

Originally just an ordinary person, after blowing up the light-speed engine made by Mai Weir, he luckily merged the cosmic cube energy in the light-speed engine with Mai Weir's Kree genes.

After waking up, she has become a Captain Marvel who can control and absorb energy, and has a more amazing physique than Thor.

This level of luck is almost like winning the cosmic jackpot.

After the spiral electromagnetic cannon exploded, Captain Marvel, who was radiating light, flew back to the Tri-Wing Building once again.

"You are going too far, don't you know that this will hurt innocent civilians!"

The tone of Captain Marvel's Carroll was full of anger, as if Roger was a perverted killer.

"Innocent? Hahahaha, you say the people in this building are innocent?

"What right do you have to say that they are innocent, do you know how many civilians die every year because of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Do you know how many lives S.H.I.E.L.D. destroyed for the so-called world peace?

"You don't know, you don't know anything!

"How can a superhero like you pay attention to the lives of ordinary people, in your eyes, what you think is justice is justice!

"Innocent? You don't deserve to say innocent!"

For these so-called American justice, Roger is increasingly disgusted.

What you uphold is not justice, but justice that is in your interests!

I always feel that I have an obligation to protect the common people, I always feel that I have a responsibility to maintain justice.

Why, just because one or two of you like to wear tights, because your hair is curly, and because your skin is fairer.

Justice, I fuck you justice!

For Rogge's answer, Captain Marvel Carroll seemed dissatisfied.

However, Rogge does not need her to be satisfied.

Spiral Electromagnetic Cannon!

The natural disaster pistol sounded again, and two spiral electromagnetic guns flew out with lightning.

Carroll, the captain of surprise, never thought that Rogge not only had no intention of restraining, but became tougher.

For the first time since she became a superhero, she felt such intense anger.

you wanna die!

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