Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 200 Record-breaking commission reward

Sol's plan is as simple and crude as ever.

The only improvement was that he finally stopped despising any enemies.

However, Malekith, the king of dark elves, is indeed not an opponent to be despised.

Not to mention the results of Malekith's attack on Asgard this time.

Long ago, Malekith faced Thor's grandfather, King Bauer, the previous king of Asgard.

Although the battle was lost and the ether particles were taken away, Malekith still lived to this day.

In general, Malekith, the king of the dark elves, is an opponent with both force and strategy.

"Rogge has arrived, so what we need to do next is to bring Loki out of the dungeon.

"Only he knows how to secretly leave Asgard without using the Rainbow Bridge!"

As soon as Sol finished speaking, Vastak, who was sitting next to him, shook his head helplessly.

"I know you don't like Loki, but we're all on him now!"

Thor knew exactly what everyone else thought of Loki.

If it wasn't for the insistence of him and Queen Frigga, Loki might have been executed by Odin on the day he was brought back to Asgard.

"Well, interrupt you first!

"I personally suffered some serious mental damage in order to come here from Earth, so I hope Sol can make amends for me afterwards!

"In addition, although everyone is already familiar with it, but familiarity is familiar, there should be some procedures. Let's write this commission scroll first."

Rogge directly channeled an unconsumed commission scroll and placed it in front of Sol.

"The reward I want is very simple. After this time is over, I hope you can take me to Nidaville and ask them to help me build a suit of armor!"

He now only has a set of the same armor of Madara Uchiha, but after he changed to a new hero title, this armor can no longer match his image.

"no problem!"

For Rogge's habit of commissioning, Saul is not surprised.

Even if he doesn't say it, after the matter is over, Sol will give him a satisfactory reward.

"Delegation Content: Defeat Malekith; Commission Status: Unfinished; Commission Reward: 250 Ninja Coins!"

As expected by Rogge, Sol's request passed the system's judgment smoothly.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the commission reward given by the system this time was as high as 250 Ninja Coins.

How is this going?

Malekith is just a boss in Thor's personal copy, how could there be such a high reward.

In the last New York battle, the system only gave a reward of 200 Ninja Coins.

Is Malekith that strong?

Rogge began to think seriously, and his intuition told him that this time things might not be as simple as he thought.

After returning the commission scroll to Rogge, Sol began to arrange tasks for Sif and others.

Not many people left Asgard, and with Loki there were at most four.

Sif and the others will not leave Asgard, their mission is to contain Asgard's guard troops.

It is ironic that the dignified prince of Asgard, the next King of Asgard, is planning to break through the defenses of Asgard warriors at this time.

After instructing Sif and the others, they left this dark and secret small room and began to carry out their respective tasks.

According to Sol's request, Rogge transformed into a royal guard and followed behind him like a guard.

They are now going to the dungeon to rescue Loki, and without Loki, their plan to leave Asgard would have basically failed.

"Saul, it's been so long, you've only come to see me now?"

When the two of them first came to Loki's private cell, Loki in the cell was the first to speak.

After speaking, Loki suddenly turned his head and glanced at the royal guard behind Thor.

For some reason, Loki always felt that something was wrong with this royal guard.

However, most of his attention is now on Sol, so he has not continued to delve into it.

A somewhat strange royal guard, nothing to be taken seriously.

Looking at Loki in the cell, Sol didn't say a word, looking at this younger brother who had lived with him for thousands of years with complicated eyes.

"Are you here to gloat?"

Loki spoke again, and his tone began to bring sarcasm.

"Loki, that's enough, stop using illusions."

Sol ignored Loki's sarcasm and said calmly.

As soon as Thor finished speaking, Loki in front of them disappeared, and the tidy cell also changed.

The disheveled Loki sat among the broken furniture, leaning against the innermost wall, with a lonely look on his face.

"Now you see, my brother!"

Sol came to the other side of the cell and began to move his wrists.

"Is it painful for her to go?"

"I'm not here to mourn your mother with you, I'm here to give you a chance to get something better."

Loki looked at Thor suspiciously, and for a moment did not understand what Thor was going to do.

"Just say it!"

"I know you want revenge as much as I do. If you help me escape from Asgard, I'll give you a chance to get revenge, and then put you back here!"

After listening to Thor's words, Loki suddenly laughed.

"You must be desperate, so you asked me for help. Why do you think you can trust me?"

After a few seconds of silence, Sol replied: "I don't trust you, mother trusts you!

"You know, when we played against each other in the past, I still had a glimmer of hope that my brother wasn't completely gone.

"This glimmer of hope has been disillusioned, and I can no longer protect you. If you dare to betray me, I will kill you!"

Listening to Thor's conversation with Loki, Rogge wanted to say something to Thor: "No, you won't kill Loki, you are a brother-in-law, a down-and-out brother-in-law!"

"When are we leaving?"

Looking at Thor with a serious look, Loki gave his answer.

It may be difficult for other Asgardians to release heavy prisoners from their cells.

But for Sol, it was just a matter of words.

However, when Thor didn't expect it, Loki's first sentence after coming out was: "What are you going to do with this royal guard? He will definitely inform Odin, and then I can't go anywhere with you!"

"Can I turn him into a sheep? Or, let him sleep for a month?"

If it wasn't for Thor's presence, Loki's first choice would definitely not be a sheep or a deep sleep, but a more direct eternal sleep.

"Whatever you want, if you can do it!" Thor didn't stop Loki's plan.

"Just a little royal guard, no one will care!"

Loki showed the evil smile that he was born with, and went straight to the royal guard, and then he heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"If you dare to do this, I promise that you can only use your left hand to cast spells in the future!"

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