Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 146 You shouldn't kill people in the restaurant

I am stronger than you!

This guy with thorns all over his body doesn't know if he eats too much and loses his mind.

It's all said.

To Rogge's ears, this kind of remark was like Yamato saying to Hasuma, "My Mudun is stronger than yours."

No, this guy is far inferior to Yamato.

After all, Yamato is still an elite ninja from Anbu, and the wood he plays is also a serious wooden escape, not some fancy tricks.

"Tell me, what's the matter with your wood?"

At first, he thought S.H.I.E.L.D. got his cells or other biological samples from somewhere, and made a replica of him.

But when Coulson talks about the helicarrier invaders and the dead Leviathan, he can already be sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a replica of him.

The wooden thorns that killed the invaders and the Leviathan were indeed grown from his body when he used the cutting technique.

But there is absolutely no possibility of his cells or biological samples on those wooden thorns. After the ninja is lifted, these wooden thorns will not even have chakra on them.

"Tell you..."

Just as the man was about to say some uncivilized language, a severe pain came from his hands, the pain of being directly pierced by a wooden thorn into his arms.

"What do I ask you to answer! If you can't do it, I will let them experience the feeling!"

Under Rogge's control, wooden thorns more than ten centimeters long grew on the palms of the two wooden arms, directly piercing the man's hands.

For those who are not civilized, the best way is to let them experience the consequences of not being civilized immediately.

Cultural education or something is not Rogge's preferred method.

What he likes is to educate others through physical means.

It only takes a few times to make it unforgettable.

"It's an experiment by S.H.I.E.L.D., they made me like this!"

After being educated once, the man decisively chose to cooperate.

"Be specific!"

However, Roger was not very satisfied with his answer.

So, he let the palm of the wooden arm grow again more than ten centimeters of wooden thorns.

"I have superpowers since I was a child, I can control the growth of plants, and then I used vines to kill several people, and I was caught by S.H.I.E.L.D.

I was held in a special prison by them until a few months ago when they took me out of prison and injected me with a special medicine called 'seed'.

At the beginning, I could only grow some grass and vines on my body.

They injected me with different "seed" potions several times, and I was able to grow wood from it.

However, this ability is sometimes unstable, so sometimes the thorns will pop out of my body on their own. "

The man explained quickly, and after he finished speaking, he looked at the small wooden thorns that came out of his hands.

"Your superpower is to control plant growth, but the energy needed for plant growth is not born out of thin air. How did you do it?"

Even when he casts the wooden escape himself, he needs to consume a lot of chakra to achieve the effect of controlling the wood or making the wood grow.

The man in front of him did not have any special energy in his body.

"Just eat, after being given the so-called 'seed' potion by them, my appetite has become better and better, and my physical strength has also improved a lot.

Every time I let wood grow out of my body, it consumes a portion of my stamina. As long as I have strength, I can keep my body growing wood.

They taught me to grow wood from the palm of the hand, insert the wood into other people's bodies, and finally let these thorns grow out of other people's bodies.

But I watched your video later and realized that they also learned from you.

Let me tell you, those people in S.H.I.E.L.D. are really not good people! I think you should be like me and kill them all with blood!

In this way, they will be afraid of you and will not hit your mind. "

I don't know if this guy is a talker himself, or if he feels that the current Rogge will not continue to hurt him, he began to chatter, and even began to give Rogge advice.

I have cooperated like this, you can't justify killing me.

And we're barely akin, aren't we?

"Yeah, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a good person. But you are not a good person either."

After finishing speaking, Rogge did not continue the nonsense of this man, and the three wooden arms grew a wooden thorn at the same time.

When these thorns entered the man's body, they grew out of the man's body, causing a painful death effect similar to the cutting technique.

The man never thought that Rogge would actually do it, and he would still use this method that he was very familiar with.

It turned out that the wood thorns growing inside the body really hurt!

"You want to take revenge on S.H.I.E.L.D., that's fine, but you shouldn't shoot people in the restaurant!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge and the man disappeared directly into the seat.

After he cast Flying Thor and left, the sound of sirens became clearer and louder from outside the restaurant.

Half an hour after returning to that office building with the body, Roger finally met Nick Fury.

Along with him were Rogers, Captain America, who was wearing a shield, and Patton, the Hawkeye, who was wearing a bow and arrow.

"Roger, this time..."

As soon as Nick Fury spoke, he was interrupted by Roger.

"You only have one chance, think about it and talk about it!"

Captain America Rogers and Hawkeye Patton didn't know what happened. They just received an urgent notice from Nick Fury, and then arrived here together in a Quinjet.

After hearing Roger's icy tone at this time, they finally knew why Nick Fury had to come over together.

"We are indeed planning to replicate your ability to manipulate wood through experiments, I will not deny this!

The experimental order to conduct research is mine, and I know this violates our original protocol.

So if you want to get your hands dirty, I can understand.

However, I don't think my command is wrong. We won the Battle of New York, but it was a victory for the Avengers, not for S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. needs power, and only with power can S.H.I.E.L.D. better protect the world! "

Nick Fury said with a straight face, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

As expected, SHIELD, which takes the protection of the world as its mission, will always be so just and awe-inspiring!

You never feel that there is something wrong with your approach, you always feel that the world needs your protection to be safe.

You are a fart, you really think that you are the righteous messengers of maintaining peace! "

Rogge stood up directly and came straight to Nick Fury.

PS: Thank you for the reward of Ning Ye’s book coins, thank you for your support~~

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